Corgi Bear and Handsome George

Ocean City Md

Profile Information:

Ocean Pines MD
About Me:
CorgiBear loves sweet potatoes, apples, pumpkins, eggs and chicken breast. She loves to run the "Super 8" in the house and herd mom and dad up and down the stairs. When I sleep I like to go to the top of the bed and sleep on the pillows against the head board. I will occassionaly nestle my nose on mom or dads head and give them a big wet one when they are sleeping. I love to talk and chat but noone knows what I am saying. I love to go down slides at the parks with my mom. She needs to get me into agility classes...hint hint....

Even though I live at the beach I do not like to go into the water. I do like the sand on the beach.

I am petite, only about 21 lbs and my birthday is March 3rd 2006.

Handsome George joined the family January 22 2008. He was about 4 months old and as he develops I will let you know what he likes...other than napping at this point.

Hi it's me Handsome George, I love my new home. CorgiBear and I play together all the time. I love all the toys and enjoy running and chasing my tail. At least I thought I had a tail. I love to be held by mom and dad. I don't mind baths too much either. I am about 19 pounds now, guess I will be bigger than CorgiBear. I love all food, but mom tells dad not to feed me peoplefood, I might get fat, I am a bit lazy and just like to eat. I will try to eat rocks, acorns, sticks and other things dogs like to eat sometimes. Popcorn is yummy too!

I am glad to be a part of this family.........woof
About My Corgi(s):
Princess Penelope Gwendalyn CorgiBear and Handsome George

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Welcome! CorgiBear is so cute. Our Maddie is petite, as well. She's 10 mos. and about 19lbs. She has a big dog attitude too!
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    Coffee, croissant and oj please...
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Tracey! love you corgi pics with the mouth open :)
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Tracey. . .too funny. . .Corgi Bear and I share the same birthday. . .
  • Florence Fong

    What a darling corgi. Love her name too. I live near the seaside too.....about 25 minutes walking distance.
  • Corgi Bear and Handsome George

    Just in time for Valentine's Day....
  • Florence Fong

    CorgiBear & Handsome George are a good-looking couple! Kinda like Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt.... :-D
  • Candy

    Hi. Thanks for your advice.
    I have a vet that I love...
    I HAD to go to that recommended one in order for her to be under "warranty"... haha... whatever that means...
    I gave up arguing the store... and took the puppy to my vet for extra TLC !!! She's all better now!!!

    Your little ones are sooo cute!!
    But who's to deny the cuteness and intelligence of Corgis!! Afterall, the Queen has 4!!
  • Kristen

    I hope things are still going well for all of you with the new puppy. I just love the profile picture.
  • Frances

    What beautiful Corgis you have!!!!!
  • Amanda

    How funny, my dogs do crazy 8's every once in a while in the living room. It'll just start out of no where and it's really funny. There's this open field near our house we take them and let them run and Daisy is a natural herder at least to me and my husband. She's a pro. Ein is afraid to step on any burs so he kinda tip toes around. It's fun! Anyway, your dogs are very cute and look smiley. I love that!
  • sandra

    hi corgi bear n handsome george,

    soo glad we are pals here on mycorgi....come and join my group here....corgis of the world style!

    do check out my mums new social community too...the adults like to talk and lots are corgi humans!

    you know you are soo lucky to have a corgi pal in your family..i am the only corgi child here for now....but a corgi kid is on my wish list still!

    i caught the ball (1 of 5)

    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • sandra

    thank for the comment....and yes, do get started in agility
    it is the funnest thing to do....i love it!

    she clears it again! (12 of 21)

    kaley corgi kisses : )
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Hi there, I love the beach video!! Too cute! I think I a, in love with handsome George!! :-)
  • pat and mike

    Wow - nice! We'll have to spend some time reading all you have written!
  • Cheri

    Cute babies!
  • Margaret

    We met CorgiBear and Handsome George when your husband took them out for a walk to get the mail about 2 months ago. Sometimes they walk behind our house on the cart path of the golf course. Each time I see them I have to come out and talk with them and give them some love. We are almost across the street from your mailbox on Newport Drive. We are at 32 Newport Drive. Stop by we would love to meet the mother of Corgi Bear & Handsome George.