Simi Corgi Girl


Simi Valley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Simi Valley
About Me:
I'm an Operations Manager for a fashion jewelry manufactuer and I love Corgis! We visited a friend about 16 years ago and saw the cutest dog running about the huge farm property. I asked, "What happened to your dog's legs?" (Typical!) After that I was smitten and bought the first one I could find.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Right now we have 2 Corgis, Nathan and Jack. (We suspect Jack is a Cardigan with a docked tail). We lost Elmo at 14 and Daisy at 10. Elmo was our first, a tough guy who never had a health problem until cancer in his knee developed at about 13 1/2. We just lost him in March '08. Daisy, our only girl and only Tri suffered from hip dysplasia, she was only 10, poor baby. We miss them both.
I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Gail L

    Welcome, Simi corgi girl, Nathan and Jack.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Laura Jones

    Welcome to you and your corgi family.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome everyone! What a cute picture!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • WhiteDove

    Hello Simi Corgi Girl,

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your two babies. . .it's never easy to lose the ones you love so much. . .I lost my Clair-da-bear (Chow) a couple of years ago and I still ache for her companionship. . .she was such a sweet and good dog. . . .Her coat was a beautiful chocolate and she had gold eyes. . .very rare. . .reminded me of cat eyes. . . .

    The fire was something else!!!. . .my Boss (the doctor I work for) called me Friday night and asked if I was OK, I said yeah?. . .Why? He said cause your city is on FIRE!!!. . .needless to say, I got up and turned on the TV and saw how close the fire was to my home. . .talk about scary. . .I packed my car and got all the "stuff" ready for my 3 Corgis, 3 Cats and 6 Doves. . .The crates, food and water and blankets were all in my car. . .

    There was a policeman parked out in front of my house with a bullhorn telling us to stay inside and he would let us know if we needed to evacuate. . . .well, later in the day, he said we were OK and didn't have to leave but he was called to Olive View Hospital because they had to evacuate. . .that hospital is only 1/4 mile from my house and you're right about the smoke, it was HORRIBLE, ash everywhere and visibility was 3 feet in front of us. . .some people ended up leaving but I felt comfortable enough to stay put!

    I saw the smoke heading towards Simi Valley, was it bad there?. . .Today I can see the smoke towards Canyon Country/Valencia area. . .it's still bad, but hopefully no homes or buildings are in the path of the fire.

    The trailer park that had 500 homes destroyed is down the street from me, when I was young, my uncle had a home in that area and we used to walk to his house, that's how close it was. My heart go out to those who lost homes in this terrific fire.
  • WhiteDove

    I remember that fire in Lake Piru. . .I don't know if you know, but there was a small Indian Reservation at the entrance where the bridge is and the whole village was destroyed. . .they still lived in huts and make-shift cabins. . .they grew their own food and fished out of Lake Piru. . .they were simple people but happy. . .I don't know if they ever went back or not, I haven't been in that area since the fire. . . .

    I live alone (or I should say I have a brother living with me, but because we have different schedules, sometimes weeks go by without seeing him LOL). . . .

    Cloe is the one who is always wanting attention, but when she starts, of course Sid and Babs have to come over to get some lovin too. . . .lol
  • JW

    Thanks for the lovely comment about Griff, Simi Corgi Girl! His fluff definitely requires upkeep, but it's so worth it! People on the street love to stop and pet him (and they always think he's a girl! hehe).

    Your corgis are adorable! I'm sorry to hear that you lost two of them :*( But you have two now to keep you smiling! I would love another Corgi, but we just don't have the room right now.

    I went to college in Ventura - close to you! I hope you and your friends/family are safe from the fires right now. I have a lot of friends who are still in Santa Barbara (along with one of my college campuses that was in the hills of Montecito), so I've been keeping an eye on the news. Keep safe!
  • WhiteDove

    It's nice to know more people are intersted in the history of where they live. . . .here's an old saying my Grandpa would tell me while I was growing up:

    "Tell me the landscape in which you live and I'll tell you who you are"

    Intersting how that works, but it really has some truth behind it. . .he was Navajo born in Monument Valley, Arizona in 1906. . .he was my "StoryTeller". . . .

    A little tid-bit about the Indians of Lake Piru: Nestled in the foothills that were once home to the Tataviam Indians is Lake Piru. The lake’s name is taken from the Tataviam Indian word for “tule” or “reeds.” They grew wild around the lake site and were used for weaving.

    We didn't move around much, I've been in this same house since January, 1954 and I had my first birthday in March, I turned 4. . .seems like just yesterday my Grandma was telling me it was my birthday. . .lol. . .funny how those little memories always stay with me. . . .

    Well, it's 3:22 a.m. and I've got to get breakfast ready for my pupsters. . .they're on my bed staring at me saying "OK you've had enough on the computer" "FEED US". . .lol

    YES, my brother loves my pupsters (almost) as much as I do) lol. . .to my friends and family, he's known as Uncle George to them. . .when he gets home from work, I tell the pupsters Uncle George is home and they get all excited and start barking to let them out to greet him. . . .it's a funny sight! He works at Costco and has days off during the week, so they get to spend time with him. . .he calls me when I'm at work and gives me updates as to what "they're" up to. . . .he's my "baby-sitter". . . .

    Gotta go so,

    Take care
    and be well,

  • JW

    Thank you!! I am actually a professional's not my everyday-9-to-5 job, but it was my major in college and I still shoot a lot.

    I was raised in Michigan, so this wintery stuff is nothing new to me, but I can't say that I don't miss Ventura's weather! Plus, the only wildfire we had while I was there actually started the day after I moved home to Michigan! I love love love Ventura and all of the beautiful area surrounding it. Hope to move back some day :)
  • Dawn Murray

    I think Trixie's ears look so big because she is small for a corgi, but none the less, she is a cutie! Yes, her and Jack look like the come from the same stock... I bet they even have similar personalities! I love your pictures! I enjoy taking pictures of Trixie every chance I get and I am so glad that I am not the only one. I am very busy most of the time, and I don't want to miss out on anything. This site is a great way to show other corgi owners that they are not alone in their love for their babies!
  • Bart Phelps

    Thanks for the welcome! I never knew there was a real place for fanatics! I can never imagine having another kind of dog! I will endure the tumbleweed fur balls, the barking,barking, barking, barking! They are the greatest.
  • Alia, David & Ein

    Thanks for your comments. I discovered yesterday that my good camera died, so I immediately ordered a replacement. I don't want to miss a day of growing! :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome! Glad you can join us!
  • Worthington Natalia

    Thanks for stopping by my page. Jack and Tod do look like they could be littler mates:) Your tri corgi is a beauty!
  • Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's

    in picture 8, where is all the hair???
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Your babies are beautiful! Lookit those smiles!!! Sorry to hear about your losses. That hurts my heart.
    I love the names you chose for your dogs. Nathan and love people names for pets. Daisy and Elmo are great names too! What incredible dogs. Your story is kind of like mine. Once I had met a Corgi I was floored and couldnt rest until I had one of my own!
    I cant decide what color to get next! I want one of EACH!
  • ChestersMom

    I just LOVE the pictures of your babies!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ChestersMom

    I got the t-shirt a few years ago when I was in Milpitas, CA. Maybe they have it online or at a store near you!
  • Gus's Dad

    I'm glad you enjoyed Gus's video.

    You're kids pups are awful cute too. They just have that happy dog look to them.