

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi! I'm Nicola and my husband's name is Scott
We lived in California and decided to expand our family in the four legged way!

A few weeks after we adopted Brody into our family we moved to Arizona where we are all adjusting well!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I had a Pembroke named Bailey... unfortunately... I had to put her down due to severe congenital problems... I'm looking forward to welcoming Brody our puppy expected on Feb 11!
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

    Have a wonderful weekend. . . . .
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I love how you arranged your main page, very cool!!!! 

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome.  I did see the comment you left on my page, is that what you mean?  I also sent you a friend request.  :)

  • Lois B. Allen

    Can you say where you got Mr. Handsome Brody?  He is such an adorable baby.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Thanks for the breeder info.  I enjoyed looking at their pics.  Of course, none were as cute as Brody.

  • Lois B. Allen

    I think my breeder normally charges $900 but that was back when I got Randy.  Since he was from an accidental brother/sister mating, I didn't pay that much.  On the other hand, she had given me the other 2 I had.  We both worked for the same organization.  Corgis love to destroy paper of any kind, including cardboard.  Randy would zip in and snatch TP out of my hands.  For a while, I had to keep it up on the window sill. Get at least one large beef knuckle bone.  He may not very very big but he is big enough to try to chew on it and look forward to chomping it up.  You know they are like kids, they love boxes, cans, pots, sticks and any kind of junk.  Of course, they want to tare those things up.

  • Priscilla Fernandez

    Hey we live in west LA a couple miles from UCLA campus. Let me know when your in town Quixote loves meeting and playing with other corgis especially posocreek brothers and sisters :)

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    Rocco is 11 lbs. My two girls are on the small size for a corgi, so he looks massive. They look a lot alike! What a cutie and so happy. How is Arizona?

  • Sidney and Angie

    Brody is Adorable!    ^..^<Corgi

  • Sidney and Angie

    i leave april 28th and i will be down in tempe for a family is driving down there.

  • Sidney and Angie


    i am not sure where in tempe,sorry:(

    when i find out i will let you know.
    or i can type you when i am in AZ
  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    He's growing like a weed and teething! How's Brody? 
  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    That is big! I wonder if Brody was the biggest pup of the litter. Multiple corgis is multiple fun! Would you get another red or go for a tri? 2years goes by super fast.
  • Nick&Scoot

    I dont think I have anything planned on saturday so sure.  What time and where?

  • Nick&Scoot

    yea Ill probably make it.  Ive always wanted to see scoot try that agility stuff.  

  • Marlene & Cadbury

    No, we haven't picked a name yet. My husband want to meet her first and match a name to her personality. I want a girl name that sounds sturdy and is uni-sex, like Bailey. But if she turns out to be a girly girl, then we'll have to give her a girl name like Gracie. My husband wants to call her tubby (tubs for short) because she looks chubby like a teletubby in her puppy picture. We're picking her up this Saturday so be on the lookout for lots of pictures! Btw, brody is adorable!!!! He looks like he has you guys wrapped around his little paw.

  • Carolyn and Gracie

    We're leaving in just a few weeks. Yes, sorry I missed the last meetup but it's pretty far from my house.
  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    That is a great idea! We are up for it when you are ready!

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    I totally think you all should get another Poso Creek corgi for Brody maybe two!

  • Mike and Vicki Baylus

    Yes I sure do! There is a video on YouTube of Yolie getting trained with a clicker. She was easy to train, the others took longer.
  • Marlene & Cadbury

    Oh, my bad. I thought Rocco's parents are gilby and meeghan and since I knew Brody and Rocco are siblings, I thought brodys mom is meeghan... I must have mistaken about Rocco's parents.
  • Snickmom

    If that little Pendleton corgi isn't adopted quickly, you might want to post a discussion, there are people who would travel a long distance to get a young corgi.

  • Marlene & Cadbury

    Cadi has been quite mischievous. She lost one of her baby canine tooth, not because she's teething but because she jumped off this little wall in our backyard that divides the dirt hill and our grass/concrete. She landed on the concrete front paws first and then her jaws slammed in the concrete afterwards. I think that loosen the tooth and it fell off later that night while chewing on an antler. Oh and she barks pretty do you control Brody from barking too much? My neighbor is a quiet & introverted couple and they already complained. Well, not to my face but I can always see them staring at us through their window whenever Cadi barks too loud. And one time at 2pm, I can hear the guy yell shut up but didn't come out to calmly talk to us. So now we can't have puppy playdates in our the damn afternoon. Psh.

    You should get another one! Brody needs a brother/sister, hehehe. I keep finding myself checking on Kim's website to see if there are any new puppies.

  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    At the last picnic there were about 60 corgis that came and went during the day with their owners.  I understand that Sparkle's breeder is coming down from Clarkdale so we'll be having a little family reunion too.  Bring some food, shade, lawn chairs, and prepare to smile a lot!

  • astro, starla, joleene & jason

    Hey Scott, Nicola & Brody- we haven't been in quite sometime but when we do go- we go to the bark park on Hayden & Mc Donald. :)

  • Nick&Scoot

    What picnic?  I have something planed for breakfast that morning but I dont think Ive got anything else going on. 

  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    It was great fun to meet you guys at the picnic too!  One can never have too many corgi friends.  Hopefully, Gromit, Sparkle, and I can make it up that way for some sort of meet up this winter.  Vicki says no more spring picnics so it's up to the corgis to get things organized.

  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug

    I think if you take the lead in organizing a spring picnic you'd find Vicki cooperative, she just doesn't have the time to do it herself.  I'm sure a few others would jump in to lend a hand.   I organized a corgi picnic "Corgifest 2000" 12 years ago and it is a lot of work to do it up like Vicki does!  Thanks to the Internet though, getting the word out is pretty easy so good attendance is all but guaranteed.  The hardest part is finding the right location and getting it reserved.  It would be so cool if a spot could be found where the corgis could be off leash to run and play.

  • Zigward & Kimberly

    Great! Ziggy has been missing me a lot when I am at work lol :)

    How are you guys? :D How is Brody?

  • Cheryl Boiko

    Awww....Brody's awfully cute....!  Just wondering how the plans for a Phoenix corgi meetup is coming?  I would definately be interested, even though I'm "corgiless" I enjoy coming to the events (such as the picnics) to love everyone else's! I put in for a request to be added to the meetup group last weekend, but I haven't heard anything yet. I always am looking for opportunities to see corgis!

  • Cheryl Boiko

    Sorry the font got so big on my comment below.  I don't know what happened.  I must have hit a wrong key somewhere. It just happened while I was typing and I didn't know how to undo it!

  • George O'Quinn

    Simon and Jordan were the parents, she was born on Feb 26th 2012.

  • George O'Quinn

    Well I'm very glad you think there is a resemblance, as Brody is a particularly handsome Corgi.

  • Hhoky

    Thanks, and Hello to you all as well from Laveen.

  • BarneyCorgi

    Hello :) I think I read online about that picnic. But I will be there next year! That would be cool to join one of your small meetups. Barney has a few dog friends but not many. And he LOVES to play with dogs. So whenever you are organizing a corgi meetup, let me know :D. 

  • BarneyCorgi

    Tucson is about an hour and 50 minutes away (little less than 100 miles). So it's quite a distance. But I bet it would be worth it if there would be a lot of corgis and owners!

  • Alexa & Orbi

    Email me and I'll give you guys my number so we can plan something! Sorry I haven't been on in so long!
  • BarneyCorgi

    Sounds perfect, my mom will be visiting from overseas for a while now anyway so our weekends are dedicated to showing her all AZ has to offer (dog-friendly trips :D). But late winter sounds great for a meetup at either the Gilbert or Scottsdale dog park!

  • Alexa & Orbi


  • BarneyCorgi

    Hi :) I might possibly be able to get a ride from Alexa (Orbi's mom). So that would be great. Barney is healing right now from being neutered 3 days ago, but he is healing up great and already acting silly so if we can get a ride there we'll definitely be there! 

  • Vicky Hay

    Darn! I saw there was a meetup... I had to sing at a funeral that day. Oh well. Next time?

  • Vicky Hay

    How does one find the AZ Corgi group? I'm a little computer-challenged these days, for some reason...

  • Vicky Hay

    Thanks! I'll look for the Corgi Group. Facebook has become just too, too creepy for me. I no longer participate, even with my church choir -- not that I don't love my friends, but that I can't bring myself to count the corporate owners of FB and their advertisers among them. ;-)

  • Jordan & Ada

    Hello! I'm up in the North Phoenix area, near Norterra! What area are you in?
  • Jordan & Ada

    Awesome! Just did! I saw a post on Instagram for the one last week and was so bummed we couldn't make it! I can't wait for the next one though! Just saw the one being planned for the 30th and we'll definitely be there this time!

  • Jordan & Ada

    Aww thanks!! And thank you for planning it all! We had a such a great time today! Can't wait for next week!
  • Kevin

    Thank you for the awesome meetup.  It was so much fun for all three of us (Sparda, Dante, and myself).  It was just unfortunate that the furniture delivery guys that were suppose to be there later told Iria (Sparda and Dante's Corgimom) that they were going to deliver right in the middle of the meet up time.  She will absolutely have to be there the next time, it was so much fun. 

  • Kevin

    I had a great time.  I was so entertained watching Brody on Sunday.

    Don't say that too loud by Sparta...she is already a little princess around our house, we can't afford to have her ego inflated any further :P.

    I haven't had a chance to try out any of the other dog parks around Tempe, but reading about them, sounds like none of them are nearly as nice as Chapperal or the one that we were at Sunday.  At least where we live is kind of central and not too far to travel to any of the other nice parks.

  • Kitty Kirwin

    Just this one. Super busy over here. How are you doing? 

  • Rebecca Seo

    I joined the west la group! I would love to have a play date in september when you are in town :)