

Tampa, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Jen, I live on the west coast of Florida with my mom. Ryan, my boyfriend, lives up in Snohomish, WA with his family. I go to visit him on the holidays, and some time in the middle of the year. We have cats and a corgi here in Florida, while Ryan has a Shepard mix.
I don't get out much because I cannot legally drive, and due to a car accident last year my mobility is hampered. Though you may not be able to tell I suffer from back pains and cannot work. I am however in a wonderful physical therapy program for that. I also have a big problem with depression and even with treatment it seems that the slightest thing can set me off.
Some people may be wondering why I would get a corgi if I am so disabled, but I believe that corgis are special. They are unlike any other dog, in my eyes. I am Scotch/Irish, and I believe greatly in the tales of old, and in the healing powers of animals.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The little one is a PWC, named Banzai Fuzzybutt. I got my new pup from Celestial Star Kennel. Banzai was born on the 25th of May 2008, and appears to be a well behaved little boy. Or so it appears. He has his moments but I think that he is at THAT age.
I have:

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  • Joshua

    I hear you about the gas issue! Another reason I will continue to mix for a while is because I can stretch the use of Orijen longer and pay less in the end.
  • Butter

    Sugar! I can't find it on YouTube. I personally don't find YouTube the easiest place to navigate. Any more ideas? Joy
  • Butter

    I have finally had a chance to read your story and have it sink in. I made a comment under it. Joy

    otaku should be my middle name,no really!!!i am so glad your getting a corgi,you'll just love it!!they are so smart and loving.i can't get enough time in the day to spend with my boys.they just make everything better!!!!
  • Butter

    I made another lonnnnggg comment under your last reply in the Group. We share the same 1st name. I go by my 3rd name, Joy. I looked up your breeder's website but then I don't know where to look....she has a lot of videos. Just let me know...have a good evening.
  • Butter

    I just saw Banzai...she is sooo adorable and makes such cute sounds. A very pretty puppy. I don't know how you can stand waiting!! The puppies are all so sweet!
  • Wynne Phillips

    I love the pictures! Looks like you have things well prepared for Banzai's arrival!
  • Wynne Phillips

    Oh-Gus' name was Indy when we got him from the breeder. At first I thought it was because he was fast, but they said it was because he was such an "Indy-vidual"! Quite fitting now that I know Gus! Good luck with everything!
  • Reese

    Thank you!! I can't wait to pick her up as so are you... Unfortunately I have to pick her up the following weekend after everyone picks their baby up.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Banzai is soooo cute!
  • Butter

    Happy 4th of July!
  • Butter

    No, I'm Canadian, we celebrate July 1st but thanks anyway! Banzai is soooo adorable. I love his new picture and his colouring is so beautiful.
  • Maggie May

    Our pups do have the same coloring, huh? Looking forward to seeing more photos and blog entries as you actually GET him! Maggie's pretty good with the camera. She posed real well to a 4th of July picture today. My husband and I have been watching her every move and thoroughly enjoying every bit! You will too with Banzai!
  • Reese

    Did Celeste setup a day for visits or did you just arrange that with her??
  • Reese

    Oh ok. Darn I thought she was going to send out an invitation for a specific day. If I would have known that I would of gone out this weekend. Well I guess I will just have to wait till I pick her up. I'm trying to move into a house so the next few weeks are going to be hectic. When you go would you try to get some video/pics of Reese for me???
  • Reese

    Cool! That was weird it was like Celeste knew we were talking about her and the pups! I just replied back to her e-mail and asked if we could drive out there tomorrow... hopefully she isn't busy or the road isn't too wet. Thanks in advance for taking some pics/video of Reese on your visit!
  • Reese

    Oh yay... I'm going to see Reese Thursday evening! You can now pay all your attention on Bansai. Thank you for being so kind! I am sooo excited!
  • Butter

    Yeah, I'm confused by it. Was it meant for me or for others?
  • Butter

    OK, you said "your" a few times and I thought you were telling me how to do it and I thought you had missed the point. Actually this evening we were playing Buttercup songs on the Internet and Buttercup kept doing the wave, I think he was dancing....it was too cute. At one point I was trying to get him to stop and I said "good boy", "go down" and I clapped my hands to show he had done a great job. As soon as I started clapping, he took that as a sign to do more waving. It was sooo funny. We laughed so hard. We had a Corgi PJ party.
  • Katie

    Indy and i have joined the mycorgi.com train! YAY!
  • Dannielle

    Aww Banzai is as cute as can be! I am getting my pup from Celeste but not until Aug 22nd I dont know hpw I will ever make it that long :o)
  • Dannielle

    Yes I am getting one of Beth and Kobes lil boys. He is going to be named Zero from the dog on nightmare before christmas. Aug 22nd cant come soon enough, I cant wait to be able to visit :o)
  • Dannielle

    Ya I love the name as soon as I got the 1st pics of him I thought of it. I keep wanting to go to the pet stores and get him all kinds of things but I have to keep reminding myself that he wont get to come home for so long :o)
  • sandra

    thanks for video comment.....funny thing is, we are getting better and some of my pals would say, awwww, no more frapping.....hehee, deal is yu never know!

    here is her frap in the obed ring!


    funny thing is both times here, she went to submissive and did the down i wanted!

    hehe, did i win???

  • Butter

    Yeah, I am really, really happy for you!! You know, I went on your deviant site yesterday and looked at all your artwork and kept thinking that you were so talented and wouldn't it be something if you could do even a bit at a time. I don't know anything about your style of art but it is very cool and very imaginative. I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if you could start to do a comic (if that is the right word) strip about corgi adventures. Sort of like Tasha Tudor (I think that was her name) and speed it up a few lightyears. There are a lot of teens and young adults with corgis who just may get into this. I dont' know anything about the marketing, maybe you could make some money; don't know. But at least you could be releasing your creative genius.

    I noticed you used Photoshop; is it the full edition (the one that costs $1,400? What do you use it for in your artwork? I am always curious and like to learn.
  • Lisa P from WV

    I kept seeing Fuzzybutt on other people's sight...so I had to follow from one of theirs to get to yours!!! We have music too! I love the sights with music! Banzai is such a cutie! You look like a proud parent with all the stuff waiting on your new arrival!!!! lol
  • Butter

    Yeah, that would be neat. You could test drive it on us. Were you able to finish your college course or did your accident happen during it?
  • Butter

    HI, I really need your help. I just created my first playlist (I am quite amazed with myself). Now I have absolutely no idea how to get it onto MyCorgi.com. Would you please be so kind to give me step by step instructions so I can do something with it? Thanks so much! Joy
  • Butter

    Part 2; I found a way to get it on My Page. Will you take a look and make suggestions; there is some gobblygook underneath that I'm not sure how to hide. Also, yours is in colour and just looks a whole lot better than mine. How did you do that. Thanks for any help you can pass my way. Joy
  • Butter

    Part 3- Sorry to bother you again....I think I finally got it. I just have one final question. When I update my playlist on playlist.com will it automatically update it on MyCorgi or do I have to keep deleting and updating this page all the time. Thanks for your help. This is quite an accomplisment for me.
  • Lisa P from WV

    lol!....I guess that's the case! I'm letting my 11 year old son look at the pics! He said that corgi's spoiled already! lol
  • Butter

    No problem, hope you had a good nap!
  • CassieD44

    Oops I just saw your comment from the other day! I'm not sure about paying to get in the dog park. I just moved here from Atlanta. But there is a website for the meetup, the link to it is in the St. Pete Corgi Meetup Group, and I'm going to check there to see. I can let you know what I find out! Are you going to be able to make it Saturday?
  • Butter

    have fun visiting your baby tomorrow!! Don't forget your camera!
  • Dannielle

    Hope ur visit went really well! Hope u took lots of pictures! :o)
  • Reese

    I must have spoiled her with all the attention I gave her the day before. Did you get good pictures??
  • Reese

  • Sam Tsang

    You have nothing to be afraid of :) I think the "jerk" never really left "high school" and still acts like a bully. If I was in your situation, I would not let one person spoil my fun time. Do you remember his face and the name of the corgi pup? This the picture link from yesterday's meetup from Cassie.
  • CassieD44

    I know, I didn't realize it was you either! Well next time we'll know. =) I was wearing a black tank top and obviously had 2 dogs. Hopefully we can introduce ourselves next time!
  • Sam & Shelby

    Goodluck with Banzai, she's adorable. Hopefully, you'll enjoy your corgi as much as the rest of us.
  • Sam & Shelby

    No problem, he's so cute. Don't you just wish that they stayed like that forever? Oh, and sorry, I meant "he" not "she".
  • Sam & Shelby

    Yeah, all puppies grow up to be dogs. I want to see Shelby grown up, to. Puppies are really only puppies until we accept that they all become dogs. Oh well, it's nice to see them grow as we do, too.
  • Kelsey

    That's cool! I grew up in Arlington, which is just north of there (as did my boyfriend)! :)
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    He is soooo adorable.
  • Sam & Shelby

    11 more days till you need 50 bottles of Resolve, 18 tons of puppy chow, and 75 lbs of groud coffee! How exciting!
  • Butter

    Hi, thanks. So is your work anime? Can you officially do it if you are not Japanese (I am assuming you are not)?
  • Butter

    I noticed that there was a distinct look to some work but never really knew much about it.
  • Katelyn

    You're corgi is ADORABLE!!!! =)
    anime is awesome......lol ^_^
  • Sam & Shelby

    Well, I guess that tea is healthier. I still can't resist A dark chocolate Starbucks Frappuccino. I've devised a new plan were I can actually sleep in my bed now and not have to worry. The coffee still tastes good though.
  • Katelyn

    Thanks! I love anime and drawing it as well! =D