Kathy and Jillie

Greer,South Carolina

United States

Profile Information:

Greer,South Carolina
About Me:
We are parents of two children, our son is 24 yrs old and graduated from college, with a degree in psychology. He plays professional arena football, with the Columbus Lions. Our daughter is 20 years old and is a junior in college. We have a large pet family, 3 dogs, and 3 cats, so we are busy taking care of everyone. My husband works as a national sales manager and I am a kindergarten teacher . We love our family!!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our Corgi is a 2 year old female, red and white Pembroke,named Jillie! She is so smart and playful, she has a spunky personality. We are entertained by her constantly, she is a real joy for us!! Her favorite interests are playing fetch, chewies, playing with our other dogs, Samson and Jack! She also speaks her mind ....has a language of her own, she tries to keep everyone in line!
She is a little cuddlebug........so precious!!!!
I have:

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  • Sylvia

    Love the bunny whats his name?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    thank you.. i hope the makes it.. either way. It was amazing that he made it in the finals. i was really surprised.. our paws are crossed. LOL
  • Dot Brooke

    No my sister now lives in the Scranton area. We will be going there for Christmas dinner. It sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. Have a great day.------------------Dot
  • Alice

    Thank you. We adore him.
    I love the name Jillie! That was the name of a charactor in a book I read a while back and I've liked the name since.
  • Cristi

    Thank you for the welcome. Jillie is very cute. I used to have a house rabbit that was best friends with one of my corgis too.
  • Denise

    Hi there! Jillie is just adorable!
    My Sophie is eight years old and still acts like a youngster.
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks so much for the welcome! Gizmo said he hopes Jillie had a nice christmas with lots of chewies and toys!
  • Mitchell and Amy

    Thanks for the welcome. Jillie is beautiful. Take care and have a happy new year!

    most people that meet her dont even know she is missing a leg! your jillie is cute!
  • Nancy C. Lord

    Your girl, Jillie is soooo pretty! Pippin & her mom say HI from Southwest Florida! Corgi's are the BEST! Wish I had 10...! Thanks for the very nice welcome. Nancy & Pippin =:0)
  • Alexis

    Thank you both for the welcome! Your little girl Jillie is absolutely adorable! It's good to meet some nearby Corgi owners, too. :)
  • Kristen

    Kathy and Jim, not sure if we ever connected before, but I was just on someone elses page and notices we have children about the same age. I have a 19 college sophomore and a 22 year old--who trains horses in Florida. I came to your page and was struck at how much your Jillie looks like our little rescue Fern.I wish I had a good picture of her posted. Jillie looks petite and athletic just like Fern. We also have a large pet family. 7 dogs (four of them Corgis) 5 horses, a flock of farm kitties and a parakeet named Conrad Birdie. Hope your holidays were joyful.
  • Lilo and her owner Lily

    Thank you Kathy, Jim, and Jillie! Your corgi is sooooo cute!!! My Lilo and I say Hello from New York.
  • Jaxon

    Thanks for the welcome. Jillie is precious!
  • Nancy C. Lord

    Hi, Kathy & Jim! How exciting for your son...bet you're really proud...Fort Myers is about 40 minutes south of us. We're just north of Port Charlotte in Englewood, right on the gulf...perpetual paradise! Yes Pip sure likes the camera. She loves her "pretty" (any kind of neck piece, bandana, head band). And her mom just loves to take the pictures! LOL. Take care, Nancy
  • Dex-N-Me

    Thanks for the add. You're Jillie is a beauty. Dexter says, "Wowff"
  • Gus's Dad

    Thanks. I love your slide show.
  • Sherri Rehder

    What is wrong with Toby ?...I have no idea...
    ... He is a mess.....
    Toby poops and pees all over the house... He thinks he is the alpha pack leader...LOL
    Sunday Toby , myself and my 10 year old daugher spent three hours at our dog trainers house. As soon as we walked in the door Toby peed on her couch and then went into her bedroom and pooped on the carpet next to the bed... He does the same here at our house... So I have to keep him on a lead right next to me so he does not go off and Pee on one of my kids beds or eat our cats poop, destroy the house etc ..etc. etc...
    Any ideas? I have to keep him tied to me on a long leash inside because my neighbors do not want him outside barking all the time... He goes crazy in his Crate. He wants to be with everyone.. I think he needs another dog to keep him company but my husband will not go for that idea.
    . I make sure to get him lots of exercise, runs, play time with our neighbors dogs but he is still a bad boy...
    Any ideas?
    A vet online told me he may need to be at a farm herding sheep..

  • LSUTigerBPK

    thank you! they do look alike, and it appears they are about the same age too
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Kathy, thanks for the friend add! Happy New Year to you to!!
    It was nice chatting with you last night! I enjoyed chatting with you to!
    Have a great day, talk to you later!
  • Marion and Vern

    Your corgis are so beautiful who could not love that face. Thanks for adding us as friends. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
  • Jill and JOSIE

    Thanks so much! The day has been a success! In further researching, I have found a reputable breeder in MN and a 16 week old tri colored female that I absolutely love!! Wish us luck!!
  • ChestersMom

    Thanks for the comment! Yes, I have to give him injections twice a day. 12 hours apart, and yes, the diabetes is very manageable, just so scary when your best friend loses the use of his legs because he's in so much pain. I was very scared I would have to put him to sleep. I left him at the vet that day thinking I'd never see him again. That's why I started the group. I want other fur parents to understand that it's very manageable.

    Happy New Year!
  • ChestersMom

    OMG! how awful to have him go blind! I honestly didn't think Chester would live this long. I'm so happy and blessed to have him. He's my soul mate.

    Happy New Year!
  • Karen

    Hi! We are in Little Mountain, which is only about an hour from Greenville. We are at exit 85 off of I-26. My sister-in-law lives in Greenville, and we have friends there who also have corgis. We own an antique mall that is really pet friendly - would love to have you come see us!!!
    Happy New Year!
  • Kristen

    Is it Fern or is it Jillie?
  • Monty

    hi jillie! thanks for the kind comment. sweets lives with us in columbia.
  • alli

    thanks for the warm welcome.... if only usa and australia were closer what fun all our corgis would have meeting up. my George is crrenty very happy as i am on our annual school summer holidays for 6 weeks as i am teacher. He has undivided company all day whch he lvoes and in two weeks we head off on our holiday by the beach.. what fun lies ahead.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi kathy! The mystery picture is up....lol. I was only going to load one picture, but ended up putting more up because it gave us a hassle tonight so I figured. while I am at it why not put up more! Well now I am at my 100 picture limit. : ( Talk to you later! Natalie and Lance
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    oh thats right i deleted one so I have one picture to spare, lol
  • Sherri Rehder

    I am trying very hard to behave..
    . Last night I ate Santa's beard off a Sherri's Christmas Santa that was on the floor waiting to be packed away in the box.

    I know I should not have done it but I just can't help myself..

    I also just chewed up a bunch of kleenex behind my dads chair... Right now I am trying to get up on the couch with chewy rawhide . I am not aloud to chew them on the couch because they leave big wet stains..
    I am not happy and am trying to eat the bottom of the foot rest and barking non stop... Yikes, I am about to get in trouble.... I better relax and chill
    out ..I am getting ready to be sent to my kennel for a time out if I can't stop acting wild...
    Thanks for being my friend Jullie.... I sure need someone to vent to..This family is driving me crazy..
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You so much Kathy!! Glad you like my pictures, I love taking them, nice other people enjoy them. Lance and Jillile seem to have alot in common, they both like chewies, love chance love chew toys (durable ones) loves playing with other dogs and he loves fetch too! They would make a great couple, hehe. Hope you had a good day at work.
  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Thanks so much for friending me. Jillie is so cute herself. I love corgi personalities, they are the best dogs in the world. :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Kathy, how are you, hope you have a good day today!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Michelle & Molly

    Boy, Jillie looks like such a ball of fire!!! I bet that she makes you laugh all of the time!!! She is adorable!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Kathy, I feel a little better, my stomach doesnt seem to be upset anymore. Still have a stuffy nose and scratchy throat. : ( Drinking hot chai tea....yummy!
  • Codie Bear

    codie bear will be 15 weeks on tuesday
  • jonan74

    how funny, we have a cat named jack-vito, we just call him jack. and then another dog named falkor! :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you Kathy and Jillie! Did I ever tell you that I have been to Greer? I was shooting an ad with a doctor in the area and had a nice pimento cheese sandwich at the diner next to the police station. Lovely town :) You have an awesome day too!
  • Carolyn Allen

    Charlie and Alex are like brother and sister. They chase, tackle, and play with each other. But I can definitely tell the Alex has more power over Charlie than he does over her. Alex will jump at Charlie and nip his chin until he plays with her. Charlie usually does. They love each other and their bond grows everyday.
  • Sox (soxarooney)

    Thank you from Sox ,Jilie is just lovely. just reading your profile, my last dog was named Jack a real playful little puppy he died two years ago which was hard we had him for 13 years. sox is just the best friend a gal could have so playful and cuddly. he has the funniest personality, we live in Galway thats on the west coast of Ireland there are not too many other corgies in this city so its nice to be able to talk with other corgi owners. sox loves to play soccer and at present chew anything he can get his teeth in to...its all fun though. love the name jillie bean so cute ...have a great day from lorraine and sox!
  • Diane's Corgis

    Thank you from Kobie & Peatree. Jillie are adorable! We live in Northridge, CA in the San Fernando Valley, a part of Los Angeles. We've had Peatree for 12 years and Kobie for 4 years. They get along great now, but Kobie was jealous of Peatree at first because he knew we had her longer. He's fine now as long as Peatree knows he's the boss.
  • Sara and Ava

    Jillie is so adorable :) Love the picture of her in the costume!!
  • Jill

    Thanks for the welcome! Jillie is so cute- and has a great name! ;)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hello! : )
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Just got done playing scrabble and decided to check mycorgi!!
  • Judi

    Thanks and tell Jillie that Bindie says hi! Looks like they are the same age, Bindie's birthday is 2/12/08, they even look to be about the same size.....she was weighed today and she's 19 pounds. They even sound like they may speak the same language!!! We love your photos and look forward to future photos and comments.
  • Jillian Brosius

    I love your pictures!! Just more reasons to love Corgis!! Thanks for dropping me a line. Please give Jillie some hugs for us!!