
Profile Information:

About Me:
I adopted my Corgi Kirby . I knew after research that this was the breed of dog I wanted. I responded to an add and picked him up a week later. I have loved him ever since.
About My Corgi(s):
Kirby is a 3 year old Pembroke Corgi. He is very active and loves to go on walks around our area. His favorite toy is his rubber soccer ball which he plays with all the time. He also likes he stuffed dog and his "PEEP" chicken stuffed animal. He is very well behaved and protective over me. He is my little best friend!

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  • CaptainCorgi

    Why thank you very much for the nice compliment. <3 Yep, there are a lot of pretty places around here in Vegas, a lot of people don't wander far from the strip so they don't know what's really out here.

    You have a very cute corgi! I love his face and his colors are gorgeous <3
  • Laura & Lola

    thanks for the add!!!
  • Jason&Amanda

    oh yes I think we are so blessed to have the opportunity to have Elvis in our family, he went from owner to owner before he found his permanent home with us! Corgi's are awesome!
  • Cindi

    Hi! Kirby is adorable! Love his soccer ball.
  • Sherylle

    Thanks! Dillon looks a lot like your Kirby. But his hair is slicker and Kirby has a very beautiful white blaze. Enjoy your baby.
  • Michelle

    love the pics with the plastic bottles. both of ours like to play with plastic bottles as well it always amazes me that they can unscrew the tops.
  • Kristin

    Low Rider is on its way! I can't wait to see it on Kirby!
  • Kristin

    You're welcome! Yeah, I love the skull head too, it was Tank Halloween costume last year. I made a red and white striped bandana and put a red sash on him and he was a pirate! Too cute!
  • Vickie

    Hi Kirby this is Gracie. My mom is still trying to figure it all out. Love your picture.
  • Jan

    kirby your so cute you look like oliver...........
  • nwcorgifan

    Hi Niki-
    Welcome to the world of corgi ownership. As you've obviously discovered, they are fabulous dogs. And your Kirby is just a doll!
  • Cubbie

    Hi! Thank you, we think Cubbie is a cutie too ;-) Kirby is very sweet looking, I love his face. His fur looks very soft and fluffy! They really are great dogs.
  • Kristin

    Awesome! I cant wait to see him in it.
  • GusBus

    They definitely look alike! What a cutie-pie you have! I love his bright red face and the black cap on top.
  • DudeWheresMyCorgi

    aww why thank you =] Louis was such a small baby..but so cute and now he's between 20-25lbs... big boy:) Kirby has such great expression on his face, it's adorrabblee
  • Bridget

    Kirby is beautiful!
  • maria bancroft

    hi kirby goldie is also having a hair cut tomorrow too you both will be cooler for the summer and before you know it ,your coats will be back for the winter months again
  • Kristin

    Hi Niki! how's cute Kirby doing?
  • Carmen

    Thanks for the nice comments. Kirby is such a happy little guy!
  • Cheri

    Thanks! Dudley says he's envious. He wants a "Low Rider" shirt too!
  • Cheri

    OMG! I need the shirt that says "Snooty Bitch" for my Pem. That fits her to a T!
  • Rebecca

    I also have some before and after pics of havoc shaved on my page. The thing with groomers is that money is time and shaving right down is less time.They don't have to brush the dog because they will just shave all the mattes or clumps of hair right out and brushing takes much more time. With corgis having short hair on their face and legs makes it even less time because they just have to shave their bodies. I think you just went to a lazy groomer.
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks, your the first to tell me that. I can't wait to get her and take pics of her smiling, she's so serious with her dog show poses! I'll have to comment on yours later since none of the pics are loading right now.
  • Megan and Penelope

    Oh, I've seen Kirby before , he's got the brightest eyes! I love his pic wearing his shirt and looking up! He's cute!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks, I don't see many that really look like her, not yet at least!
  • penny spencer

    Thanks Niki. Roscoe is a squirmy, sassy, stinky little guy that I can't get enough of! Especially his ears! He's doing pretty good considering his condition. One day at a time. I went with my good friend who took one of her old dogs to have put down (hate the term) last night cuz Sweet Pea was having such a hard time. She was 13 and in really bad shape and Sue didn't want to make her go thru another night. Oh God, these people were so wonderful they even came out to her car so Sweet Pea wouldn't be any more traumatized by a different place. I've been thru it enough times and it's so sad, even someone else's friend. My husband drove and we were all crying. Sorry. Just stressful. Even when it's the right decision for your loved pet. We started our dogs on Nutro Max recently, hoping it would help with Penny's hair loss. Will watch for any problems, but at least she doesn't clear a room with gas anymore! I love when the kids' boy/girlfriends are over and she lets one out! Ha!
    Is Kirby's hair starting to fill in? He's so cute. Love the pictures where he's mutilating his dolly. Take care. Nice to hear from you. Penny
  • Renae & Mark

    I hope you can get the video of Kirby sleeping onto the webpage! Sorry I'm not much help.

    Kirby is gorgeous!
  • Katelyn

    Oh my goodness! Kirby is an AMAZING NAME for a corgi!!!!!! LOVE IT!!!! =)
  • Katelyn

    I love your pics too! Cute as well! I LOVE the one where he's looking at the bottle, and the one where you shaved him! HAHAHA funny!
  • Kristin

    sorry it took so long but "corgilicious" is up on the site!
  • Kristin

    Awesome! I'm glad you like the shirts! I am working on a release for the "Corgis for a Cause" shirts that I will post soon, just waiting for my computer man to finish a few things up.
  • Heather

    Mac says thanks, Niki and Kirby!

    He also hopes his mommy will never shave him....!! (=o at hairless Kirby!!)
  • penny spencer

    Hi Niki and Kirby-boy! How old is Kirby? He just looks like such a happy fellow, the bandana-head pic is hillarious. Don't they have funny looks sometimes, goofy? Roscoe is just so danged pretty sometimes, then other times looks like a nut case! Take care. Penny, Princess Penny, and Roscoe
  • Loy

    Hoho,Thanks your cry up,I will keep go。。。。

  • penny spencer

    Kirby can "belly up to the bar!". Penny, Roscoe, and Princess Penny
  • Lisa P from WV

    I love your pics...I like the Sheriff pics they are sooo funny....and when you shaved him did his hair come in any different (color, texture)? He is really sweet looking! He actually looks a little laid back and like he listens...Daisy is 8 months old and is (trying) to learn to They are silly little dogs with a lot of shed! Lisa P from WV
  • claire

    Hi niki and kirby!! i of course love your pictures, i wish Winston and Otley wouldn't pull their clothes off of eachother. I actually came across you when looking for information on grooming, I took Otley to get his butt hairs trimmed because he was getting... remnants... caught when he pottied, and i came back to exactly what you did. His hair is as short as Kirby's was. I was wondering how he is doing? I read a lot of things like their hair can grow back strangely and stuff. I'm just so worried about my baby! thank you for the help,
  • claire

    thank you soooo much!! i feel much better :)
  • Adam & Brittany

    haha how funny, another Kirby! he is adorable!
  • claire

    aww thank you!!! Winston and Otley wish Kirby the same! they are going to play with their beagle cousins tomorrow!
  • penny spencer

    Hi Niki and Kirby. Nice to keep in touch. Had a fairly quiet 4th. Went to fireworks at night but don't take the dogs to those. Think Roscoe, aka beaky, would be terrified. The kids started the nickname beaky cuz it looks like he has a dolphin beak. Ha. The pics of Kirb always look so happy. Take care.
  • pat and mike

    Niki - thank you. We were cracking up at her. Kirby looks like a sweetie.
  • Phog's Mama

    Thank you! Kirby looks adorable!
  • Kristin

    hows my little low rider model doing?
  • Krystal

    Thank you! Your dog looks great! I like how you dress him up :D haha
  • Carmen

    Trunks would probably like to see another dinosaur clad corgi! He believes that I torture him when I put costumes on him and no other dog has to endure such horrible things.
  • Carmen

    At least Kirby started running around. Trunks just stands there with this look of complete anger on his face. On the other hand, Pandora loves to have clothes on and will trot around like hot stuff the whole time! I love the difference in their personalities!
  • Jessica

    He is soo cute! Why did you guys have him shaved?
  • Jessica

    Kirby is still adorable- with or without hair. I love his coloring though and his expressions. I think Corgis are so animated about everything.
  • Jessica

    I know what you mean. The day Chuck and Roxy went to the vet to get fixed was such a sad day- not sad that they were getting fixed, but sad because for really the first time the house was EMPTY. Roxy is now about twice Chuck's size (easily), but the two of them just mesh together so well. Chris and I talked and we'll stick to pit bulls and corgis from now on because they are so similar (personality wise) in so many ways- just so unbelievably lovable and funny.