
Profile Information:

About Me:
A life long cat lover discovered Corgis and fell in love!
About My Corgi(s):
Tucker is 6 years old and is a tri-pawd. He lost his leg due to cancer in January 2008.

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  • Amanda

    Wow, those rugs are expensive though! I think the chapel is a cute idea for people to pray for their pets. I didn't get it at first but it makes sense for greiving dog owners. His artwork is very cute too!
  • Emily Schroeder

    I would totally be open to meeting up! Zephyr needs more corgis to play with. Right now she just has the cats to torment.

    I'm so envious,I'd love to meet Ms.Brown,and your Tucker is just amazing.A tri-pawed corgi,what a little trooper he is.