George V



United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live on a small lake in Southern NH, with my wife, a Golden Retriever and two cats.
About My Corgi(s):
We lost our Corgi (Emmy) on October 12, 2007 to a rare Wild Animal Bacteria carried by infective Skunks and a few other animals. Emmy was only 7 years old when we lost her. She was loved by everyone, especially the kids, we always knew where she was when there were any kids around. She especially loved to play with anyone in the water.

We have been looking for another Corgi since.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome George! Glad to see you already found a group to join :) Invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Michael Johnson

    George I am sorry for the loss of Emmy, we too have had loss in the past. We are also the proud owners of a Golden, this one is our 5th one.

    Hopefully you will find the right Corgi for your household soon.

    Liberty and I wish you all well in your time of loss.
  • WhiteDove

    George, I am so sorry for your loss. . . .Emmy sound like she was just wonderful. . . .

    Good luck with your search, I'm sure you'll be successful.
  • Heather

    So sorry for the loss of such a beloved family member....she sounded like a wonderful companion to your whole family. You are never able to truly replace them, but perhaps you will be able to give another corgi a loving home. Check out the corgi rescue association.
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    Sounds like Emmy had a wonderful life by the lake. So sorry for your loss.
  • Marie Ingemarssson

    I has just red about your lost. I'm sorry. When you lost a dear frend it's hurts so mutch. I hope you find a new dear frend soon. /Mi
  • Florence Fong

    Hi George,
    Thanks for the invitation to join your group of friends. I gladly accept. I'm sorry about what happened to Emmy. She looked like such a darling. I lost my previous Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Roy in April, 2006 to heart failure. He was 11 years old. I can appreciate the sense of loss you are going through. Take comfort that you and your family have given her a good life.
  • Chris

    hi George - thanks for inviting me!
  • Cheri

    I am so sorry you lost Emmy so young. I know you won't be able to find a corgi to replace her but hopefully you'll find another Corgi to fill another spot in your heart.
  • Nicole

    Hi George, thanks for the add.
    I am sorry to hear about Emmy. It's always hard to lose a beloved pet. But just think of this as a chance to get to know another great dog and give it a great home.
    I live in Texas now but I grew up in New Hampshire (Lakes Region). Small world!
  • Nicole

    To be clear, I only moved to Texas to be with my fiance. I can't see myself living here for the rest of my life; I do miss NH. We probably won't live there but will move farther north someday when we are both out of school.
    How great that you have a Golden to keep all of you company. I've never had one but I know they are great companions.
  • Maryanne

    Hi George---your corgi is really cute!!!!!!!!
  • KaraP

    Hi and thank you for the friend invite. My condolenses about Emmy. Take care.
  • maggity

    I'm gonna check out your flickr.....I'm a huge flickr fan too. Not too many pics of my adopted corgi's. they had a rough 3 months adjusting. They were left in a barn with no people contact. I think we will soon be ready to start snapping some shots. They are too happy now....and I'm sure they will always be leary of people.
  • maggity

    Cute pics of emmy swimming. We have a pool. The barn boys are kinda eyeing it now. Any suggestions on how to ease them into the water??
  • maggity

    My god, I'm new to this thing, early in the morn and all I wanted to do was get to your Flickr and see all your pics. I so sorry about Emmy. I lost my Mike....2 years ago and I still miss the little man. I rescued him from the pound and had him 11 years. It broke my heart. He lost one eye and went blind but sharp. I was so fearful he would fall into the pool and find him dround. We tryed teaching him but he could never find his way to the steps. I was an avid swimmer in my younger days & believe all children & pets should be comfortable with the water.
    My condolences
  • Fay

    Emmy was beautiful. Before falling for Lexie I had to say goodbye to Molly (a westie) who was my late parents dog - It was very difficult as she was the last living connection I had to my folks - Not that she could sit around and talk about old times. I did the whole "never getting another dog" thing and then began to really feel the void in our home. I think a corgi is an excellent choice and I am glad to have found this site!
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi George, I am so sorry to hear about your beautiful corgi. I have a wonderful breeder here in Indiana, ( Charlotte's ), that raises the best pets. I'd be happy to link you up if you like. Carol
  • Mandy and Lori

    HI Georgie V!! You have a pretty page!! I am so sorry about Emmy!! She as a beauty!! That is so sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you, I would be broken hearted, as I am sure you are. Good luck on your Corgi search!! Let me know if you find one!!
  • colleen

    I am so saddened to hear of your loss. When I first saw your photo of Emmy I gasped. She looks just like my Brody That I lost 6 years ago. He stole my heart. Right now I'm going through a scary time with my Buddy dog a tri-color. right before Christmas he suddenly became partially paralyzed. After four trips to the vet including the emergency vet we believe he has intervertebral disc disease which is degenerative. I find out on Wed. what our options are. Buddy was a rescue from a puppy mill and a wonder of a dog. You may want to consider a rescue when you are ready. My thoughts are with you!
  • Mandy and Lori

    Happy New Year 2008 George V!! Have a great year!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
  • Jan

    Wow! What a beautiful Corgi-Girl!!! I am so sorry to hear about your loss of Emmy! There are so many strange new diseases and viruses and bacteria, etc. than I ever remember in years past!!!! As a breeder, I try to be responsible and have my dogs checked for everything imaginable......and it's never enough!!! I am almost to the point of eccentric in trying to protect my puppies from outside "germs"....somewhere you have to draw a line between socializing the puppies properly and exposing them to strange "germs". I would never have thought of this bacteria that Emmy died from.....I live in the country too and my dogs run within the fenced acreage. I'm sure that I have wild animals on my place at night, that's why all my dogs come inside the house at nite....but bacteria, how does one fight it in a HUGE yard????
    BEST Wishes for finding your perfect Corgi...they will never replace Emmy, but they will help to fill the void you feel in your Heart!!!! Many Blessings for the New Year!!!
  • Kristen

    I am so sorry for your loss. Having lost my Basil last year I can understand your pain. Good luck with your search. I would be happy to share the name of the breeder we are getting our new puppy from. My best to you George.
  • Dominique

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. There's another corgi out there waiting for you and your family, i'm sure.
    Emmy looked like a real sweetie.
  • Carolyn Pippin and Gambler

    Gee so sorry for your loss. Good luck.Keep hunting! You'll find just the right one. Or the right will pick you!
    Then the new puppy will help fill the void in all your hearts.
  • Austin & Juno

    Beautiful corgi. I'm sure she'll be missed. Surely you'll make great parents for a new corgi out there as well!
  • PB&J

    Thanks for the add! How is your Corgi search going? Nice to make new friends...TTYL
  • Kaydee's Corgis (Kim)

    So very sorry to hear about Emmy!
    Good luck in your search for another.
  • Frances

    Such a beautiful lady! I so sorry to hear you lost her. I know how much you must miss her. I hope you find another one just as sweet.
  • Duncan

    Emmy is so precious!!!! I just want to hug her!!! Thanks for adding us as your friends :) We live in Maine, not too far form you! My husband went to UNH.
  • Duncan

    We send loving thoughts to you and your family...and Duncan offers hugs!
  • AmberBailey

    hey you look like my mom!
  • Stephanie Hochuli

    I am truly sorry about Emmy. We lived in New Hampshire in Newton many years ago. WE had a corgi named Nancy at the time. She had grown up in Florida and the first time she saw snow, she did not believe it and made us take her to every single door in the house to check out if that nasty white stuff was everywhere.
  • Linda Mae

    Hi George, thank-you for the welcome. I am so glad to be your friend!!

    ♥ Linda Mae
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi George!! Thank-you for the welcome for Mandy's sister!!
    How is the Corgi hunt going? I hope you can find one soon. I know you miss Emmy like crazy.
    I wish I could video these two girls playing for you to watch. They are so funny. Have a nice day!!

    Mandy and Lori
  • Deb & Terry

    Sorry to read about your loss - I know how it feels. Thank you for posting the very cute pic. I will post pics of our boys once I get my daughter to upload some. (We're dinosaurs and don't own a digital camera.)
  • BlueMingo

    So sorry to hear about Emmy.... I know how hard it is to lose a family member.