Chelsea and Wyatt

Sacramento, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a student and a rabid (no pun intended) corgi lover. I love cooking, reading (when I have time to read non-college related material), spending time with loved ones, and playing with my sweet baby Wyatt.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Wyatt came into our lives on my birthday, 9/18/2011. He is the sweetest, most cuddly and people-friendly dog I've ever met. He's definitely a Corgi though in that he's food driven and stubborn- but it's endearing. Next to my husband, Wyatt is the love of my life!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Chelsea, and congratulations!
  • Ruth Parkinson

    Hi Chelsea,  Welcome to'm new member also.  I am from Galt,CA and presently living in Houston, TX for my hubby's cancer treatments.  We just became HuMa and HuPa to a sweet fur-baby boy and named him 'Hogan, Dahy' which means 'Lil Lad, Quick and Agile'... he is just now 14 weeks and such a good boy!  Where are you attending college?  We are not far from Sacto...about 25-30 miles south.  Corgis are fun and funny at the same time....they make me happy with their endearing little smiles! Congratulations, you made the best choice in Corgis, as they are wonderfully loyal, sweet, with over-all good nature and it will be your faithful friend hopefully for many years to come!
  • Ruth Parkinson

    Hi Chelsea,  I really never cared for human names for my pets, but that's my thingy I guess, but I do like using names that have two syllables as apposed to one syllable. My reasoning for that is: most commands are only one ...Sit,stay,lay/down,OFF, come..etc. That made sense to me...don't know anyone else's thoughts on that, so who knows if there is a right or wrong?  My female Corgi at home in Cali...we named her Lacy...but not sure of the correct spelling of it.  We named her that, because she has a thin white collar around her neck with a white dot up a couple of inches toward her it looked like a 'Lace collar'..her AKC name will be 'Parkys Fine Irish Lace'!  So, I'm not sure how to spell it...Lacy, Lacie, Lacey collar.  There is a Lacy or Laci name for a girl too, but was not our intention.  Our Tri male that passed, was named 'Trooper' because our son was getting ready to deploy to Iraq at that time.  I also like Hunter, Gunner, but now want to go Irish or Gaelic/Celtic names...mainly because my hubby is Irish, English and Scottish and so am I.  That's why we name our new lil Tri "Hogan's Dahy" ...Hogan was my mother-in-law's Maiden name(Irish) and "Dahy" in Irish means 'Quick and Agile' which is a pretty good description for Corgis!!   We also have a kitty whose name is 'Precious'. LOL   Just some Ideas you might want to think about. 

  • Mickey

    Welcome to Sacramento group and MyCorgi!! Congratulations on your new bundle of love - November is around the corner! MyCorgi folks are the best - there's lots of good info here and members are all eager to help. Hope to see you at a Sacramento corgi meet up! June & Sophie
  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    Have a wonderful day. . . . .
  • Susan S.

    Yes, I did get Soren from Debora!  I can't believe he's 2 years old already.  

    Wyatt is so adorable!