Ann B., Scout and Summer



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We love corgis! Scout is our second. Our first, Boo, died in 2000 at the age of 12.
We got a new puppy, Oona,in Dec. 2010. We unfortunately had to return her to her breeder when she came into heat early, and began to attack Scout! Turns out she had ovarian cysts and probably was in pain. But after spaying, the attacks continued, and we had to let her go. Luckily, she found a new home as an only dog in Texas, and is doing very well.
Our newest puppy, Summer (from the same wonderful breeder), arrived in July 2011. She is a sweetie, and she and Scout are getting along fine.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Scout, born 2002,died 3/12/14, neutered male red headed tri Pem
Summer, born 2011, spayed female red headed tri Pem
I have:

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  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Butter

    Hi and welcome. I noticed your corgi sitting upright. mine does this too and waves his arms. Does yours do the wave? You should join the group, The Waving Corgis. Joy and Butter
  • Debbie Landrie

    I love your ID photo. What area is that?
    Our oldest girl is 9 years old.
  • Cody, Kris and Scout

    Our Scout is named from the movie too. We are looking for a male now.
  • John Wolff

    I love to see corgwyn in the mountains. Where'd you get Scout? There's a gorgeous tri in our neighborhood with no white face or collar markings. He came from a breeder in Sand Point.
  • John Wolff

    A few months after we lost our first corgi, on my way to Utah, I tried to check out Kathleen Mallery's place in Parma, but nobody was home when I called. Gwynnie was waiting for me upon my return. Our dogs came from Carrie Hale, Joyce Gilpin and Cheri Helsdon. Carrie is a pretty serious breeder. We are wholly delighted with Al & Gwynnie.

    Yes, I'm sure all responsible breeders will be using the DM test. I don't know what the actual gene frequency is in the Pem population, but it was 75% (!) in the unaffected control group in the Coates paper. 66% homozygous at-risk, and only 13% clear, not many to work with. There must be something else going on the explain this low penetrance -- genetic or environmental. I'll bet we'll be hearing more. But even breeding clears to carriers will help a great deal.
    I'm wondering if there's a valuable corgi trait that's linked to the DM locus, so the DM allele was inadvertently selected along with it. That would make it harder to get rid of maybe.
    The technology behind this DNA stuff is almost literally incredible.

    I remember one thing from the Castell website that I thought was over-the-top: she imported this gorgeous Pem from Finland with a lovely tail -- and had to have it surgically removed to show the dog in the U.S.!! There were before-and-after photos. That's a really invasive thing to do to an dult dog. @#$%^&! We would not even be allowed to do something like that to our laboratory mice unless there was some compelling scientific reason.

    I wish some breeders would simply thumb their noses at this part of the breed standard and go and show their dogs with tails, in-your-face: "Hey you humans! I've got a gorgeous tail! Get used to it!" Tail Power. I don't like the idea of legislated regulations, but I wonder if people would choose undocked dogs if given the choice. I see Al's nub waving like mad when he greets me, and I wonder.....

    Lots of people take their corgis hiking. I ran into a guy last Sept. who recognized Al right away as a relative of his. Small world.
  • John Wolff

    Wow, Scout really does look like Al, right down to the neck splash (Al's is just a bit more to the left).
  • Melissa S.

    We got walker from Candace Cloud out of West Plains, Missouri! He is very well bred and we love him!!!!! Some day he will be my little stud dog!

    It is sad that we are so far away :( I love your pictures by the way!! Scout is very handsome!!!!! I think it is safe to say I have been swept away by Corgi charm!!!
  • Melissa S.

    I had to look up Degenerative Myelopathy because I was un familiar with it :( but that sounds intimidating!!!! I will have to be sure to add the to Walkers list of things I need to test for! Most things he was cleared by parentage, but I think(know) If I plan on breeding him, having all other testing done will be very important!!!
    I commend your breeder for putting all her efforts into her linage!!!!
  • Melissa S.

    Thats funny before you responed to me I had found your breeder by mistake, her page is very informative!!!! Thank You! I am glad I know of this DM I will have to pass all this on to my sister as well (she has a female) And i will def. test for it!
    Hope all is well in Boise!! I love that area!
  • Bella Doggie

    Hi! Scout is such a handsome little guy!! Love the pic of him sitting up.. reminds me of my Bella girl :)
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Oh my gosh Scout is aDORable! What a doll!
    Thank you for the note. I got my Corgis from 2 different breeders but they both have Sosa lines. LaVerne came from Onalaska near Olympia WA and Shirley is from Ellensburg WA not far from here. I do believe they are both expecting litters. Here is the website to the breeder in Ellensburg. As shown on the website they do genetic testing which is comforting The girl I got LaVerne from doesnt have a website but I can find her number if you are interested. I think they are taking deposits on the pups. I am very happy with both of my girls. Very smart and sweet dispositions.
  • Andrea De Leo

    That is Great that you found a breeder that is trying to breed DM out of her bloodlines! I had the hardest time trying to find a breeder in California willing to test for degenerative myelopathy! After losing my Ricco to the disease I just could not go through it again! It was one of the most emotional and physically draining things I have ever had to go through. That being said, I absolutely adore the breed and could not be without a corgi! I am so happy I found a breeder in Tennessee and they were willing to ship my Romeo to me! He is such a love. I am trying to find a good trainer now. He is going through the chew on everything stage (eating everything he can that is not edible)lol. Thank you for the compliment on my paintings. I started painting when I lost Riccco. It has been a sort of therapy for me. My sister has encouraged me to sell them on ebay. Anyways, thank you for the friend add... :) Hope you get a puppy soon!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Ann,
    Just thought I would drop by to see how you and Scout have been doing? Did you ever get your puppy you were looking for? Romeo has been growing sooooo fast! We just finished puppy kindergarten and I am happy to say he did very well! :) I took him to Corgi Fun Day a couple weeks ago. The PWCCSC was putting it on. We had a lot of fun. Actually, I think Romeo had a blast playing with all the other corgis there! Anyways, Hope all is well with you and Scout!!!
  • Andrea De Leo

    The breeders name is Cesmir and their web site is
    I wouldn't want a co-ownership either. Cesmir is a really nice lady. I think they have a few red and whites available right now.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You for the friend add! Scout is adorable, corgis are just the best, great family pic too!! Thanks for the compliment on Lance. :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    oh and I love your profile pic of you and your corgi, it should be framed!!
  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Ann, I saw Scout got corgi pic of the day. What a beautiful photo! :)
  • Alina

    Scout is beautiful and looks so well-behaved!...unlike Ronan ;)
  • Melissa and Franklin!

    Hi, Granite Gardens Corgis is near Athol, ID. I can't find Frankie's AKC papers to look up his dam and sire's show names. I'll get on that and get back to you!
  • Erin & Ruckus

    Hi Ann! I think you're right about Ruckus' color changing. The backs of his ears and his shoulders have brown downy hair underneath his black topcoat. I hope that he looks like Scout when he grows up, Scout is beautiful!
  • christy fry

    HI Ann, Jordan and Teagen both came from this area =) Jordan was the last litter from his breeder as she retired and Teagen came from Southern Oregron she wasn't from a breeder just a couple from a farm who bred their corgi's for a 4H project. Boise is a lovely city my Mom and Grandmother live there and I visit yearly =)
  • John Wolff

    Scout looks very much like Al. Al has even less black left on the face.
    My neighbor has Monty, one of Teresa(???) Blacksted's dogs (Sandpoint). He's a great corgi.
  • John Wolff

    I'm signed up for the seminar. Maybe I get to rub elbows with the High and Mighty of CPWCC!
  • John Wolff

    Ann, if you had to carry scout the last 500 yds back to the car after a 2 mile hike, there are 2 possibilities:
    A. You're using some kind of harness that rubs sores on his skin (we had this experience).
    B. He's having such a good time he doesn't want to go home. On a number of occasions, back at the trailhead in the dark after a long, hard weekend, I've had to go get Gwynnie and put her into the car... almost as if she didn't want the adventure to be over.
    Your pics make me miss the open Ponderosa country of eastern Washington. The thick vegetation of the west side gets almost claustrophobic sometimes. Lori and I hiked in the Blue Mts. once. long ago. The dogs would love that.
  • John Wolff

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Scout had so much trouble. Maybe that's why Carrie Hale (Al's breeder, I hope to see her this weekend) was so firm with me about "no big challenges until he's 1 year old". She did not specifically mention the growth late injury thing though. Joanna Kendall writes extensively about it in her blog.
  • John Wolff

    Yup, sounds like he's a corgi all right.
  • Marion and Vern

    Oh my what a handsome fellow Scout is! Just love his face so loving and open. When are you going to be getting your newest addition? We are so happy with our two, they are getting along better and better. For almost 17 months Samantha was the only baby, but a three day car ride with them having to ride together in the back seat helped I believe. We were so please with our Samantha (Sami) that we drove back to Ohio from Albq. to get our second one from her and have a chance to meet face to face.
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Ann, congratulations on those new puppies. I'm envious! We're thinking of getting Gromit a little brother in the Spring. Scout is a lovely Corgi and the way she sits up so straight reminds me of my old pal Watson. Yes, Jean and Ed lived in So. AZ for many years but relocated to Ridgecrest, CA in 2008 to be closer to family.
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Oops! My apologies to Scout! I figured the name might have come from the little girl character in "To Kill A Mockingbird." My old pal Watson would sit up like that in front of my chair in the living room. I never taught him to do it, and if he started to get tired or wobble he'd extend a paw over to the coffee table to stabilize himself for a second and then pull it back. Nearly always worked for getting a biscuit.
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    Well, I have a former co-worker who's wife went by Boo and she resembled Boo Radley not at all. So I guess those names can work both ways. I feel silly now for not reading your corgi profile closer so I'll just claim I was too busy looking at corgi pictures. :-)
  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Ann,
    Did you ever find a breeder that tests for DM?
    The breeder I got Romeo from is expecting a litter in late December.
    She said they will be red headed tris and classic sables.
    Just thought I would let you know.
    Her name is Cesmir and she was a pleasure to deal with!
  • Andrea De Leo

    The puppy is absolutely adorable!

    Are you getting a male or female?

    My sister has a sable that is a month younger than Romeo.

    Her next dog she wants a black headed tri.

  • John Wolff

    What fun! I got to meet Kathleen at Dr. Coates' talk to the CPWCC.
    There's Gwen, Gwynnie, Gwynneth, Gwendolyn, etc. etc. etc. Gwynnie is actually Gwynnhffvar, and we don't even know how to spell it, OK because Welsh names are unspellable. :) Al is "Allegro" (and he sure does look like Scout). I'd like to hear Welsh spoken sometime.
    If I had a blackfaced tri, I'd name it Procyon (PRO-see-un, PRO-see or Pro for short), the Little Dog Star.
    Sirius, the Dog Star, is Orion's Big Dog, alpha-Canis Major, lower-left of Orion, brightest star in the sky (not counting Jupiter or Venus). Procyon, Orion's Little Dog, is alpha-Canis Minor, above Sirius, to Orion's upper-left I think. You've seen them, highly prominent in the southern spring early night sky.
    Here's the connection to blackface: Procyon is also the genus name of the raccoon, so, Little Dog with Black Mask.
  • John Wolff

    yes, puppies are scary

    Hope Scout is not too traumatized by them. :)

  • Andrea De Leo

    Profile Graphics
    Happy New Year Graphics
    Andrea & Romeo~
  • Peggy Woods

    Scout is a very handsome man! I am still hoping to teach Bugsy to sit up - he needs a corner to balance in. Oona is... yet another irresistable baby Pem! She has a very sweet & feminine face. Hope she likes the water too. They look like tailess otters
  • John Wolff

    Take lots and lots and lots of photos of those two together.
  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Oh,Ann!Your picture of your boy looks like out boy!!merlin had his surgery on feb3.So sorry for you also.
  • Andrea De Leo

    Hi Ann,

    Haven't seen you on here in quite awhile!

    How has Scouts recovery been after his ACL surgery?

    BTW.... Love the latest pic of Oona!

  • John Wolff

    So who'd you get Summer from?  They look sweet together.  How's Scout's ACL healed?

  • John Wolff

    Al is 5.3 y.o., Gwynnie is 8.5, and she does show signs of slowing down.  She'll often hesitate before jumping up the steps, onto the bed or furniture.  Not a puppy anymore, but basically healthy I think. 

    I'd overlooked Oona's story; sounds like a difficult experience.  Things don't always work out as we hope.  Glad you had a breeder who stands behind her animals, and AI hope Oona's found a good place.

  • John Wolff

    Oh my, after reading just a few short bits of information, it's sinking in what a year you've had!  It must have been heartbreaking to have to rehome Oona.  Sometimes we just have to sweep up the shards of dashed hopes and mop up the spilt milk and start again.  I'd thought the older dog will sometimes not accept a new puppy, not the other way around.  Poor Scout -- first the ACL, then the attack of the killer puppie!

    Now I realize once again how fortunate we've been:  Gwynnie didn't have much trouble with Al, they just killed each other over and over and over again ad infinauseum.  We still have to wipe up some virtual blood occasionally, but at least they don't spatter it on the ceiling anymore.  :) 

  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    Delighted to be friends. I feel like I know you already having read your profile and seen your wonderful photos. Sounds like you've been through it this past year with Scout's ACL and rehoming Oona. Summer looks like a sweetie. Wishing you a smooth and easy 2012.

  • John Wolff

    Gwynnie is almost 9 y.o. and does show signs of slowing down -- she'll hesitate before jumping onto the bed, or running up steps, esp. after being out in the cold.  We provide steps.  But she gets around well.  Maybe anybody would look slow next to Al.  One of these days, I'll wake up and realize I've got an old dog.

  • Crystal Whittenton

    Thanks for adding me :)  Yes, my Mr. Hamlet is a rescue.  I got him at 10 months.  Yours are adorable, too- I'm especially a sucker for Summer's widow's peak.  I think it's such a beautiful look on a corgi and you don't see them too often.

  • Denise Gilbert James

    Red Ribbon
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    OMG Scout and my Scooter do look a lot alike! And loves the same stuff Scooter loved! Wow... I sure enjopyed looking at your pictures. Boy the one of Scout swimming in a mountain pond IS SCOOTER ALL OVER!! She was so funny. We would be at the beach and she would find any tide pool to swim in. If it wasn't deep enough to swim she would lay down and wait for the next incoming wave! I need to go in and add a bunch more of Scooter's pictures to our page.Summer is a really eye stopped too. I sure wish I could turn back time. I would of gotten a new puppy while Scooter was her to help me teach the new little one.

    Thanks... Carolyn with Scooter always in my heart and Pippin soon to be by my side!!

  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Looks like all is going well at Your home :).Scout looks like a happy boy and recovered well after his surgery.Thanks again for helping me thru Merlin's surgeries.You really helped on here.Summer is adorable!!So glad she's becoming a part of the family.She looks like a combo of my two :).

  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Winter has been a little weird here.Either @60 during the day and below 30 at night.Frost has been really bad.Not alot of rain.The hardwood floors have never been this clean in Winter!!We do need more rain here.So glad to hear all is well at Your home.Corgi hugs Your way :).