
Profile Information:

Muskegon Michigan
About Me:
I'm a wife and mother, kids grown and my 2 girls are our joy in life. I travel and when we can the girls go with us. I paint, crochet and enjoy the outdoors.
About My Corgi(s):
Arty is our first Corgi and Annie is our newest Corgi. I love these 2 little gals more then anything. They keep me moving and laughing they are so different. If I could I would have more corgi's in my life. I got my mother into corgi's as well and a sister in law is looking for one too. Here where I live they are so hard to find. I am enjoying this site big time. GO CORGI'S!!

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  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Pamela. . .your fur babies are absolutely adorable. . . .
  • Cindi

    When it comes to food, most dogs will eat kibble. But, if a dog is lgiven people food, sometimes they'll rebel against the whole idea of dog food. Also, if they get a good bit of treats, they'll avoid eating knowing we'll give in with the treats. But, for starters, I'd make sure Arty doesn't have anything wrong with his mouth that would cause him a problem with eating. Then, feed on a schedule. Kibble gets put down for 20 minutes and what isn't eaten gets put up until the next feeding time. No cheating. Keep doing it until Arty realizes if he doesn't eat what's put in front of him, for only as long as he gets it, he isn't eating. Try it for two weeks and let me know how it goes.
  • Sam Tsang

    You're welcome :) Keep us updated!