King Koby of the Treasure Coast

Vero Beach, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I recently lost my beloved Riley "His profile is SirRiley of Pembroke" check it out! I really miss him but am ready to move on and start over. I will never forget him and I know he would want me to be happy. This little bugger that I got is from his same breeder so is within the same family! So here Riley now I have your little brother to take care of, wish me well.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Koby...nickname Koby Jack. He is my little bundle of joy who is now 2 and 1/2 years old! He is in the same family as my last corgi Riley. He is a great little chub! My parents got his brother Dyllan who looks similar and they also got a german shepherd puppy Korie. They are the three amigos! So through the loss of Riley we have gained three new additions to the family. What were we thinking??? I do not know!!!


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Koby will be living with my two cats kira, and Sadie, myself and hubby..
Dyllan will be living with Korie who is 10 weeks and my parents.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    YEAH!!!!!!!! Welcome King Koby!!! There is a lot of "royalty" here.....I am so glad you are getting this adorable pup!!!! He looks amazing! I know Sir Riley is smiling and frapping somewhere!
  • Nicola Porter

    Hiya King Koby, you'll have lots of fun in your new home.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    spence is good.....getting fat (too much winter-and yes, food). I am just sooo happy for you right now. I know how sad you have been over Riley. But, I do believe that people (and puppies) come into our lives for a reason. And they cross our paths along the way when they are supposed to and they teach us what we need to be taught. I know Riley brought u this puppy and I am so happy and excited for you.
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome King Koby, and congratulations! He's beautiful.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Awwww! congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    I'm so very happy for you. Sir Riley is still at your side and guided you to Koby. I'm sure that Koby will bring you joy. No dog will ever replace Riley, but his love continues on. Be sure to keep us updated with Koby's progress and growth. Can't wait to see more pictures.
  • Kitty's Corner

    I'm very excited for you!! Glad you're feeling good again and Koby is adorable~CONGRATS!!! Kitty and Beth
  • Lisa P from WV

    Well, let me just say that I needed some good news today! Way to go! I know that Koby will be sooo happy with you! I'll be looking forward to seeng what this little one will be for Halloween! Sir Riley always had the best ones! lol I'm sure Sir Riley has given you a paw print of approval and a big lick from heaven! I'm realy happry for you and your family!
  • Shepdog


    Good to hear, and I look forward to seeing Koby put his paws all over your house and heart. :)
  • Butter

    Awww...he is so precious!!! Congratulations and we wish you much joy and happiness with little Koby. Joy and Butter
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Juel

    PUPPY! Congrats! What a handsome Little one! I can't wait to watch him grow up!
  • Lauren + Winston

    Hello! I bet you are way excited for your new puppy, as am I :)
  • Sondra

    Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and your new little addition!
    Can't wait to see more pictures and hear your updates on the little guy!
  • Laura Jones

    Congratulations! How very special that he is a part of Riley. He looks similar to my Taz I just got in December. I can't wait to hear about all of his firsts. Congrats again.
  • Carlie

    Oh my gosh!!! He's so cute!!! Congratulations, and I'm sure Riley is jumping around for joy at the thought of a new addition. I can't wait to see more pictures of him. I've almost forgotten what they're like at 8 weeks!So cute
  • Karen & Bailey

    he's such a cutie!
  • Kristen

    I am so happy that you have little Koby. So darn cute. As you know they never replace the lost one, but they make our hearts that much fuller! I can just smell that puppy breath and feel those sharp little toenails and baby teeth. So excited for you. Both a little tear of joy and sorry for you!
  • Chrissy

    OMG! Congrats!! My eyes filled with tears when I read the profile to see who was asking to be my friend and I saw it was you and Riley's little brother! I must be a cry baby or something but these are tears of joy : ) I am so happy for you and I know Riley would want you to have another corgi. And I know you won't forget him because I can promise that Koby will have a totally different personality even if they are from the same breeder. Good luck and I'll stay in touch : )
  • Kristen

    So much more fun than work!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    "Roll over" is "dar vuelta" and "Lay Down" "bajate"...hope this helps!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your welcome. Have a blast w/yours. They grow up so fast. They are adorable.
  • Sam & Maximus

    So so sweet, what a cutie! Congratulations on the new little guy. I'm sure Riley would approve. Your words on your new page are very heartwarming and emotional. I think it is very awsome that Koby is coming in to your home welcomed as, not only a new family member, but already a family member (to Riley). Look forward to all your experiences along the way with little Koby.
  • Lisa

    Welcome Back! I know you will always have a special place in your heart for Riley but I am very happy for you and your new baby, Koby. We have just gotten good news from a biopsy - Charlie does not have cancer! I thought of you and Riley while we were waiting to hear and wondered how you were. So glad you are OK!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you!!! Sir Riley would want you to be happy as well. How awesome you were able to get Koby from the same breeder as Sir Riley. Looking forward to more pictures and watching Koby grow up. Sir Riley will be looking over you and Koby. : )
  • WhiteDove

    Pups are always a joy. . .they grow so fast. . .Sir Riley will be happy for you I know it. . . .we want to see many pics of your new fur-baby. . . .take care and be well,
