Owen's Mom

Puyallup, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Puyallup, WA
About Me:
My husband and I are starting our family with a handsome corgi. This is our first puppy together.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Owen is a curious little guy who is currently in love with grass, his kong, and of course the millions of starlings living in our trees.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Owen and family!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Owen! I can hardly wait to see more pics!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Owen Mom,
    He's a cute little one! How old is he?
  • Katelyn

    OMIGOSH! Adorable!!!!!
  • Cheryl

    Owen looks like Emily when she was little. So sweet when they are sleeping aren't they? I think I have a picture of Emily posed like that! ;)
  • Manda and Chloe

    aww, what a cute little guy. i cant wait to get another one.
  • JollieEllie

    He sure is a handsome little fella! Congrats on the little addition to the family and join us the corgi slaves :)
    I say be patient with him coz he's only really small (10wks).
    We didn't start leash and obedience training until Truffle and Bailey were 12 weeks. (Both went to puppy school at 12 weeks).
    Dunno bout US, but in OZ, the VET advised not to go for walkies until they had their 3 vaccinations at around 16 weeks in fear of parvo.
    When we first had Bailey (9weeks), he also refused to walk a lot and only like to lie down so I think Owen will be alrite as Bailey is now very active and all over the place.
  • Reese

    Aw Owen is a cutie... good luck with all the training. I will also be doing the same very soon!
  • Kelly

    I may just have to steal your puppy shower/housewarming idea! Owen is adorable and I love your blog :)
  • Mei-ling-chan

    Eeek- Owen is sooo cute! I really enjoyed looking through your photos :)
  • Suzanne

    Any news on Owen's yips?
  • Sam

    Actually these are ducks. They are a breed specifically used for herding dogs. They are called Indian Runner Ducks. They are much taller and more slender then traditional ducks. I think quite a bit faster too!
  • Suzanne

    Glad to hear all is better...
  • Butter

    Thanks for joining the Inspirational Corgis group!! So sad to hear their is that much cancer in your family. Little corigs do put smiled on people's faces and distract them from their suffering, that is for sure. Joy and Baby Butter
  • Wynne Phillips

    Aw-Owen sounds so cute! He looks a lot like my Gus. Gus still won't do stairs (he's 4!) except the four stairs he has to do to get outside, but they are really wide. That may be the key. Actually, I wish his sister, Pearl, wouldn't do the inside stairs either-it would make life simpler!
  • Mochi

    thank you for the response back to my discussion :D
    it helped me :D
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    This is the hardest thing I have ever been through. He was like my child. I spent every moment I could with him. I know he was spoiled and had a great life...but i want him back. I wish I could turn back time. I thought this would be easier to get over but it is so hard. Everyones nice comments help but I hope you have many more years than me with your pup
  • Zach and Lisa

    I just love your blogs and your pup is so adorable! He sounds alot like our boy Midas. How old is Owen?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Owen looks alot like our Yogi.. And Yogi is teething. he is like a little pirrana... Don't be mad at the baby.. he was only doing what comes naturally.. Everyone has a story like that.. I didn't realize that Gizmo was CHEWING OFF the front of the rockers of my Grandmothers rocker that I have. He was so good around me.. and I thought he was being such a good boy at 12-13 months. Oh know.. secretly he was turning into super beaver on that rocker. Oh well.. I will change them one day. Owen is so cute.. and very smart looking. Gail.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Greetings from Wenatchee!
    Tell Owen he can find find a ball just like Laverne's at Petco. I had one for my kids years ago but now they make a smaller version for dogs. She loves it!
    Owen is absolutely PERFECT! What a handsome boy! I love your pictures. You are a beautiful family.
  • Paula Hess

    I envy you for living in such a beautiful place. Owen is lucky.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    The photo with Santa and Halloween photos are cute! Enjoy the holidays.
  • John Wolff

    Hey, if you're musicians: Little Dog Blues