Steve Amerige


Wake Forest, NC

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Software developer
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I had a wonderful Corgi-mix named Martin. He was a rescue dog and we were devoted to each other from the day we met. I've started a memorial website:

I adopted a puppy: Paul! He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, born on March 10th, 2012. Named after the nearest town that I think anyone would recognize (Minneapolis/St. Paul), he was bred by Jane Christensen who left his tail intact. She raises dogs primarily for temperament and Paul's family includes therapy dogs. I'm very grateful to have met such a wonderful person as Jane and to have a wonderful Corgi in my life!
I have:

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  • Roger/Laurie

    Hi Steve   Hope you and Paul as stil planning on coming to the NC Corgi Picnic in a few weeks

  • Jane Christensen

    So glad to have heard from you...can't wait for some new Paul pics:)

  • Ann

    Awww! I was wondering if you found a natural tailed pembroke. Congratulations. Paul is adorable.