

West Lafayette, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Bangkok, Thailand
About Me:
I go to Purdue University and am in Animal Science/pre-Vet !!
About My Corgi(s):
My favorite dog breeds are corgis and pomeranians!
My corgi's name is Toto. He is 7 months old. My pomeranian's name is PangPang and is about 5 years old. Unfortunately PangPang is living in Korea right now. But Toto and my other pet ferret named Dwaeji (dway-jee) are here with me!

Comment Wall:

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome to mycorgi. Toto is adorable. Cute pictures of Toto with the ferret. My favorite one of them is the kisses one. Too precious.
  • Juel

    Welcome! The people here are great!
  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi Lynn! Glad you are here~your pictures are too cute and Toto is really darling.I raised ferrets for years and seeing yours brought back memories(mine were raised with cats and grew up and played together,too).
  • Zed

    Toto is adorable. Welcome to MyCorgi.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lynn and Toto!
  • PuKi

    Welcome! Toto was such an adorable pup! And now hes so handsome at 7 months! I can't wait til my lil puki grows up too!!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Lynn and Toto! We live just south of chicago!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Lynn,
    Toto is just so adorable looking. My Ritz is red/white in colour and he has a red patch on top of his head too but now that he's grown up, the shape of the patch has elongated.
  • Dominique

    Hello Lynn!
    Toto is adorable!
    welcome to the site!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    yes he does! toto is soooo cute!
  • James

    How did you introduce the pup and the ferret? I just adopted a ferret kit and my pup is very weary of him.
  • James

    I have not named him yet, I cant think of a name. I have been refering to him as Weasley Snipes lol. But he does need a proper name, it'll come to me.
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey I see you live in W. Lafayette IN, as do we. If you are up for meeting that would be wonderful. We would love for Midas to meet some corgi friends. Please let us know-Zach & Lisa