, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My fiance and I live in Detroit, and are totally owned by our Fluffy Corgi and sweet German Shepherd! I love city life. Nobody thinks Detroit is safe, but there are pockets of it that are fabulous and beautiful.

I work as a graphic designer for a printing company, as well as freelance design and photography. And I LOVE CORGIS!

Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Griff is a sable Fluffy, and after years of claiming him as Pembroke, I've decided he's actually a CARDIGAN!

My Little Man came into my life when he was 10 months old as the best surprise Christmas gift ever. I had always wanted a Corgi, and when I was greeted that morning by the happiest, fluffiest, smiliest dog ever, I was totally in love. My better half adopted Griff from the Humane Society where I think fate was keeping him for us to find...

Griff is tenacious, talkative, neurotic, super smart, energetic to a fault, treat motivated, and CUTE! He's also like a 3 year-old boy trapped in a dog's body, so he keeps me on my toes! He loves running, barking, his human friends, eating, walks, sleeping on pillows, chasing squirrels, destuffing toys, swimming, herding his sister, and cuddling on Mommy! I think he would love to live on a farm for the rest of his life - but what dog wouldn't? :)
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome JW! Griff is such a cute fluffy! We have a fluffy group that you can join :)
  • Jen Hajdu

    He sooo cute! He looks like a mini sheltie. Go fluffs!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome! What an adorable fluffy!
  • Bill Gotthelf

    Hi JW. I have seen Flufff's with tails but mostly Cardigans. It is unusual to see a Pembroke fluffy with a tail in the US. Cool, my 3 wanna know what a tail is. How old is Griff/
  • Bill Gotthelf

    Tessie was my first and she arrived right after my birthday. I would not trade any one of them for anything.
  • Cheri

    What a sweet face! Griff is quite handsome. I love fluffies.
  • Cheri

    Thanks for the comments about my corgi's. I love having both a Pem and a Cardi. And my two are so different. We call Taffy our "little lady" and Dudley is our "big bruiser". They're so different, yet so alike. Just like kids. :D
  • sandra

    you are one pretty fluffy girl.....i am a fluffy too.....and lucky you, you have a nice tail!

    i go to the groomers every 6 wks, just to maintain all my fluffiness!

    can we be pals?

    kaley corgi kisses : )

    i am getting tired, see my bow?
  • sandra

    hehehee, guys???? ooo it is nice to go to the groomers...i get nails done and mum does not know how he can do it.....he does all things and even tells mum if i got fleas or matts etc....

    read this...my dogster diary...the new one...a day i was missing for a few hrs....hmmm, maybe cuz i did not want to go to the groomers?????...hehe, who knows...it is a funny diary entry though...

    ps, this is me if i never went to the groomers!.....and me being a girl does not mean i do not like to be dirty......mum tells me i am a tom boy corgi!...hmm, what is that??? my name is kaley and i am a girl?????


    'before' shot of me before being groomed

    'before' shot of me before being groomed
    here is the diary entry,/......on the bottom left, gotta see the diary!


    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • Kim Sigernes

    Lovely corgi!
    I have never seen fluffy pembrokes with tails before, but, ah, how beautiful!!
  • Nicole

    What a beautiful Fluffy you have!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi JW
    I am orginally from Birmingham. We moved to Indy in 2000. Griff is adorable!
  • Carol Braitman

    I really like it here in Indy. My mom and sister are still in B'ham, my brother is in Troy. We are glad we moved before the economy tanked. My husband worked for Oakalnd county and his job was eliminated shortly after we moved.
    Where abouts are you?
  • DudeWheresMyCorgi

    thanks for the comment =] I'm glad Louis has a little pal with his tail too =] your dog is insanely adorable i love his fluffy coat!