Vicky Hay

Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Phoenix, AZ
About Me:
Loyal servant to the Queen of the Universe, sometimes known as Cassie the Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Having a friend with a Cardigan corgi led me to admire these fine little dogs -- but for some reason (unknown to me) I decided I wanted a Pembroke. By a fluke I came across Cassie at the local Humane Society -- raced up there and nabbed her away from the other EIGHT people who wanted her. Have had many dogs over the years, mostly large, mostly German shepherds. Just love this marvelous, funny, good-hearted, bossy little herder. Hope to receive a new Pembroke pup early in 2014: mom, in a nearby town, is expecting now.
I have:

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  • Lois B. Allen

    Vicky, I'm glad you have an all clear!!!!!!!!  That is great but I know it was a serious business to consider.  It sounds as if your recovery will go well and then you can deal with doggie business more easily.  Good luck.


  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    hi Vicky. just now seen u commented on my page about the raw feeding so i do apologize for not responding but u have given me great info on raw feeding and i am still thinking about it. i mean i may spend more on my trip to the grocery store at the 1st of the month but at least then i can make little baggies, freeze them, and for each meal time microwave them and know exactly what hes eating. i know the poor the guy gets sick of eating kibble all the time so i put wet food in it also sometimes but boy does it get so expensive. its good to know i can throw it all in the slow cooker too. that will save a lot of time

  • WhiteDove

    My Pupsters say HELLO!

    Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo corgi.seashell2.jpg