Laura and Tommy Jefferson


Birmingham, AL

United States

Profile Information:

North Olmsted, Ohio
About Me:
Tom came into my life the summer before I started law school and was my constant buddy throughout the process. Along the way we moved from Ohio to Alabama, I graduated from law school, and I recently became an attorney. I couldn't have done it without my little guy. His persistent barking was always great motivation! :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tommy was born on March 30, 2011. He enjoys long walks in the park, zooming around the couch, and treats from the mail-lady. His dislikes include bears and having his nap time interrupted. He is also a Canine Good Citizen :)
I have:

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  • Suzanne Alton

    oh brother! wish I had an excuse for not being able to see that, but I don't! thanks so much! :-)

  • Michelle, Blake & Luna :3

    Aww! adorable! thank you! your Tommy is handsome I must say! :D yay for May babies!

  • Michelle, Blake & Luna :3

    oh wait... you baby was born in March Luna was born in May haha

  • Terry, Maya, & Brees

    hi, and thanks.

  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi Tommy!!  Thank-you for the friend invite!!  You are very handsome!!  Lori and Mandy ♥

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Laura,  I worked in BHM for 10 years and am retired.  I live about 7 miles from Tannehill and love to visit there.  The stock trout in their streams and have a trout tournament on the last Sat. of April then I usually fish off and on through May.  

    Will you be taking a job in BHM?  I grew up in KY, Attended school in KY and MI and worked in CA, TX and AL.  I decided to stay here despite the tornados because, it has an otherwise nice climate. Lois

  • Lois B. Allen

    Are you applying to both cumberland and UA? or only one?

  • Lois B. Allen

    Good luck.  My neighbor's grand daughter is a student there so that could be someone you could meet in advance.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Of course, I just realized that you must have reasons for choosing BHM.  I did all of my graduate in MI and the farther from snow I can get the better it is.

  • Teresa Gilpin

    I really love your pictures.  Tommy is adorable!  Congratulations on his passing the good citizen class.  Keep posting your great pictures.

  • Becky Focht

    Hello, and thanks for the warm welcome.  I can't stand the thought of taping it so I'm just going to try the massage technique for now and if at around 14 weeks it's still not up then that'll just be her signature look.  I know some people said feed them yogurt or cottage cheese, but I don't want her to get used to having anything other than dry food either.  I do give her pet tabs so I'm hoping since there's calcium in there it'll help. What a great site to get good info.

  • Becky Focht

    Congrats on the CGC!!!!  I am interested in having Foxy get her CGC also, good to see a fellow Corgi excel at it. 

  • Becky Focht

    Thank you, so is your Tommy.  They have such happy looks on their faces.  Petsmart is where we are going right now for her puppy class.  I don't think our store does the CGC but I will check with them tomorrow.  Take care!

  • Bebe

    Thank you for the friendly welcome :)
  • Patty

    She's a cutie!  I had a black-headed tri years ago.

  • Bailey B.

    Hey, thanks for the welcome! :)

  • Amanda Conrad

    Thanks for adding me as a friend :) your fur baby is adorable

  • Nancy

    Hello!  Thanks for the friend request...  seems I've forgotten to login for a few months and forgot how much I enjoy this place!

  • Lisa in Boulder City

    Thanks for the add!

  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Pippin and Gambler Welcomes you and Tommy!! Tri's Rock!!!


  • Carol & Emma Phillips

    Thank you. I am new to this site so I am still learning my way around. We have had Emma with us for 1 week now and are loving every minute of it.
  • Carol & Emma Phillips

    Thank you for the warm welcome. Your Tommy is awesome!
  • Cindy Lincoln

    Thank you for the friend invite!  I haven't been on here much lately.  It's amazing how much your little corgi and my Ella look  This is my first time owning a corgi and I just love this breed.  They are so smart and funny!  My Ella is a bit bossy and definately stubborn but she brings our family a ton of joy!  I'm loving this site with all the goofy corgis out there!!

  • Abbey & Anne

    Thank you.  Hopefully this recovery period will pass quickly for her.  She missed being able to run and play.

  • Cindy, Chris, & Remy

    Thank you. Glad to be back on the site. Why does your Tri look so happy prior to her bath? Mine's a nightmare with hers lol.

  • Cindy, Chris, & Remy

    Oh wait... Tommy's a boy. Doh! Remy's gotten me into the habit of thinking all adorable corgis are girls lol. He's a looker.

  • Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce

    Hi Laura,  Tommy is such a handsome Corgi.  I see he just turned two years old.  Does he have a Facebook page ?  After we brought Wilson home I started the FB page for him so I could share his photos with my family in Florida.  I had no idea he'd end up with over 1,000 fans !  When our RV Park & Campground business gets busy here in another month I won't be able to devote as much time to tending to his page !   JOYCE

  • Lois B. Allen

    When I saw the email I immediately thought that you must have been accepted to Cumberland.  My neighbor's grand daughter will be a third year student this coming year. Friend me and I will tell you her name.

  • Linda

    Sure hoping Tommy J is doing better and recovers quickly.

  • Linda

    LOL...that giant friendly dog is Duffy, our male Irish Wolfhound.  He wasn't full grown yet in that pic.  As an adult he weighted 145 lb and stood 7 foot on his hind legs.  They are truly gentle giants.  Both my husband and I would love to have another but their life span is only 7-10 years.  It's hard enough when they live 13-15-17 yearss but our hearts just can't take losing them so soon.

  • Linda

    Yeah...big switch.  Not only in size but in energy.  Wolfhounds are extremely laid back and if you can handle the size, great apartment dogs.  Corgis, as you know, are so full of energy and need to constantly be on the go.  My 2 are getting older, 9 & 11, but can wear me out that's for sure.

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    your very welcome Laura :) i wanted to have baden do therapy work as he is great with with people and adores kids but unfortunately he gets so excited when hes around people that he practically forgets all his training lol so i have tried to work with him on it but he just cant help himself so instead im was thinking of doing some like agility or rally with him as he certainly has the energy for it and is very focused on me when when we work together and in agility he can meet new people and dogs but since he will be more focused on me and my commands i think he would do better at that

  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    i will:) and be sure to let us know how Tom is doing as well. we are all concerned with what happened and want to be sure all is well

  • Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce

    Thanks for the Happy Birthday wishes for Wilson.  I can't believe he's already a year old.  I love Wilson so much and I'm very grateful to have him.  

  • Tze Peng

    Hello Laura, thank you for adding me in you friends list.

    Tommy is such a cute Corgi. I like the way he 'smile' to the camera.
  • Lois B. Allen

    I'm glad to hear that and that is a major reason I like it here.  My 7 total years in MI provided way more winter than I ever wanted.  In the development where I live, we had quite a bug problem this fall because of the 2 previous winters so my mind says I want some cold weather but my body says NNNOOOO!!

    Are you and Tommy well?  I hope you have made progress adjusting to the school and the southern way of doing things.  I do hope you do well.

    Have you heard of an Ashley Rhea yet?

    Randy and Reese have been to PetSmart fairly recently for baths but Randy's coat seems funny but I had problems with feet and back so couldn't do them.  I will probably continue to take them.  They need toenail jobs already but I can do that with one of the sander/grinder things.  As long as I provide cherrio-type things they are willing to endure the procedures. 

    Take care and do well.  Lois

  • Erin

    We should try do our own meet up time then! haha I'll be moving in that area eventually so we could always do that! 

  • Lois B. Allen

    Thanks Laura, I wish you, Tommy and the family a very Merry Christmas also.  Let Tommy have all the fun he wants as we never know what we will have.  I am looking forward to the 70 degree weather this weekend!!!!!  I hope to bathe Randy and use a lot of conditioner.  His hair has tended to "stand out or up" since his bath at PetSmart and I can get around better and I would like for him to look pretty in his longer coat.  He seems to have settled down quite a bit.  He is not as hyper as he used to be and doesn't try to dominate much any more!!

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Laura,

    I'm so glad that the big Tommy smile has gotten attention.  He is a handsome corgi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good luck.


  • Anya Q.

    Hi Laura!  I just love Tommy's smile, what a cutie!

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker!/photo/ready-for-my-close-up-1?context=user

    we have the same pillowcase and sheet set, I have a pic of lance and tucker with the pillow too!!  good taste :)

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    ok thats wierd, I copy and pasted the link for the pic with the snowman pic, but the football pic came up, lol

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks so much!! 

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Laura,

    Are you in OH or AL.  We are so thrilled that it hasn't been too hot yet.  Randy has been clipped once and then I have done his tummy area a second time.  I'm hoping to take him back to PetSmart in July or when ever it gets hot.

    Reese is her usual self but a littler more active than she used to be and Randy is not quite as busy as he used to be.

    Last year Reese taught Randy that the peppers on pepper plants were good tasting but she seems to realize that the ripe ones are better.  He on the other hand doesn't mind if they are really green.  Monday they attacked 2 plants that had quite a few peppers on them.  Our plants are in pots and last year they sat on the ground so this year, we put them on old picnic benches but never the less the dogs manage to turn one pot over and ate all of the maturing peppers.  There was another plant that had quite a few peppers but fortunately, I had tied the top up for support so they couldn't turn it over.  Consequently, they were only able to eat those that were lower on the plant.

    Randy has never liked for me to talk on the phone as he realizes that he doesn't own me while I am paying attention to the person on the phone.  He also goes nuts over the door bell or phone ringing.  One night I got a call and I was eating my dinner out of a big plastic bowl so I had to get up and put it on the counter because I couldn't talk and fight Randy off.  That didn't deter him, he just went to the kitchen and jumped up and grabbed the bowl, pulled it to the floor and ate my dinner!!

    He knows he is long but he is also an unbelievable jumper.  He is also a "sensitive" and understands if a person is sick or fragile.  I had a friend from CA visit for a month and he seemed to understand that she was not as sure on her feet so after she would get seated, he would "sail" through the air and land in her lap and didn't cause her much damage.  He can be an ornery little guy.  If I didn't do what he wanted he would go jump in her lap!!  He is ornery but is sweet most of the time.


  • Lois B. Allen

    Oh Laura, I forgot another event.  One morning before I got up Randy went out and caught something and came in and got up on the bed with me.  He then let go of the thing and it jumped to the floor and was then attacked by Reese.  Poor thing was a bird and was severely injured so I carefully took it out and put it on the outside of the fence. I don't think Randy intended it any harm but Reese may have had to survive at one time on what she could catch so she knew how to inflect damage.  I really hate that but it is/was extremely unusual.

  • Lois B. Allen

    I just noticed your comment in an old post about 4th of July.  It and new years are not nearly so bad since it is illegal to fire guns on holidays!!!  My dogs used to be terrified especially on New Years eve.  I think in those days my dogs were more afraid of everything because of the fear caused by gun shooting.  Randy and Reese stay close but are not as back as previous dogs.

    You may still need to call the health dept. about the ravine as it is a mosquito hazard and construction probably made it worse.

  • Lois B. Allen

    Hi Laura,  It is my birthday.  It has always been pleasant to have the whole country celebrate it but I dread the fireworks tonight.  We have had some during the week and it has really irritated the dogs as they have barked and carried on!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. I hope you and your roommate and little boy are doing well.


  • Lois B. Allen

    Yes, we are having a nice fall!!!!!  Although, I'm having worse fall allergies that I can ever remember but it is nice.  The plants are really confused.  You remember that a younger friend and I do container gardening, well we have 20 or more little tomatoes and a bunch of several types of peppers!!  They will probably get frozen one of these days.  I think I will pick an extra green tomato for preparation of fried green tomatoes.  Is that a southern soul food that you have experienced?  They can be wonderful if prepared in a way that you like them but there are different ways.

    Is Tommy also very frisky with the cooler weather.  I am so thankful that Randy feels better with the cooler weather.

    They continue to be occupied with their bones and I used to control the amount of chewing that I allowed but Reese had been a rescue and had been hungry so i finally started leaving them out.  It is good to clean Randy's teeth but Reese may wear her's out but at least with a little extra food she doesn't seem to think that she is going to starve any more (I hope).

    Happy Halloween to you and spider dog.


  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Here is the 1.00 costume we found years ago!!

  • Rebecca Horner

    Thank you!