Lisa && Yoshi

Rosemead, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Lisa
& I have a PWC named Yoshi! =)
He's my first corgi and my first dog.
So far he's been a lot of trouble but soooo worth it!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Full name: Yoshi Grizzly Bear
Born: 10.19.2010
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Lynne Cerny

    Welcome Lisa & Yoshi!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lisa and Yoshi! Your corgi is so adorable!
  • WhiteDove

  • Ollie & Prie Misra

    yay! more gorgeous Corgi puppies! Yoshi is so cute!! please come to the Redondo meet up this weekend -- Sat or Sunday 8-9am... i know it's early but it's the best time for our furcoat-buddies :)
  • Ginny

    Yoshi is adorable!  Thanks for the friend invite too!

  • Renee and Lacey

    Welcome! Yoshi is adorable, and I know Lacey would love to meet him. We will plan another meet-up at the Barrington Park soon.
  • Ginny

    Yes, all Corgis should come with the disclaimer, "caution, Corgis are known to be addictive!" 

    They grow up fast!  Enjoy this time with Yoshi and take lots of pictures!  Fortunately, they are just as cute and adorable when they are grown up!

  • A & P

    So cute, please come to the Pasadena dog park.  Generally there are a bunch of corgis during the am...
  • A & P

    We typically go on Sunday between 8 to 10.  Yes, the dog park is on Orange Grove.  Plenty of parking in the mornings.  We will be there tomorrow. 
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Nice to meet you Lisa and Yoshi.

    Yoshi is adorable. I hear he is a trouble maker like quixote? We get new suprises everyday. Friday it was a torn up empty pizza box. Today we found she was trying to chew up her cone (that she had to wear after getting spayed). and an old sandal of mine was found torn to shreds in the living room. hehe (Luckily its one i dont wear anymore). Its funny all the things they can get into, somehow she figured out how to acrobat her way to get up on the computer table, and the kitchen dining table. So we have to arrange the chairs in a manner that she cannot get on top of them. lols  but she is sooo much fun and brings a smile to our face everyday.

  • Renee and Lacey

    Red Ribbon
  • A & P

    The small dog side. We are early birds!  Hope to see you!
  • LaVelda Box

    Love the picture of Yoshi falling asleep on the shoes.  So precious!  I do not own a Corgi just yet, but a friend of mine near Chicago is getting ready to breed her female tri-color this spring, and I have dibs on one of the males! My husband and I live down in Texas, but we are going back up to the Chicago area the end of August, the first of September to pick up our little one. Our friend only releases the babies when they are 12 weeks old. Until then, I live vicariously through all of you who own a precious baby!
  • A & P

    Yoshi is still young so it could be a lot of things.  Is Yoshi eating? How is Yoshi's poop?  Is it normal?  Hopefully Yoshi is doing well.  We are typically at the dog park on Sundays between 8 and 10.  : )  I will admit that most people with Corgis don't show up until 9:30!  Hopefully we meet you and Yoshi soon! 
  • A & P

    Oh poor Yoshi, try giving him some plain white rice with his food in the morning.  White rice will help firm up his poop. 
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • John Wolff

    Cool photo!  Be careful about those flying leaps though.  Our breeder was quite firm with me:  "no big physical challenges until 1 year old" (how old is Yoshi?).  You want to avoid injuries to the cartilage growth plates at the ends of the long bones, mainly the wrist I think; if one of them gets damaged,the bone stops growing and the wrist will curve as the other bone continues to grow.  It's good that you have carpets; we have smooth floors and I worry about the dogs slipping when they land/take off, so we have ugly nonskid throw-rugs at landing zones.  We have a step for the bed and try to discourage those flying leaps, and keep the fur trimmed away from their pads.

    Gosh he's cute. 

    Get him a volleyball or a Nike Jr. 7" childrens' basketball.

  • Maya

    Random question, but how much does Yoshi weigh so far? 

  • John Wolff

    Just teach him to use the step up to the bed. He can learn that. It is a useful habit; a lifetime of jumping off the bed might be bad for his back. Ours did not learn it early enough and they'll often ignore the step.
    Check out the "Emergency Recall" or "Really Reliable Recall" idea; I posted it on here somewhere.
    Be very methodical about training. Keep a logbook. Make a plan. List all the commands (vocabulary) you want him to learn. Make sure everybody in the household is on the same page with the program. That's what I'd do if I had it to do over again.
  • Mickey

    Ditto everything John says'll be a much happier first time dog owner, believe me. Sometimes I wish I had it to do over again. Sophie was my first dog - and looking back, I made a lot of mistakes. We survived but next time it'll be a lot easier. is a Godsend...keep reading and asking questions...we know-it-all corgi fanatics are always ready and willing to offer advice!! LOL...I mean that in the nicest way!!
  • Douglas Preston

    They just get better and better over time. Mine is going on 11 and he's one of the greatest joys I've ever known. Yeah, he was a handful as a pup but that taught me a patience I never knew before, and am grateful for now. Love my boy! Give him time, he'll settle down :)
  • Douglas Preston

    In my house (or anyone else's for that matter) it's windows and blinds. Petey just cannot hold back from barking wildly at or even biting blind and shades in motion. Even opening a window will set him off. Even motioning toward a window! Never been able to figure it out and now after 10-years of it don't bother to try. But, it's a daily ritual if he's in the house when a window needs adjusting!
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Your Invited!

    Hi there can you make it to a westside corgi meet up on Sunday March 20th at 12pm at the oberreider dog park?

  • Priscilla Fernandez

    oks so do saturdays work better for you and yoshi? :)
  • Priscilla Fernandez

    heyyy i figured out how to make a survey to get everyones preference on time and location for corgi meet ups, and even which park you prefer. Click here to take the survey. Just two simple questions : )

    Sorry to be the crazy lady corgi coordinator today : P

    Please Vote

  • The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein

    I <3 Yoshi's tubler (I'm Ein's Antics). That sweater video kills me it's so cute!
  • The Geek's Wife & her Corgi Ein

    Hahah, that's funny. I've watched it at least twice and I made my husband watch it. He only mildly snickered. Men! They just don't get it. LOL Yoshi reminds me of Ein with the red and white and his thin physique. Ein was never a pudgy little rolly polly like most pups. She's a lean mean silly machine who's too smart for her own good... or our good. LOL Keep the videos and pictures coming. They grow up too fast.
  • Chewie

    Yooooooshiiiiii you cute little goof! We'd love to be friends with you. :)


    That costume is awesome!

  • LG

    I found her on She's from a shelter that rescues "flawed" dogs from breeders. Since she's a mix they couldn't sell the litter.
  • Chewie

    Aha, thanks! What you don't see are the pics of her struggling with her clothes. ;) I think I tortured her with clothing at an early age so she can tolerate them *just enough* for now.


    Corgis in costumes…go go go!!!

  • WLA corgi

    Thanks for coming over to play! I posted some pictures from their playdate :)
  • Michelle, Blake & Luna :3

    Come join us for a Corgi Halloween Fest! R.S.V.P.!~ 

  • Raffie Nepales

    Hello! Come join us for a Pasadena Corgi meet up on January 8th starting 8am at the Pasadena Off-Leash Dog Park