Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

La Crescent, MN

United States

Profile Information:

La Crescent, MN
About Me:
My husband and I have 'adopted' our daughter's Corgi and are enjoying him so much. We knew nothing about Corgis before this and are learning every day. I work in a photography studio and my husband is a chiropractor

UPDATE 8-6-11 We rescued a 2 year old Corgi from an animal shelter and have named him Norm. We have had him for 1 week so far and things are going good. I think he's going to be a wonderful dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gretzky is a Welch Pembroke Corgi. He is 8 years old. I've noticed recently that he's getting grey in his face. It makes me sad.
Maybe our new Corgi, Norm, will perk Gretzky up and keep him young.
I have:

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  • Potus

    Great to see there are other people who love the smell of Corgi paws!! Everyone thinks I'm crazy when I start sniffing Potus's paws! Welcome to!
  • Edward and Gemima

    HI Deb and Gretzky!! Thanks for the breeder info, I just wondered if Gem or Phinny came from the same breeder as Gretzky, I found it hard to find the Corgi breed here in Mn. We found Edward in Lime Springs Iowa, and Gem came from a breeder about an hour past the cities in Waverly! Anyway, I know exactly where La Crescent is as we have been there in the fall to get apples!! Yum, ED and Gem love em too!!!
  • John Wolff

    Your photos of the boat, the water, the snowplowed driveway really bring me back (I'm from Duluth originally). How does Gretzky do in the deep winter snow? It REALLY got deep in Duluth. When the mountain snow if soft (spring, early summer), and human footsteps are deep ("postholing") it's hard for a corgi: up-and-down-up-and-down ... like an otter. Firm snow, no problem.
    Does Gretzky get sore feet? AL may be a bit of a tenderfoot in some snow conditions and has gotten sore front pads a couple of times in spring snow and soft sand; I'm trying the "Pawz" booties.
  • John Wolff

    Al's gotten sore feet in two conditions: soft spring snow and soft sandy roads. Seems the stuff works its way in between the tough pads, irritating the soft skin between and around the pads. The Pawz are basically big tough balloons, light to carry, easy to put on (with practice), I plan to use them not routinely but in an emergency (he was visibly slowing, and stopping to lick his forefeet, on a nordic ski tour this spring, and only after the fast downhill stuff started). His tenderfoot problems appeared only after LONG, hard days; on the sandy roads, I noticed it only after the 2nd day. Like me, they're city dogs, weekend warriors.
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Deb,
    How nice to meet someone from near Comfrey. I was born in Hibbing but have spent most of my life in or near New Ulm! I know Winona and LaCrosse well as my parent used to live in LaCrosse(before I was born) but we went there several times a year and would stop at some fish shop in Winona to eat!
    I hope to have a litter of pups with Livvy in Jan/Feb. and then Bella sometime in late spring but that of coarse is a guess as mother nature will decide that! Since you're familiar with the winters I don't want pups then...Wynn came from Tyler which I'm guessing is not too far from Lamberton...he was the Corgi that started this love for them!
  • Jane Christensen

    I'm not quite sure what you mean by your you mean the traits and how they are different between the Pembroke and the Cardigan???
    Let me know and I'll try to answer...also maybe this would be a good discussion...I di know some of their differences...let me know!
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Deb,
    There are several differences and I'll try to give a short explanation but a good place to check is to go to AKC and look up breed info on both. It used to be that the Pems did not have tails either by nature or they're docked but that is changing and many on this site have tails...I think there's a club for the undocked also. I will NOT be docking my pups tails anymore! I hope to get my next one from the same parents that Livvy came from and I hope that I can get her to leave the tail long...I have a pup ordered for next spring/summer and that will be it for a long time!!!

    The Cardigan is larger(up to 38# and the Pem up to 30# slightly different heads. Coats are close but colors are different.and I'll let you looks that up under the breed cuz it gets long...

    The Pembroke is a little "bold" as the Cardi is a little more laid back. They also have a difference in that the Pem is an interior dog and will be the one inside the yard watching out and the Cardi will be walking the outer rim of the yard. Since I only have Pems...I can't say this from experience. Niether should be a "whitey" (a dog that has too much white or with the Pem should have no white on their back etc. this does not include the white collar... hope this helped somewhat!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Deb, I love the pictures of Gretzky on your profile!! How much does he weigh?? He such a handsome fellow!!! Have a good weekend!!!!
  • Roger/Laurie

    They do have some funny sleeping positions. Tenby's favorite place to sleep is on the back of the sofa. Yes, that little 6 inch area and then he hangs is head off the end. At least when he is asleep up there he doesn't try to flip on his back.
  • Laura K.

    I saw your comment in the MN corgi page, and would highly recommend Dahl House Kennels in Waverly, MN. We got our Chloe there and she has been absolutely fantastic. She has a great personality, a quick and eager mind, and affectionate disposition...and we think she's rather pretty. :) Her mom was Gemsa and her dad was Wyatt.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Deb and Gretzky! Did I hear you may be looking for another Corgi?? I can recommend Dahl House Kennels as well! Chloe and Gem have the same Sire Wyatt and I agree with Laura that they have a great way with the pups! Haven't seen new pups on their website in a while but you can talk with Sandy and ask about reserving! I also may know of a vet a little closer(zumbrota) that was raising Corgi's at one time and I could get some specifics for you if you are interested!!!
  • Elaine

    I too recommend Dahl House Kennels. That's where we got Puck and he is so well behaved. They definitely pre-love their puppies. Puck has a wonderful temperament and very smart. He is a bit on the small side for a corgi but we love him all the same! She's priced right as well for what some people charge now a days for a corgi. Some breeders further north charge upwards of $1,000 and from what I've heard and seen not much personality.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Deb, I found something rare in our paper today! An ad for 1 male Welsh Corgi born 3/22/09 so about 4mos old already. Shots are up to date, mom is on site! They are asking $350. Let me know if you want their phone number and I will send it! It may save you a longer trip to get one at Dahl House. I wish I could get another one but 2 is my limit for now. I have not seen an ad for one in our local paper for a long time!!!!
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Deb,

    Just read some of your comments and I also got Livvy my youngest from Sandy and have another pup reserved for next year from the same parent...too weird to read this but then I guess we both live in MN. I really wanted to comment on the dog and the hampster(??) that is soooo cute!

  • Jane Christensen's a small world! My little Rosie was the last to go and we enjoyed her soooo much! So glad you ran into her and met her! Her new family is so nice!!!
    I'll check out your new pics but I might not get to it till Tues when I'm in Owatonna as I work about 14 hours tommorrow and then leave at 10pm for my daughters! Later,Jane
  • Jane Christensen

    Is that Rosie with Gretzky????Wow...
  • Edward and Gemima

    Deb, Have you had any luck finding a new baby yet??? I love what you've done with your profile!!! Did Jane's little Rosie come to live near you?? I have been chatting with Jane for a little bit now!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Deb, thanks for signing our guestbook, now I know it works and I can look at Gretzky any time I want!!!!
  • Jane Christensen

    I never thought of the name till today! My daughter loves hockey and he was her favorite! You may get a message some day (a week or 2 ahead) as I hope to go to LaCrosse again if not before I hope to in spring...of coarse that depends on pups. My daughter has to go to LaCrosse once in awhile for work and then she is there for a week so...I bring my grandson and we stay in the motel for a couple days! The motel is dog friendley also!
  • Jennifer

    Hope I am getting this site right in my settings?
    Hope all is well.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Deb! Hope all is going well with Gretzky, I haven't heard from you in a while!! Is your Fall going good?? We have had two snowfalls that Ed and Gem have just gone crazy about!!! Did you get a lot of snow???
  • Edward and Gemima

    Thanks! I have a lot of fun trying different things out on my profile! Next time you get stuck in Rochester you'll have to look us up, especially if it is due to the weather!~ I don't think any of us was expecting that!!Ed and Gem were absolutely loving it though! Hope you had a good visit with your grandsons!!
  • Alicia Keyes

    just had to comment on the cute turkey u have in ur picture!!!! very cute!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Deb that is the cutest Turcorgi I've ever seen.
  • Jane Christensen

    Oh how fun to have a puppy at Thanksgiving! Have a great time!
  • Edward and Gemima

  • John Wolff

    The Pawz are the only things I've tried, and I've not tried them very much. Medium (blue); Small (red) might be worth trying also. Gwynn might take a small and Al might take small on his read feet. I think they'd be a real hassle for routine use. I carry them more for emergency. Their lifespan may be short. They are extremely lightweight (important).
    In this photo, I put them on his front feet at the summit; one stayed on til we got back to the car, another came off twice and we lost it. I think that was the one that was filling up with snow after a claw punctured it.
    You have different conditions than we do; I rarely encounter subfreezing (let alone subzero F) temperatures with the dogs.
    Musher's Secret might be worth a try.
    Al especially can be kind of a rocket, and I think it's just the abrasiveness of snow in between the pads on the soft skin that makes him sore. Sand, too -- roads or beach. I skied up a mountain once on climbing skins -- slow travel -- noticed no trouble -- but then taking the skins off and skiing downhill -- he was just tearing along and actually keeping up for awhile -- he slowed down markedly and started licking his forefeet at every stop.
    Bottom line: I'm not using the Pawz routinely, but hoping they'll get us out of a sore-foot emergency. Please let me know if you find something better.
  • John Wolff

    [resend] The Pawz are the only things I've tried, and I've not tried them very much. Medium (blue); Small (red) might be worth trying also. Gwynn might take a small and Al might take small on his rear feet. I think they'd be a real hassle for routine use. I carry them more for emergency. Their lifespan may be short. They are extremely lightweight (important).
    In this photo, I put them on his front feet at the summit; one stayed on til we got back to the car, another came off twice and we lost it. I think that was the one that was filling up with snow after a claw punctured it.
    You have different conditions than we do; I rarely encounter subfreezing (let alone subzero F) temperatures with the dogs.
    Musher's Secret might be worth a try.
    Al especially can be kind of a rocket, and I think it's just the abrasiveness of snow in between the pads on the soft skin that makes him sore. Sand, too -- roads or beach. I skied up a mountain once on climbing skins -- slow travel -- noticed no trouble -- but then taking the skins off and skiing downhill -- he was just tearing along and actually keeping up for awhile -- he slowed down markedly and started licking his forefeet at every stop.
    Bottom line: I'm not using the Pawz routinely, but hoping they'll get us out of a sore-foot emergency. Please let me know if you find something better.
    Pawz booties
  • Sam Tsang

    Could Gretzky be wearing a harness by any chance?
  • Sam Tsang

    he he he.... we are currently in Toronto :p My wife is Canadian, so we spend half the time up there :) Years ago we had a gentle leader and it hurt our dog's armpit, so my immediate thought was a harness.
  • Edward and Gemima

    Happy Birthday!!

  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi Deb and Gretzky, so good to hear from you, we go to Lake Zumbro. We have a little place there with a big beach for the dogs to run up and down and we are all a little worn out today after being there all weekend!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    so sorry we missed you! Chesterwoods is not far from where we live..about 15min away so let us know if you are going again!
  • Jane Christensen

    Thanks Deb,
    I hope she waits till Sat.! how have you been haven't seen you on here lately1 Like the new page and music!
  • Edward and Gemima

    HI, Lake Byllesby is a little farther north than our lake, but not too far. I haven't been there for a really long time so don't know what it is like. I hope the weather will be good for you. Have fun!!!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Oh, you have to submit some photos for the Corgi calender this year. Gretzky is so handsome in some of those photos I know he would win.
  • John Wolff

    Geri & Sid posted instructions, 1st comment on our post. I had trouble with the voting too; the Slime Mold Lobby tries to disenfranchise us by making voting difficult. An old ploy.
  • Jane Christensen

    Hey Deb....looks the same over here in MN and they're predicting another 4-6 on Mon. Have a wonderful holiday season!Hope Gretzke is enjoying the snow as much as mine are!

  • Bev Levy

    Happy Birthday!
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday Deb....I see we share the same day:)
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Deb,  It depends on your definition of Spring! For a Michigan or Minnesota it is Spring. At least my daffodils and hyacinths are sprouting but the weather man is still talking about "winter mix" which is a fancy name for sleet. We will see it eventually I hope.
  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Deb,

    Nice to hear from you. I got hercollar at  the Renissance Festival but you might be able to find one online if you look up Renissance clothing??? They would be very easy to make if you can find the material. If you decide to I can send you a close up! Good luck and let me know if you find one as I might be interested but then I think I only paid $5-6 dollars at the fest.

    I know the coloring is hard to read but I haven't decided whether or not to change it .

    Have you done any camping yet???

  • Jane Christensen

    Renissance Fests are great! Have fun and let me know how it goes. The place we got ours in had collars and the like all over the front of the store and I bet they might be in WI also. Good luck!

    As for adding a dog I can tell you this. One of my coworkers bought a corgi pup from me as their 10year old lab was "getting old" and they wanted to add a 2nd dog. The lab now acts like she's about 4 has lost weight and loves to play:) It took a bit and I would try to get one with a mellow personality but I think Gretzky would love it after he gets used to it.


    Maybe you'll run into Rosie from Verouque (sp) sometime when camping. I think you met her when she was young. She's a pup of mine. 

    Have a great summer and let me know how the fest goes!

  • Jane Christensen

    Hi Deb,


    Love the new pic. I found Alum a rescue North of the cities....I will be transfering him on Fri. I didn't want just anyone to get him so I asked and the humane society said "yes"....I'm sooo glad he's such a nice boy!!!!!

  • Jane Christensen

    He is still available but will be going into a rescue so that she can find him a forever corgi home. He is very handsome and a very nice guy. The humane society had to hold him 10 days for his owner to claim him and no one came. Sage and Bella both met him and he was very nice. He now will need shots and to be spayed. His rescue president/owner just joined My Corgi....her name is Kathy DuVall and she has a nice web can check out also!
  • Jane Christensen

    Also thanks for the congratulations on pic of the day!!!! I was very excited:)
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Deb and Gretsky. . .thank you for your comment. . .now if you weren't so far away I'd tell you to come over and pet my pack as they seem to think they don't get enough hugs. . . .LOLOLOLOL
  • Katy

    Let me know if it works! I am happy to help :)
  • Jane Christensen

    Happy Birthday:) Hope you're all having a great time!

  • Jane Christensen

    So is Gretzky acting younger nowadays with Norm there????  Love the new pics!