

Sacramento, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Owning a Corgi was on my '100 things' I have to do before I die list. I'm married to my partner of 12 years and we have 3 amazing daughters. I'm a founding director of a non profit for homeless youth and LOVE my work and family. I grew up in Mendocino and visit the ocean frequently. I love to travel, read, do art, cook, sew, collage, make books, photography, and feast on anything culturally interesting, poetic or passion filled!
About My Corgi(s):
Dodge in one word... = zest! He is essence of dog all 15 pounds of him! He's 5 months old. His first ear just popped up and he is such great fun! My whole family is entertained by him. We can't imagine days without him.
He's such a well adjusted and loyal pup. I like to be with him all the time and have come to realize that he's quite treat motivated! I can't believe how adorable he is and the silly act of chasing his little stub really sends my family into chuckles!
I suppose all you corgi owners out there know precisely what I mean when I say, I think I need one more!

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  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you :) Glad you can join us :)
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    Banjo's ear popped when she was six months. That's pretty much when she stopped teething, and she was about the same size lil' dodge is now.
    I love his name, it's very clever and corgi-esque. Glad to meet you both!
  • Blithe

    I've been away for a while! With elections, non profit work and basic busy-ness. Dodger is doing great other than recently hurting his front paw. I'm a little worried about him and don't want to take him on a walk because he seems to be really favoring it. Is a sprain a possibility? Won't healing take a while if so? Any other corgis out there with sprain histories? I will add photos soon!