
Gardiner, ME

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We are first time corgi owners and dog owners. In addition to Marty, we have four cats. We chose a PWC for their intelligence, size, and personality.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Marty is fun loving, cat herding corgi! His birthday is Jan. 21, 2008. He came to share our home when he was eight weeks old. Marty has been more of a challenge then we anticipated owning a corgi would be. However, we have made it through the first year. With the help of obedience classes and an in-house trainer, he is developing into the wonderful companion we dreamed of!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Nancy. . . .
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Marty, Nancy and family!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Nancy and Marty
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Nancy and Marty!
    We have 2 cats that provide great entertainment for Sidney, much to their dismay! Actually I think the cats pay it back, and they would miss each other if separated.

    That is a gorgeous picture of Marty.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Nancy and Marty! Love the profile pic of Marty. Like the two brown markings above each eye, so cute!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Courtney

  • Dan and Jan

    Marty is beautiful! It is so funny when they herd! Molly herds me at meal time. At some point I need to work with Howard on the car lunging issue, but it's difficult with two of them. I usually find myself just holding on for dear life. Luckily, we live on a private road and there isn't much traffic.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Hi Nancy,

    So sorry to hear Marty was diagnosed with Addison's. Believe it or not getting diagnosed is half the battle. Just remember it's not a death sentence. He will be able to live a normal long life. It may take him awhile to get back to normal but he can do it.

    Scooter was my girl who had Addison. (Pippin is my new puppy) Scooter was dianosed in 2007. After I got her meds regulated she lived a nornmal live to the end. At 9 I lost her to Cancer. That was just this past October 10 :-(  

    There is a great website you must join. There is loads of information here and tons of help from caring folks. I really feel without the guidance I recieved over the years we never would of made it. We lived in a small town in Nevada and our vet was "Following the Book" for her treatment. But I read everything I could get my hands on and felt Scooter was being over-medicated. With the help of the moderator on this website I was able to cut her meds in half. It took time because it's not something that can be done overnight. The vet started Scooter  on 3 ML of Percorton-V every 30 days and 5 MG Prednisone each morning. after reading all I could about Addison I decided to go against what the vet said and that the advice of the Moderators,( Elizabeth was my favorite) With the advice of the moderators on this website I was able to get her down to .6 ML of Percorton every 28 days and .5 MG of Predinisone. She seemed to get tired faster and I just let her tell me what she felt like doing and what she didn't.

    Please let me know how Marty is doing and PLEASE PLEASE go to this website and sign up. Even if it is just to be more informed about Addison's.

    If I can help you in any other way just drop me a line. GOOD LUCK....