Rachel and Ray


Brick, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Brick, NJ
About Me:
We are in our own house now and it's corgi friendly. We have been engaged for about a year and our fluffy little girls are the center of our world!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Sage is 5 and Emmy is 2. They love to rough house with each other and their best trick is shedding (yes we furminate them)! Sage's favorite place is under the bed and Emmy's is anywhere by me or Ray. Sage is more calm and obedient, while Emmy is a wild child who has better things to do than come when you call her. She never wants to sleep because she thinks she will miss something exciting (which is why you will notice the puppy-bags under her eyes). Sage is a total daddy's girl, while Emmy doesn't play favorites.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Sage is a cutie! :-)
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Rachel and Ray! Love Sage's pumpkin hat :)
  • Rachel and Ray

    Thanks guys :o) the new baby corgi pictures will be up soon as i take them. Sage hates her costume, but I got it on her long enough to snap a few shots before she ripped it off. She's such a tomboy.
  • Cindi

    Love Sage's costume! How long have you had the new puppy? Any clues on the name? Can't wait to see more pics.
  • Rachel and Ray

    We've only had the baby since saturday, she's about 4 months old. We finally decided to call her Emmy. She looks almost exactly like Sage when she was that age!!
  • Rachel and Ray

    I'm trying to get Emmy pics but she's in the crate a lot so when she comes out she wont sit still long enough for me to snap photos. But I'm gonna keep trying!
  • WhiteDove

    ahhhh. . .how cute is that?. . .my Cloe is 4 mths old now. . .I got her when she was 2 mths old. . .BOY, she has really grown in those two months. . .she's my little "Star". . .so adorable, can't stand it!!!. . .my Corgis are the apple of my eye and they know it!!!. . .they get in line in the morning to see who I will hug first. . .such characters. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    It was easy to keep the antlers on. . .all I had to do was tell them they were gonna get a treat if they kept them on and walla. . .they stood still long enough for me to take the pictue. . .then after that I had antlers flying everywhere. . . . .LOL
  • Rachel and Ray

    I miss my grrls :0( Because of all my end of semester projects, I haven't seen them in a few days (they live at daddy's house). I can't wait to cuddle my corgis!!
  • Christina & Vicki

    Hi Rachel,

    I can feel your pain with little Emmy. I am going thru the same issues with my little Mia. I thought it was a girl dog, boy dog thing, because Dingo was so easy. Mia has to have the last word when I say NO!! She will stop the behavior but will look up at me and bark as if to say, I wanted to stop anyway. I keep reminding myself it's just like having a new baby. They were not the easiest to raise either but now are both great kids. I agree with the safe room when you can not supervise Emmy. I use my bathroom with only her bed, her pee pads, and a few toys and a fresh puppy bone for chewing when I have to leave her. Dingo teases her thou from the other side of the door. Well, speak of the little devil she is barking up at me now to be picked up. :) Dang, I guess she was letting me know she needed to go out, she just pee pee'd but luckily on her pad. Good luck and keep us up to date :)

    Vicki and her human sister Christina
  • Lisa P from WV

    We just bought the furminator this week and it is great!!!
    She still needs brushed daily (doesn't happen) but she does still needs brushed daily...but the hair is not as bad. We had our mix professionally done by an electric one and his is great! I can't say we did as good of a job on Daisy....I thought that it would be easier to do her and save a little since I knew I was going to purchase the furminator but I wish that I would have let them do her too...I didn't get her chest side so good...she won't stay in that position that much and that is the hair that I'm seeing the most! You won't believe the hair you will brush off your corgis!!!
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Elaine

    Happy birthday!