
las vegas

Profile Information:

Las Vegas
About Me:
I'm a Wifey, Mother to my lil puki bear, and a full time student

About My Corgi(s):
Puki was born Feb. 29, 2008, leap year!!! I got puki May 8, 2008. She's adorable, loves attention and quite a handful but we love her!!

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  • Becky H.

    She is adorable!! Makes we wish I could've seen my Midgee as a puppy. Corgi puppies are the cutest!
  • Chase's World

    We both have leap dogs! That's so funny. Puki is freaking adorable! She looks smaller than Chase, but Chase was the runt! I really need to put more pictures up...I just joined last night, and I had no idea this was such a facebook-like place. Thanks for my first comment!
  • Katie

    Pukie is so precious! I wanna hug it!