Ivy & Bryson

Profile Information:

San Francisco Bay Area, CA
About Me:
My husband and I are first time dog owners, and ever since we laid eyes on one of our friend's corgi, we know we've gotta have our own!

We found Bryson from a breeder who just retired him from showing after he won his championship (his puppies didn't quite fit show standards so his career as a stud was over as well). They were going to sell him to Japan to continue his show life, but decided (to our luck) that he'll probably be better off being someone's pet. And the rest is history as they say. :)
About My Corgi(s):
Hi! I'm Bryson. I'm an only child and some say I'm spoiled rotten, which I absolutely am not. I enjoy eating, napping, taking rally classes, going on hikes with mommy and daddy, and hanging out with my buddy Picasso, also a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Comment Wall:

  • Katelyn

    YOUR DOG IS SO cute!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ivy & Bryson! There are quite a few owners from the bay area, hope you guys can get together soon! invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Bryson is gorgeous! Love the pic with the doggles. Tank just loves his.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Ivy! I love your blog! My wife and I really enjoyed reading it today! Love the pics and your writing style! Feel free to post the pics on either your mycorgi.com blog, or photo area or events under forum!
  • Sam Tsang

    MyCorgi.com was only launched 3 weeks ago, the word has just started to spread, so you can help us by telling every corgi owner you know :) Invite Picaso too!

    So you're from HK? I came here 10 years ago and have been here ever since.

    Feel free to create your bay area group page and link it to the existing yahoo group if you like, or you can start your own :) Enjoy!
  • Joanna

    Well, my gussy is 16 months. and he is my baby boy!! i don't have my own kids so he is my baby!! sf is so great me and my husband go there quit often for baseball game and i have always wanted to go for their pet night. have you ever been to that??
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Ivy! Bryson looks beautiful! You got some great pictures!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Ivy. . .Bryson is beautiful!!
  • Mary Phoenix

    Bryson is adorable! I love the picture with the doggles. I will have to post Koby and Gardener with theirs on too. Agility is a great sport and hobby! Koby wouldn't tug either until I made a game where she got a treat if she won the "tug of war" with the toy. My trainer didn't know the difference :-)
  • Ju Lo

    Thanks! You know, I checked out the forums for this site a few weeks ago, but I never thought to create my own page. Thanks for the idea! :)

    By the way, Bryson looks so adorably funny in that raincoat! Corgis need their own clothing line. If I had a savvy for sewing and lots of time, I'd be all over that!
  • Lynn

    I found your blog on the SF Corgi Yahoo groups, and Bryson is such a cutie! Hopefully when I get my corgi they'll be able to meet!
  • Ju Lo

    You know, I found a website a few weeks back that had just oodles of Corgi stuff: t-shirts, mugs, totes, bumper stickers, etc. Some of it was pretty darn cute! I'll see if I can find it again. If I do, I'll be sure to send you the link! :)
  • Lynn

    I just saw your photos from the last SF Corgi meetup, and I really think that I need to go to the next one in November. I was hesitant at first because I'm going to SF that night, so it would have meant two trips up to SF in one day, but your photos have convinced me it's worth it. I believe Corgi Faire is the day after too! I'm looking forward to a weekend of corgis!
  • Ju Lo

    Found it! Cafe Press is where I found all the Corgi stuff: http://www.cafepress.com. Just do a search for Corgi and prepare to be overloaded!
  • Ju Lo

    Hehe. I like the "real dogs don't have tails" stuff. Also, if you click on a lot of that stuff, you can get the same picture/slogan on a t-shirt, mug, tote bag. It's pretty neat. :)

    I hope if you get anything you'll put a picture in your blog!
  • Candy

    It is funny that you are a PharmD + corgi lover + reside/resided in WA!!!

    all three are kinda my things too!
    've got one more year to go, go on rotations on March for a year, and then lll be pretty much finish with my schooling.
    It's interesting your work or worked at WA.
    I'm interested in moving there possibly after graduation, after I settle down. I would LOVE to learn about what WA has to offer for PharmD. I'm also considering a residency, a short one (one year)...
  • Candy

    I would LOVE to find out about residencies in WA.

    My email is bonni783@gmail.com if that is a better way of contact for you.

    Thank you so much!
  • sandra

    i see you are bay area corgi....you goin up to the dixon fair this sunday???

    if you are, kaley corgi is gonna be there!

    kaley corgi kisses : )

    she clears it again! (12 of 21)
  • sandra

    ooo gooooodie, gooodie....mum will be there, i said, she can come even if she is to bring baby jake....hehhehe
    he was not there last year....but he goes everywhere with mum n dad!

    yes, of course, i be there, and i am admin to the dogster group, club corgi....(are you a member???) club corgi, over a thousand members, and many of us club corgi kids to be there.... mum and dad and me there last year, and it is not hard to meet up....sooo fur sure....say hi to me, i am the red n white fluffy corgi!...and yes, i be dressed for the costume contest, and surely , i will be ready and hungry for the hot dog dunk!

    corgis of the world unite!....hey, that is my other group too, flickr style, over three hundred strong and thousands of corgi kid pics, come join...


    i see one more hotdog

    pic on flickr...one of me, and i got another piece of hotdog!

    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • Mary Phoenix

    Hey there! I think I saw Bryson at the Corgi Faire in Dixon. Was he wearing a Mexican motif costume?

    Corgi Ole
  • Ju Lo

    I voted for Bryson! I hope you guys win the costume contest. When I voted it looked neck and neck between the 3 Amigos and Robin Hood. Good luck. :)
  • Ju Lo

    Yes! I love the Corgimobile license plate holder! I noticed the picture in your blog, and I wanted to comment, but for some reason when I'm at work I just can't load the comment box. It's weird. I'm glad I could help! :) I always love to see my random internet searches when I'm bored at work come to some kind of fruition. ;p
  • Avyon

    Congratz on the Halloween contest! :)
  • Avyon

    Thank you :) No I just thought it was pretty hahah. I've been there several times though.
  • Ju Lo

    Congrats on the win! :)
  • Mary Phoenix

    Congratulations to Bryson and Picasso for their well deserved win in the costume contest. Well done :-)
  • April

    Thanks! We have not gone to the SF corgi meet, when is it? We would love to go!
  • Lynn

    I voted for Picasso and Bryson for the Halloween costume contest, and I noticed he's in a lot of photos for the calendar too! I hope he gets in, he's such a beautiful corgi!
  • Lynn

    Hi Ivy! I'm iffy for the next Corgi meetup. Chris is getting back from Korea the day before, so I'm not sure if he'll be up for the drive. I guess we'll just see what time he wakes up! :) Sounds like fun with the gift exchange though!
  • Lynn

    Hey Ivy, I just saw the MyCorgi.com calendar and Bryson is a superstar! I missed the last meetup because I had to finish a project for a class. The group photos look great though. Can't wait to see more photos of the event!

    I emailed my breeder, and our schedules won't work out until next year so I won't be able to see them until then. I think I would rather her pick out a puppy for me. I think she will know the personality of the pups better and will find one that will match my lifestyle. Especially since I laid my cards out on the table and told her pretty much everything about my work, family, etc. They're almost 4 weeks old already, I'm getting excited!! :)
  • Mary Phoenix

    Congrats to Bryson! I just saw the new calendar and couldn't be more excited! They are all just soooo cute! Bryson is looking very handsome :-)