Sandy Stickney


Sanford, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Sanford, FL
About Me:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kirby is my sweet and silly Cardigan blue merle born 1/14/10. He is smart and stubborn, and always has a smile for you.

Kota is my sly and sneaky Cardigan black/white born 1/14/10. She is always looking for ways to get what she wants, and will use any means necessary, including climbing up on to kitchen counters. She is a bit of a jerk face-just ask Kirby.

Cally is my red Pembroke born 1/10/17. She is super smart and mostly evil. She uses her cuteness to advance her evil agenda and is currently plotting to take over the world.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    welcome :) they are both so cute :)


  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    thanks :) I think he will grow into those ears soon lol he is only 7 months old, I just love the cardigans they have such funny personalities, he makes me laugh every day
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Sandy, Kirby and Kota!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Sandy! Sidney is doing very well in his recovery from FHO surgery on his hip. He can run, jump and even FRAP. I also try to be careful on his back. I try to lift him out of my car, and we put a small ottomon on the side up the bed that he uses as a step to get on and off the bed. Our sofa is pretty low so I'm hoping it's not a problem.
  • Reeses & Rosalie (Owner: Jes)

    Wwelcome Sandy, Kota and Kirby!!
  • WhiteDove

  • WhiteDove

    Thank you Sandy. . .have a wonderful Sunday. . . .
  • Alison Prasavath

    Welcome to the site. Your babies are just adorable!
  • K.t. Hanna

    Thank you, Sandy :D My husband and I adore them.Yours look just adorable!
  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom

    Thanks, Sandy - just emailed the listing - we'll see.
  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom

    Hi Sandy,

    Which listing are you referring to ?  I emailed the one in NRH and never got a response.

  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom

    I just looked at the rescue discussion board and didn't see one by Lauren - can you post the link  you're referring to ?
  • Zigward & Kimberly


    I'm sorry too, but I know you're right.

    If it's meant to be, it will be. Kirby and Kota are beautiful!

    I really love Kirby's coat, it's amazing.. I never knew corgis came in that color until recently and it just amazes me everytime I see it.

    And of course, you must have heard this one a million times because it's out of the ordinary, but Kota's eyes are just remarkable:) I am jealous:)

  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks Sandy....this guy will  probably be the easiest rescue I ever did because he came from a loving home:) Your cardis are beautiful! I got to experience about 5 months with Calvin the Cardi before Joanna from NY adopted him and it was great!
  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Not show quality? Haha obviously they had screws in their head loose lmao.. But yeah at least you got Kirby outta it!

    I can't wait to get all this waiting fone and over with and just get my corgi hahaha:) I HOPE that it'll be somewhat soon..

    It's so weird, I have never found a breed of dog before that I HAD TO HAVE.. I just stumbled across these guys and was like, "Well, I want one of those." xD And the research and obsessing began.. They're just so freakin cute haha:)

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Oh.. Well that's odd lol.. Because he's darling.. I'm trying to be patient but it sucks! Haha, I want one noooow! I feel like such a loser because all I can think about is what it's going to be like when I get my little boy xD  Show standards are crazy to me.. Like there's this other breed, Alaskan Klee Kai, and they're cute.. But I like the ones that are all white-which to breeders is a flaw! I couldn't believe it!

    Anyhow, I am trying my best not to combust from waiting lol.. (And gee... It's only the first day!) But I know I'll get one eventually so that helps:) I just can't wait to go pick one out! The last like eight weeks or whatever, (when you've picked your pup, but they're not old enough to go yet,) is going to be murder for me lol! I am the worst about waiting:P

  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom

    Thanks, Sandy - I'll check him out !
  • Sandy StJohn-Yewbee's 4ever mom

    Thanks - I know I'll find the right one.

    The Lord wrapped up a handful of His love in fur with 4 legs, and sent her to me. She was literally an answer to a prayer, and I know that He'll send another one - I just have to have patience and wait on him to provide.

  • John Wolff

    Geno was one of the Ruling Class wannabes in Duluth.  My first job was at his Chun King ersatz Chinese food cannery in West Duluth... I thought it was like a time trip back into the 19th Century, except with a 40-hour week and coffee breaks.

    Seattle has more than doubled in size since I moved here in 1976, so I'm waiting for my return visa to Minnesota.  I'd go back to Duluth in a heartbeat, except for the no job, the short summers, and the snowmobiles.  Interesting, beautiful place.  It had more millionaires per capita than anyplace in the country during the Gilded Age -- iron ore and timber -- but it's all mined-out now, so just another castoff colony of the east coast.

    Aside from the great Lake, the northern boreal forest and the canoe country is the unique thing to that area.  If you ever get a chance to take a canoe trip in the Boundary Waters Wilderness, take it (July-Sept).  Be ready for cold, wet; keep dogs away from skunks, porcupines.  The 'forest' there is about the size of the *understory* in western WA, but the eastern deciduous forest has a diversity and charm that the Pacific NW can't match.  I miss the snow, the lakes, and the springtime (when the entire winter's store of dog poop melts out all at once -- your husband should remember that).

    Your Cardies are lovely.  When they fix those blue eyes upon you, I suppose you have to drop whatever you're doing and obey.  We have an adorable cardie in our neighborhood now.  If I ever have another dog, it's gonna have a tail.

  • John Wolff

    Yeah, Duluth has all these municipal parks that were Ruling Class wannabe estates until the robber barons' descendants squandered the fortunes.  All this Victorian architecture.  Not much industry except shipping, tourism, and a little forest products nowadays.  I'd say Sept. is the best time, no bugs, fall color.  The Boundary Waters Canoe Area/wilderness is a few hours' north of there, and requires several days' wilderness trvel/loafing -- and a lot of insect repellent -- to experience properly.

    If you're taking the dogs, they'd like Park Point -- my bro lives there, on the water -- almost like a Florida beach transplanted to Lake Superior.

  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    Your Cardi's are beautiful :)

  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    I think we all are partial to our babies, but they all are special in their own ways and ya Zeus still has big ears and I love them lol, my neighbor says hes a wombat lol, I think he's adorable, he is still changing alot due to he just turned 1 and I can't wait to see what he looks like full grown :) I tell ya he has the funniest personality, we call him a cartoon character lol - he brings us alot of joy, Merry Christmas to you and your family :)

  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    Sandy yes Zeus is very special and he gets alot of attenntion wherever we go :) Valentine is adorable too she has the tiniest little fox looking face, and looks are so deceiving lol we adopted her from being put to sleep when she was 7 she is now 10 her former owner brought her in to be put to sleep because she said she was agressive :( , we decided to give her a home and we do adore her alot she just doesn't like other dogs to bother her and she is bareley now letting Zeus by her lol, she just likes to be left alone, and he just wants to be her friend :( but he is learning to just give her her space and all is well.  We think her former owner was mean to her she ius scared of alot of things :( all we can do is love her for the time she has left and spoil her all we can, seems to be working in her favor ha ha. Well have a good day and wonderful holiday :)

  • Mal Schaal

    Thank you! Life can be a bit hectic, but Cookie is my calm in the storm. :) anytime I get too frustrated or worried she is always there for me. Plus she LISTENS and never gets into things she's not supposed to!! Lol. My 18 mos old baby touches everything!
    You're corgis are so pretty! Lucky you to have 2
  • Suzi, Zeus & Valentine

    too funny thankfully they have you to love them for who they are :) and are now in a loving home for the rest of their life, ya thankfully the vet where valentine was left to be put to sleep is a huge corgi lover and said no way can't do it so kept her at the vet for almost 5 months to try and find her a home she was older so maybe why took a while, but she is my first dog so I figured 7 was a good age to get used to having a doggie around and she is a piece of cake to care for :) so worked out for both of us :)

  • Mal Schaal

    Lol, my husband is out of town a lot and I've been seriously considering getting a puppy when he's gone and just acting like nothing's changed when he gets back. ;)
    I love to read about the corgi antics on this site, but the idea of adding that to our life right now is a bit daunting. Now if I could find a calm, mature, adult corgi to fit into our life, that might be too much temptation. :)
  • steve smith

    Sandy you really have a super good looking family