

Sebastian, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Originally from VA currently living in FL
About Me:
My husband Bob and I are owned by a 9 year old r/w pem, and a 6 year old doxie.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Pem, Jake, who is Bob's boy, is ruler of the house. He keeps the doxie in line, and if he thinks anyone is fighting or arguing, he gets in the middle and puts a stop to it. Bob has some health issues, and when something is wrong with Bob, he's like Lassie. Jake will make sure you know something is wrong. He will also go back to Bob and stay with him until he's sure Bob is alright. He has alot of personality and sometimes he and I can sit here and "talk" to each other.
I have:

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  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    thanks Lyn - I'll put you and Jake on the list! Yes, I'm a handsome lad - aren't we all?!
  • Anne

    I can only take full credit for our the Cardigan, Le-Le. The Pembroke is my parents dog and the other Border Collie is my sister's. My parents Pembroke tries to herd Le-Le and the BC when they play. It is pretty funny. See you in FL.
  • Alison Prasavath

    I'm so sorry to hear about Jake. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.