
54, Female

Ben Lomond

United States

Profile Information:

Ben Lomond, California, USA
About Me:
I'm a corgi owner and a single mother of two teenagers - a 17 yr old girl, and a 14-yr old boy... and so far I'm alive to tell the tale. But we'll see what tomorrow brings.
About My Corgi(s):
Male, tri-color, 1-yr old (born Nov 2006)

Comment Wall:

  • Florence Fong

    Hi Marcie,
    Welcome. I have a male Pembroke Welsh Corgi red/white color. He was born June 2006. By the way, the picture is not that f him. Have yet to upload.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! You'll really like it here. :-) Your corgi is adorable!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Marcie. . .this is a fun site and I'm sure you'll have LOADS of fun reading about all the Corgis and their parents lol. . .your Corgi is so adorable. . . .
  • Avyon

    Yea we are! :)
  • sandra

    hi marcie,

    sooo glad to see you here and be come by and check out my new blog...

    and of course

    have a great howldaze season and don't furget to hug your corgi and everyday!

    kaley corgi kisses : )

    christmas and hannukah, you choose
  • Cindi

    Hi! Cute Corgi! Glad you're here. My partner is CorgiMom. We have 4 Pems, a Cardi X, and two Catahoula/Bassets. Yep, it's a house full...but we wouldn't have it any other way.
  • Florence Fong

    Yes, he certainly is. In fact, all Corgis are adorable.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Marcie! Beautiful Tri you've got there!
  • WhiteDove

    Hi Marcie. . .my Corgis are so much fun, I can't stand it. . .and YES, Cloe is just as adorable as ever. . .I took them to my friend's apartment on Saturday while I worked on her computer and setting up a new flat screen TV. . .they had the best time roaming from room to room. . .she has a 3 story Condo and you should have seen them. . .like little trains going from room to room. . .it was funny to watch them. . . .
  • Petra Marteus

    Your corgi is so cute:)))
  • Marie Ingemarssson

    I loved your movie about corgi. Nice comercial for corgi!
    And I like your Tri-color!
  • Carmen

    Love your little guy! Very cute tri. We've got a princess by the name of Pandora!
  • Rachel

    HI Marcie - thanks for the welcome! It's so nice to see that other pups sleep like George does (take a look at our pics!). Your pup is wonderful!
  • Karen & Bailey

    what a handsome little guy you have there! I've never heard of Ben Lomond, where is that?
  • Carmen

    Pandora was the only name on the list of names that we could agree on. She was such a little princess when we got her that I had to call her Princess Pandora. Now we make jokes about letting her out of "Pandora's Box." (her crate) I always wanted to name my little girl Pandora, so I did. :)
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Hi Marcie and Prince! Thank you for your comments and the friend add.=) Never can have enough corgi friends. Prince is such a handsome little fellow! Hahha looks like he's telling that german shepherd what for in that last picture. I've got to get some pictures of baxter, hopefully today. The little rascal is growing up too fast! I have tried telling him "slow down boy" but to no avail. Sigh...oh well!
  • Rachel

    Hi Marcie - thank you for the Sansan invite!
  • Mindy

    Hey Marcie! I love your corgis!
  • CaptainCorgi

    Hi There--

    You're corgi is very adorable! He has the sweetest face. <3 Very cute!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's