Gail and Ashton


Moses Lake, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Moses Lake
About Me:
I've been working in vet med since 1997. First as a veterinary technician which was a career I absolutely loved. Unfortunately for me I was diagnosed with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis which lead to me becoming legally disabled. Unable to continue the physical work as a technician I became the Practice Manager of the vet clinic.

I am married to a wonderful man named John and our "kids" include a three-legged Black/Tan Tabby named Jet, a PWC named Alphonse and the newest addition a PWC named Pinoko.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Born November 17, 2008, Ashton is my red and white male Pembroke.

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 5, 2019.

Ashton loves ice cubes, playing fetch, agility, herding, obedience, coursing and swimming. He loves meeting new people and dogs, everyone is a friend.

Currently Ashton has received his RN (Rally Novice), RA (Rally Advanced), RE (Rally Excellent), NA (Novice Agility), OA (Open Agility), NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers), BN (Beginning Novice Obedience), CD (Novice Obedience), CA (Coursing Ability), PT (Pre-Trial Herding), CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and PHC (Pembroke Herding Instinct Certified) Titles and Certificates. Ashton is involved in lessons in Rally, Agility, Herding, Coursing and Obedience and is the example dog in our kennel club's companion obedience class. He is still Mr. Popularity at the vet clinic and finds no shortage of love from my co-workers and clients.

He loves a good road trip and has traveled throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California and ventured north of the border to British Columbia. He lives such a jet set lifestyle.

Ashton is a big brother again! His new little sister came from the same breeder and was born October 20, 2012, Her name is Pinoko. She is so cute! She is a Red-headed Tri and she'll join her big brothers in performance events when she gets a bit bigger. Our little family is growing by leaps and bounds!
I have:

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  • Ace and Jen

    Ill remember that next year =) i really do appreciate you guys letting me get that fix.. it was the first time I was away from Ace longer then 8 hours and it was killing me XD
    Ya we are thinking of Dressing Ace up like a Dalmation for Kumoricon since i know the Hilton allows dogs the Dalmation is to go with the Kingdom Hearts thing lol or just getting a t-shirt for him that says 'Oops... Wrong Anime' Lol

    But again Thanks for letting me get that Fix =) hope to see you next year =D
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey there Gail and Ashton! My family along with Chesney and our new little boy, Chase will be moving to the area next month! We'll only be living about 40 mins from you!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hellooooooooo! I just read your post about Ewetopia. I wish I could go but I have company from out of town and kids graduating. It sure looks like fun tho. My dogs would LOVE it!!!
  • Teresa Gilpin

    I love the calendar corgi. You can't say no to a corgi, thats why my pups are spoiled rotten. But I wouldn't have it any other way!
  • Teresa Gilpin

    I really love your pictures and reading about Ashton. He really sounds great, and you two do a lot together! He sounds like a very busy boy!! I sure admire your working with Ashton, and helping him to become a very important and special friend in your life!
  • Olivia Love

    Thank you! I can't wait to upload lots of pictures! I am very excited to have a page on this site and to meet other corgi owners!
  • Ace and Jen

    Awe Thanks for the Birthday greeting Ashton <3 and thanks so much ace and I are having a BALL out here LOL
  • Bax & Zigs & Rosie

    Thanks for the birthday wishes! I love Asthon's birthday profile picture. That is such a great shot!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much for the bday wishes :) Natalie
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    @ Gail & Ashton - Thank you so much! I'm not big on b-days. I actually lie about my corgis ages because I don't want them to get old. But, I'm happy for every day with my family of kids, corgis, cat and the best husband on earth.
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    PS I love Ashton's b-day photo. Never saw a happier b-day boy!
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Thank you so much for my b-day wishes. xox wendy
  • Kelly

    Hi Gail,
    Thanks for the warm welcome to MyCorgi, it seems there are quite a few Corgi lovers on this site. In answer to your question about the upcoming competition in Richland, no...but I'm going to help with the event because I've never even seen a competition before!
    Talk to you later,
  • Oliver and Libby

    Thanks for the welcome message Gail and Ashton!
  • Carol Rea

    HAHAHA! Corgi sized zucchini!!! When we lived in Corvallis our neighbor used to sneak baby-sized zucchini into the basket on the fence in which we put shared produce!
  • Carol Rea

    Thank you for the friend request, I didn't notice it when I wrote the first comment! I love your party hat Ashton!
  • Krissy C.

    thanks! It's just beginning (I think mycorgi must be on EST? I'm on PST time though so I was a bit confused when it showed my bday as "today".)
  • Patty & Frodo and Crystal CWCs

    Thanks, and I'll have to watch your videos tomorrow when I have time! :) We didn't video Crystal's CGC test.. I didn't even think of it!!!
  • Lance, Tucker & Kristin

    Thanks for being my new friend! How have you been?
  • Julee Wheeler

    Thank you! My husband did wish for a Dobbie but once we got Odin he was hooked!!! I'm really looking forward to having other to gush to about my Corgi!!!
  • MollyJo

    Aw, thank you! I think washington is beautiful, but I just signed a lease to a new apartment here... which has created problems because my boyfriend is transferring schools to San Diego, and I'd love to just move and start new with him but I am in this lease now for a year. I trust everything will come together, I am applying at a few places today, and hopefully I'll find something soon. The clinic I worked for has over $80,000 in collections in progress because it was in a low income area and *no one* paid when they said they would, even long time clients, so they weren't making ends meet and had to let me go... I was the newest employee, so of course I was the first to be cut.. haha..
  • MollyJo

    Red Ribbon
  • MollyJo

    Ashton and I have the same birthday <3 haha
    I just read your 'about me' section. I, too, have health issues. I have had two transplants and have endometriosis. So far my health has been good enough not to slow me down with my goals in veterinary stuff, but I do worry that it makes people think I am weak when they know a lot about it. The clinic I worked for was a very "family" like mentality and they were so understanding about my health, I fear I won't find the same kind of understanding in other practices...
    Okay. I will stop flooding your wall now ;)
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Congratulations on your Rally success! LaVerne got attacked by a big dog while we were camping and injured her shoulder back in July. It took unil late August to get a firm diagnosis and she had to go to WSU for surgery in September. She was in a sling until a couple weeks ago and she is having a hard time recovering. To make matters worse she has gained weight but she in on strict orders for limited activity. ANYway, she and I have made NO progress the Rally-O. We are still in the same spot you left us in back in March! I heard that Ashton in doing agility too! Way to go! Im starting Shirley in a new agility class tomorrow. Have to leave a sad LaVerne at home! :o( Again congrats on your success with Ashton. He is a great dog!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    You are simply one of the sweetest people with the biggest heart I have come across in years. Thank you so much for the get well wishes and the great advice. My Vet has LaVerne in for physical therapy once a week and massage therapy twice a week. She also has me do some exercises and massage at home daily. Her recovery has been much slower than anticipated as her surgeon had hoped she would be back to regular activity by mid November. I am trying to stay positive but I do get scared that she will never be the same.
    Shirley did really well in her Agility class yesterday. Boy that is a LOT of work. It makes me think of "So you think you can dance" show on tv. Shirley does well but I have a heck of a time getting the steps I have heard through our Kennel Club about how well Ashton is doing. I cant wait to see! It sure is fun to watch agility and Ive dicovered its much harder than it Thank you again for everything to include your hospitality when we were at the show in Moses Lake last March. We are looking forward to seeing you again.
    Sincerely, Tracey, LaVerne and Shirley
  • Yuki Norton

    thank you. I am very excited to see what is to come about with my Leo. Right now we're at the beginning training.
  • David

    Thank you!
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Thanks Gail- Ashton is a cutie! I love the profile pic!
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Happy birthday, Ashton! You look like a real party animal!
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Hey, best of luck when Ashton's first agility happens. You've got plenty of time for practice so he should do great. Gromit loves to run on his backyard agility course, it's been a great training tool even though we have no plans to compete. Agility stuff is so easy to build as long as a person doesn't have to worry about the stuff being "regulation", that I think all Corgis should have at least a pause table, a jump, and hula hoop. Ok, maybe not a hula hoop but the other stuff for sure.
  • Carol Rea

    Thank you for the birthday greetings! I didn't ask for it, but I got a thrid day for snow for my birthday!! The corgi boys are a lovin it! Carol, Lucky and Sonny
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Hi! Thanks for the note! The girls and I are doing OK. LaVerne is still struggling with her injury. I had decided to say heck with it and enter her in the last Rally class but we had an unexpected death in the family that knocked us all back a ways. I just got the notification in the mail about the Moses Lake show, and Im not sure what to do. We havent done ANYthing since the last show in Moses lake LAST year. No classes, nothing! Im tempted to give it a shot anyway but when I tried to practice with her the other day she was  so excited that she would sit when I said down and down when I said sit and bounce around with joy. Overly I did have Shirley in an agility class this fall but she isnt ready for a trial.  How exciting for Ashton and congratulations for all your sucess! Maybe I will see you in April! I really need to do something. I think perhaps she will never be just right again and will always have a limp. Maybe I need to sop babying her. Who is what it is. Thanks again for the note and way to go Ashton! I will be looking forward to seeing his video!
  • Steve

    Hi Gail & Ashton.  I can't help but keep going back to Ashton's "cheeky" picture to get a good laugh.  Oh, and he got picture of the day...yay!

    The road trip sounds fun!  You have to stop by the Redondo Beach Dog Park on Saturday or Sunday morning (early morning) or even the Huntington Dog Beach.  It's fun watching dogs play but even more fun when it's a bunch of corgis.  There's one corgi who looks just like Steve that I was following him not knowing it wasn't my boy.  I'll send you some other fun dog friendly places later. 

  • Solomon & Naomi's Page

    Thanks for asking Solomon and I to be friends!!!  We would love to!
  • Solomon & Naomi's Page

    Red Ribbon
  • Brittany and ruger

    i moved from wa to mi last july in wa i lived 69miles north of spokane is a town called colville than 42miles north of colville is nothport by the canda boarder i miss it we have a house there with 40acres and on the columbia river wioth lots of mountains and trees went through moses lake all the time to go to seattle its pretty flat there but pretty too i miss wa but well be back there befor i know it ashton is super cute and our preyers are with the people in japan

  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I can't look at Ashton's profile picture, with his party hat and grin on, without grinning myself. What a cutie pie.
  • Lucy &amp; Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I know this is a corgi site and all, but I couldn't resist sharing that poodle video. I've seen it several times now and it still cracks me up.
  • alicia michalski

    I havent done herding yet.. but I realy realy realy want to.. Bailey is getting bred right now, but should be home late next week..

    Let me know next time your coming over here and I will gladly meet you there.. and Bailey can have a lesson.. I think shed love it.. she is so full of energy...


    Thanks for the welcome.

  • alicia michalski

    Hi.. Im taking Bailey to Ewetopia tomorrow for her first time at herding.. It should be fun.. Are you going to be there? When do you do your lessons?



  • Melissa and Franklin!

    haha yeah its so true. Its so frustrating too to see how many people just automatically blame the vet for things. I hate reading online forums (not this one mind you!) where ignorant owners (again not MyCorgi owners) immediately want to put blame on the vet for their own mistakes. Just a major pet peeve of mine. Also, many people don't realize that the doctor is the face you see and the person you talk to, while the tech is the one doing ALL the work :-)! We really need more recognition for the work we do!
  • John Wolff

    Ashton sure looks like a fun dog.  Where'd you get him?
  • Kasey, Max, & Zoey

    Hey Gail! There are many parks in wenatchee that the dogs are allowed at. Its maxs favorite place. Would love to schedule a corgi play date someday. Max is 3 and very athletic. I see you and ashton do competitions. I would love to learn about how to get into it and train.
  • Cristi

    Hi Gail--I watched Ashton's agility video and he looks wonderful! What a great accomplishment for his first trial.  Do you do herding too with Ashton? Beezie just got her PT title last weekend. She loves herding more than agility  :-) I will look forward to seeing more of Ashton in agility!
  • Daniel

    unfortunately Duncan won't be coming with papers because the parents aren't akc registered. I think thats how that works ;) I pick him up saturday and will definitely be posting lots more pictures, thank you!
  • Daniel

    awesome, I'd love to get involved with some of those activities if you don't need to be registered, sounds like it could be a lot of fun, I'll check it out thanks
  • Daniel

    by the way Ashton is an absolute cutie, if I ever get another one I'll be in touch to find his breeder =)
  • Ace and Jen

    Sorry for a Late reply but Thank you for the Happy Birthday
  • Kasey, Max, & Zoey

    Hi Gail! So I was looking into getting Zoey(our littlest corgi) into some training for better obedience. She is fast and has a ton of energy so I decided to meet with someone from the Wenatchee Kennel Club to see what activities we could get her into. Turns out Jeff (the guy we met) knows you and your husband from competitions and a few moses lake agility practices. He sent me a bunch of awesome videos of ashton. I must say im very impressed and after yesterdays session, both max and zoey show a lot of potential. We are definitely looking forward to training them up and maybe we will see you in some competitions down the road! Hope all is well!

  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the happy birthday.  Lessee, in dog years, I'd be........

