Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Houston, TX
About Me:
I live in Houston with my husband, our sweet Corgi Duke and our miniature pinshcer mix, Daisy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Duke is the sweetest dog. He loves to cuddle on the couch, only barks when he's chasing your feet or Daisy, and loves his milkbones! His favorite toy is his toy newspaper that he loves to fetch.
He has black whiskers on his right cheek and white whiskers on his left cheek! And one very pinkish red paw. He loves to get dressed up and when you bring home a new outfit he can't wait to put it on and show off his new duds. His latest is a purple flying monkey for Halloween.

This is my first dog of my own and first Corgi and I don't know what I would do without him in our lives. He is a perfectly short and sassy family member and I am so thankful to be his mommy!

Daisy is a miniature pinscher mix. We rescued her in April 2008 from a shelter and she loves Duke. Duke is a great big brother and loves to run circles around the couch and tackle each other. After a short run around the house, Daisy love to give Duke kisses and everyone else. She is a jumpy, kissy face, "scratch my tummy!" pup. Daisy is very lovable, cuddly and sweet.

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. -Phil Pastoret
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Lauren! That's a lovely picture of Duke!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Lauren,
    The picture of Duke is simply adorable. It's not easy to get my Ritz to sit still like Duke. Ritz loves to eat too but then again don't they (Corgis) all love to eat? :o)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lauren! love the Elvis pic :) by the way your web address is
  • Cindi

    Loving Duke! How cute is he? Sam may dig the Elvis outfit, but I'm all about the tongue hanging out.
  • Jen Hajdu

    What a great photo of Duke in the flowers!
  • Mandy

    You only corgi with my friends seem like
  • Avyon

    Awww but Duke is so cute :) Im sure fluffier corgis are harder to clean after but they can be so adorable!

    and Ms. Roxi says thank you ^_^
  • Heather

    LOL, What cute pics of Duke. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy Mom that likes dressing her Corgis up! Yogi and Chloe have pretty much given into the humiliation. :)
  • Heather

    Yeah Florida is not exactly sweater weather but you can beat they'd get one if we lived anywhere that got below 70 on a normal basis!! :)
  • Cheri

    What a handsome fellow!. I particularly like the picture with the party hat.
  • Cheri

    Thanks. We think Taffy's adorable. She's not focused enough on agility to go far, but she loves playing to the crowd and being with Daddy so we continue. Of course we love it too. She keeps us in stitches.
  • April

    Hee hee hee - it is a fun name, huh? Momo means peach in Japanese - we wanted to name him after some kind of vegetation because his dad's name is Chestnut and his mom's name is Tangerine. And Darth comes from one of our favorite villains. :) Duke is very cute too!!! He looks like a fun guy!
  • Kate

    Your luck Duke likes sweaters and stuff, Duke might not mind boots. Kirby does his best to shake them off after a little bit. So about midway down the walk we have to start watching for booties.
  • Zed

    Duke looks like a very happy and handsome man. I've really enjoyed your pictures.
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Lauren,
    Glad to hear that Duke is fine. :o)
  • Frances

    Duke looks like one very special boy!
  • WaltersMom

    its better, only acts up if he played to hard...he is on a joint supplement to help heal w/e got hurt
  • Carol Braitman

    Thanks Lauren. Your wig pic is my favorite!!!! Patti and I think we should start a corgi "locks of love" with all our extra hair. It's funny , but it seems like either the dogs love or hate the water, no in between. My dogs HATED it!!!
  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    Ziggy & Roady have their paws crossed for Duke in hopes that he gets a friend to play with!!! We went the rescue route with one of our boys and haven't regretted it for a second. Hoping the little girl finds her forever home with you guys!
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    "Very cute!", he says! hehe... :-P
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulations on your new pup. The pictures are adorable.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome and Thank You for the compliment!
  • Kate

    Thank you for the compliment on Oakley's picture! That's my husbands favorite pic. Your pups look quite wonderful! I admire you for rescuing a dog. We wanted to go that route but Oakley didn't seem to enjoy the older dogs.
  • Ada

    Your Duke is such a cutie pie! Wow, I've never seen a corgi min pin mix, how cute!
  • Ada

    I got the name Kupo from the Final Fantasy series, an RPG videogame that I play on the playstation. There's a little cute, fuzzy creature that are called moogles, and whenever they talk to you, they always refer to you as "Kupo". I thought 'Kupo'..........that's a very odd and unique name, and that's how I got it, hehe. Funny you say that your dog doesn't listen, mine is the same way at times. Like I can be playing with him and I'll tell him to do a trick, he won't do it (sometimes). However, whenever he sees me eating like a sandwich, pizza, anything really, I share w/ him ONLY if he performs a command I tell him to do, and boy he'll do it, he'll do ANY command for food, lol.
  • Sarah C.

  • Lady Bug (Michelle)

    What cuties they are! They look like such a fun pair!
    Welcome, so glad you could join us!

  • Norma

    Hi Maizy and I joined yesterday, we are in Dickinson and wanted to say hello to our fellow Texans! Duke and Daisy are very cute!! I can’t believe the size of that hairball that came off of Duke, OMG. (lol) Little Daisy has beautiful eyes, that just melt your heart.

    I hope that we can someday have a Corgi meet up!