
43, Male


United States

Profile Information:

Anderson , South Carolina
About Me:
I found my daughter to be in a pound from a rescue group . I had never heard of a corgi before that day.She was my only family for many years .Then I met my future wife at work .In my heart was a deep love for the little wiggly dog that saved my sanity and a woman that completed me .When the two girls met I was nervous and worried that they would not like each other . 4 years later we are wed and joined with a little bundle of joy that came to us on Christmas .Now our family is almost complete... Two corgis in the same house and our sanity is nowhere to be found.

Yes, I'm Married with Corgi's.
About My Corgi(s):
If only our newest arrival, Rolo (an adorable little boy Tri-color) was met with as much enthusiasm by Sadie (an equally adorable Tri) as my wife was when she and Sadie first met.

Like children, they bicker and fight and we are often taking up the role of mediator, bodyguard, toy recoverer and "she's too close to my food dish", "he took my squeeky toy. " Maybe it's the age difference... maybe it has to do with the elder being a rescue... or maybe it's time for the ol' snip snip on the little boy... but we can't keep running interception for the rest of their lives or we won't have one of our own! Any advice on cohabitating corgis is welcome!!!

Comment Wall:

  • Cindi

    Welcome! Corgis keep life interesting, huh?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story with us :)
  • Paws4Thought

    Thank you for such a warm welcome fellow corgi fans .
    I will keep you updated on Sadie and Rolo interactions .
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Welcome! What great looking children you have! They are adorable! (And I am so jealous to see that at least one of your corgi's has made friends with your cat! I have given up on that relationship ever being successful in my house!) You have a great story! :-) Tracie
  • NoClaws4Alarm

    Fancy meeting you here ;)
  • Paws4Thought

  • sandra

    hi, glad we are pals here on mycorgi...hehe, you have two lil corgi you can add a macaw and see some cool playful action!

    Do NOT play rough, rani macaw! (3 of 6)

    smiles : )

    oo yes, now you need a real human baby! we have one here and kaley corgi is still wondering if the kid was necessary!

    where do i sleep? (1 of 2)
  • Sam Tsang

    Mocha and Vienna were not the best of friends 5 years ago, but they have gotten along since. What is your situation? could you give me more info like age, gender, time line, behavior...etc?
  • Paws4Thought

    Well Sadie is the elder and a rescue . She has always been hand shy and has a issue with fear pee.I fear she may have been abused before I got her.Rolo is be bit hyper around Sadie ,she normally just growls and walks away from him. but one night when my wife came home ,they both were very excited and a small scuffle broke out. Sadie clamped onto Rolo and would not let go .Rolo had to go to the vet and since then they keep their distance. My wife is almost paranoid to let them do any sort of uncontrolled interaction since the injury to Rolo for fear of them getting hurt again. My concern is that if they never interact they can never go forward and grow a real relationship.
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks for the info! sounds like they're trying to figure out their rank among the family. The good thing is dogs don't hold grudges, next time be calm and use those mini air horn or a can of pennies / water squirt gun to distract them and separate them, don't yell at them and forcefully separate them, such action might build their aggression towards each other because of an unsolved issue. Once they're separated, let them calm down on their own, until they breathe normally, then carefully flip them over on their backs next to each other. DO NOT flip them over until they're fully calmed because being on their back is the most vulnerable position for dogs, don't force them to do it, it may back fire.

    It is "normal" for dogs to have arguments once in a while, we humans do that too. the key is to separate them, calm them down and move on. In no time, they'll get a long just fine, dogs learn to live with eachother :)
  • Tony & Jenny

    well no real secret here, we have them sharing the same area for sleeping and they are normally in that area together when we are not home. sometime they can get really aggressive with each other while playing with each other but we let them know every time when it gets out of hand, so they know now when its too much
  • Paws4Thought

    Well .... a slight update.
    I am trying to get Rolo and Sadie to interact more and more but my wife is still really jumpy about an attack . I on the other hand let them run around after they have enough play time. Other than a slight nimble on Sadie's ear nothing major.Rolo just loves her company and she cannot stand him. More updates to come .
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    I'm married with 1 corgi, your page made me smile. I hope your kids learn to get along.
  • Katie

    Hey P4T!

    I am hoping your kiddo's are getting along better! I know the feeling. I just introduced a male rescue and it was WWIII for about 3 days- it is a little bit of a cold war now and the only thing that causes strife is my mother's maltese and the stray rawhide chew!
  • Paws4Thought

    I have been letting them wiggle around during the day while I nap from from working graveyard shift . The kitchen is closed off with the 2 sniffing around. Rolo triess to play with Sadie , but she just kinda sits there making low warning growls. I am really proud of Rolo with his interactions with Sadie. Sadie is older and kinda of set in her ways, but is coming out of her shell with walks and playtime with Rolo .
    They played at the lake a few days ago and there are some new photos.
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Hi ......It's nice to find another South Carolinian!!!! I see you joined the group, we are from Greenville! Your corgis are precious!
  • Edie

    Hi, and thanks for your note about Morna. We went to PetSmart today and got her a bed, a leash, food bowls, a few toys and I bought "Puppies for Dummies" to refresh myself. It's been more than 30 years since we had a puppy. She was a Dalmation and really HARD to train. I understand that the Corgis can be on the "mind of their own" track, so thought I could use all the help I could get. She will be 9 weeks old by the time she gets here and I guess I will have to start right in on the training. Any thoughts or suggestions? How far is Anderson from Myrtle Beach? (I'm a Yankee... originally from Philadelphia, in MB for about 6 years now.)
  • Riley & Sadie

    Small world, I also have two kids named Riley and Sadie! As are mine, yours are adorable.