
64, Female

Mobile, AL

United States

Profile Information:

I was raised in Western Massachusetts and now live in Mobile, AL
About Me:
My partner and I are the proud parents of 3 Pemmies,a Cardi X, and a Cardi, of whom are spoiled rotten. I'm a dog trainer. I also volunteer my time to an animal welfare organization here to train their dogs on the basics so they are more adoptable. I continue to work with service, therapy and special needs dogs. I am disabled by Fibromyalgia now and only train privately. My partner, Patti B., is a groomer and all-around animal whisperer! She also is disabled; an Iraq War Vet. We also have a catahoula x and mini aussie x to round out the family.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tank, CWC X, is AKC-CGC and Delta certified and is retired as my partner's service dog. (She is an OIF/Iraq War vet.) Everybody in town knows Tank. I'm no longer Cindi, I'm Tank's mom. We also have Rainer, Riley, Harmony (service dog), Dundee, Moira, and honorary corgis Ranec (catahoula) and Aine' (aussie).

Dundee, PWC, is a puppy mill rescue. When we adopted him, he weighed 14 lbs, was missing fur, teeth were rotten, ears eaten was sad. Now he's a healthy and happy boy!

Moira, PWC, was a rescue organization adoption. She was grossly overweight, close to 48 lbs. She's now a svelte 25 lbs. She's the boss of the whole pack!

Harmony is a CWC who came from a wonderful breeder in the Huntsville area. She is just a sparkle princess! So sweet natured and good hearted. She joined our family on August 21st '09. Harmony is now trained as Corgi Mom's new service dog. She's so SMART! Everyone loves her and she has her own fan club now.

Rainer was an owner surrender to me after he was attacked by an intact pit bull and it's owner. He was in pretty bad shape. Now he is such a happy boy, running and jumping and frapping! He loves everyone he sees. Still working on liking other dogs, but that will come in time.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Ashley

    thanks for the welcome! Rhett actually starts puppy training this morning! I'd also like to eventually get him into a nice puppy daycare to make sure he gets some good socialization with other dogs since I only have him! Any other suggestions? I'm so open!
  • Linda Mae

    Thank-you for the welcome Moonmystic!!

    Linda Mae
  • juliette

    In The Netherlands we are not allowed by law to dock the tails.
    Therefore we have to concentrate on breeding natural bobs ,because we don't like tails.
  • Anna Fung

    Thanks! You and Corgi Mom seem like wonderful people!
  • Ellensama

    Thanks for the friending. Your new dog Rudy looks so cute and happy!
  • Shannon

    We are excited also about Snowy and Buttercup. Snowy should be here by the end of the month.
  • Moosey May

    Hey...Thanks for welcoming us :P
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Just for potty. He does not stay outside all the time or anything like that. He does have a new friend in the next yard over, so I let him run along the fence with the other dog. I think he was very used to going out with other dogs and is not thrilled about being alone in the big yard. He has to get used to it, so I stay at the door so he feels more secure.
  • Evelyn Kay

    Hi there! Thanks for the welcome note :) You are so lucky to have so many Corgis! I think they are fascinating although so far we just have one. My husband is begging for another though! I love the training program at PetSmart - we put Bailey in it a while back and will probably put her in another class soon. We actually purchased her from a PetSmart pet trainer. Yes, we love ATL too! My radio show-parter is from Mobile, so I thought it was cool that you live there.
  • Apollo & Daphne

    my mother-in-law suggested either allergies or something they ate. our backyard is nothing but dirt and tiny patches of grass tho. we have been trying to moniter them to see what happens. but our older pup had diarrhea last night on his walk. i'm trying to get her apt. bumped up to tomorrow instead of tuesday. and her crate only fits her. so she has been going potty then lying in it. and they're trained to go outside. as long as were home, our door is open. and she goes wherever big bro goes. sometimes she just forgets i guess.
  • Lynne Brady

    Your fluffs look adorable.......I have to wait till i get my monitor back, it went belly up on me over the weekend, so I'm using a friends....As soon as I get it (probably end of next week), I'll have pics of her....She's such a ham!
  • GusBus

    Thanks for the welcome! You and your partner's patience and love for dogs is clear from reading your site! It is wonderful to know that these corgis have a happy home!
  • Bama Girl

    Thanks for your comments. I have to admit, you are doing amazing things for Corgis and animals in general and I am most of all thankful but also very impressed. Its always great to such humanitarian acts toward our four-legged friends. I wish you nothing more than continued success and hopes for a great football season...ROLL TIDE!!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D Even cuter pics to come... =P
  • Sam

    Thanks for the welcome...lucky you with all those corgis. They are so adventerous it has to be a trip. Thanks again...
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thanks for the welcome! You sure have one big family there don't you? They are adorable and must keep you busy!
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Thanks for the welcome moonmystic, its wonderful what you have done with the rescue dogs. And it is wonderful what you and the dogs are doing for other people. Its been a treat to read all that you've been able to do with these rescues. A salute to you, your partner and your furry friends! I am very excited to welcome mine home soon.
  • Stephanie & Lola

    Thank you for the warm welcome :) You are an amazing person for helping all those poor dogs. I wish I had the space and time to do this. I am so happy there are people like you to do such an awesome job
  • Margaret

    Hello thanks so much for adding me! Corgis do rule. I love mine so much; they are like my children. I will eventually get their pics uploaded.
    Unfortunately, I have been sidetracked since joining. I found this site because I was looking for info on corgis going into labor.
    My girls just turned 1 year on the 4th was looking so forward to breeding them when they became a little older; however, as careful as I tried to be watching them when they were in heat, Ellie wandered far enough to find a very large dog to breed with and long story short she couldn't deliver-during her c-section she crashed. Thankfully, they were able to revive her but her uterus was completely destroyed because the pups were so large. It has been very harrowing around here. Sad that we won't be breeding her but I don't care anymore--just so thankful she is alive and being such a good mommie to her little muts. Your corgis are beautiful!
  • Tippy's mom

    Hi there, it looks like you and your partner have wonderful dogs! best wishes to the both of you!
    Corgis rock!
  • Kim

    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! It amazes me how terrible humans can be to their pets. I get so mad at the abuse and neglect. Tucker is the love of my life and I 'm so thankful he's recovering from his leg amputation and is back to being my dog again.
  • Me

    Thank you. Corgis are so unique, so faitful, super smart and STUBORN.
  • Colleen M

    Thanks for the Welcome! I am still checking things out and it is nice to find more friendly Corgi people in the world.
  • Kate

    Hi! Thanks for the welcome and compliment! Your dogs all look quite brilliant as well :D I see you live in Mobile; My husband and I are in Montgomery, AL for the time being.
  • Kristina

    my family wanted a unique and different name for her so we named her after a spring roll from the philippines.
  • Hannah and Ruby

    Hello! I'm Hannah! I just joined and I LOVE CORGIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    Hello and thanks for the comment. I've enjoyed reading about your corgi's. Our Chloe is a pet therapy dog at the Kansas Veterans' Home. I work for the Kansas Commission on Veterans' Affairs and have an office at one of the state nursing homes. She LOVES to go to work with me and of course, the vets love her. I applaud your work with vets and corgi's.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Hi MoonMystic!! I am just visiting friends, but maybe I will ask a question to you and Corgi Mom while I am here. When should you switch from puppy food to dog food? I know this conversation has been done, but I cannot find it now here at MyCorgi. My Corgi Mandy is 10 months old. :)
  • Heather

    There are quite a few corgis here in Hawaii. Just on my street alone are 3.
  • Linda W.

    Thanks for including me as a friend! :)
  • Mandy and Lori

    Thank-you for the advice!! I will do that with the food. :)
  • penny spencer

    Thanks for your response. You and your corgi friends sure are busy and doing good for people. I wish i could do something with Roscoe, but don't think he's got the personality for something like that. Enjoy talking with other corgi lovers.

    Thank you
  • Bella

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Tallulah Belle

    Hi MoonMystic- This is Tallulah, your Petsmart corgi buddy! My parents finally made a page for me. Looking forward to seeing you soon!
  • Katie & Lola

    Thanks for the comment! I love the fact that you rescue animals. I can't wait to talk with you a bit more about your rescues!!!
  • Kristen

    Cindi, I read the bit about overweight Corgis that you have posted and I have been watching posts on diet. My Lizzie is overweight. She shattered her pelvis a couple of years ago and put on weight--then she healed we went back to walking, then I ruptured my Achilles and the walking was cut short for a while once again. We live on a farm--she still execises, but it is not as much as our long walks. I am fully healed, and hopefully with warmer weather we can increase our walking again. She is now quite chubby. I have cut her kibble (Canidae) back to less than 1/2 cup ( 1/4 cup 2 x day) and put a filler of green beans in so she feels like she is getting more. I haven't seen much change. Does it make sense to cut her back more? I will also put a tsp of non-fat cottage cheese or non-fat yogurt in. Snacks are carrots and an occasional piece of Canidae bisquit. No more table scraps. I know part of her weight gain was from stealing duck and goose eggs, but I have been watching her pretty closely and haven't noticed her sneaking eggs nor I have smelled the tell tell sulphur gas that she would get from the eggs. Any advice? I appreciate your experience here.--Kristen
  • bunni, stef & jason

    Thanks for the welcome greets...looks like you have a whole family of corgi fun everyday. now that bunni's full grown, she prefers to be described as "gorgeous" rather than "cute". she's the princess diva in her own silly corgi mind.
  • Liz

    hi! thanks for the welcome. i just extended through july to make another tour overseas... so if i don't reenlist, i'll be out in a little over a year!
  • Julie

    Hi Cindi, any suggestions for my sister. Louie terrorized us all weekend with his continuous nipping, and aggressive behaviour. I can see he is smart but does not take no for an answer. I hate to see him been disciplined harshly because that is not the answer either.
    Everyone wants to get away from him because he is "annoying" and anyone new comes into the house he is after them constantly. What can she do? He is over a year old now. He seems to run the household
  • Cat & Casey

    Thanks for the welcome. I read your suggestion of feeding pumpkin to help the overweight Corgi. Sandra that owns Kaley Corgi recommended pumpkin to me back in December. I put Rascal on a diet of half dry dog food & half pumpkin & he has lost 3 lbs between Xmas time @ the Vet "motel" & Valentine's Day motel visit. His indigestion has improved also. He loves pumpkin & it seems to help him fell more filled up. He was too skinny when we 1st adopted him but too many table scraps caused him to be overweight. Since he will soon turn 11 years old, I know he needs to stay slimmer to have a healthier longer life.

    When we finally get spring weather here so I can walk him farther that will help also!

    If you are interested in a joining a social web site where many members are corgi owners & other dog breeds check out my pal Sandra & her Corgi Kaley's site @
  • raiden

  • Ulla

    Thanks för the welcome !
  • Ulla

    My corgi grow up with Flatcoated retrievers so he maybe think he´s a retriever ;-)
  • Majsan

    Thank you for those kind words. Offcouse I think that my Cardis are wery beutiful ;)
  • Laura & Lola

    Thanks Cindi!!! This looks like a fun site!!!
  • pat and mike


    Thank you very much.
  • Tallulah Belle

    Hi Cindi - I saw something online about AKC agility trials being held in Mobile this weekend. Have you ever been to one of these competitions? I've watched them on TV, but thought it may be cool in person. Just thought I would share the word!
  • Muki

    it was really difficult keeping her away from the food. afterall, look at what her eyes are focused on. thanks for writing and welcoming me.
  • Concetta

    Hi- your team deserved to win this year. I am not one of those jerky Yankee fans. this year is sad for us since Yankee stadium will no longer be with us next year. Would love to see Fenway one day.