Chris and Bugg


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Panama City, FL
About Me:
Just got a Corgi pup (Bugg) in November of '08. Had a Corgi growing up and loved figured I'd jump back into the mix with Bugg. He's a handful, but a smart little bugger (potty trained in 2 weeks!).
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bugg was born on September 9, 2008. He's smart, playful, and everything you could want in a companion! Loves bugs...flying ones, squirming ones, 4 legged, 8 legged...bugs bugs bugs. He also loves his rawhide bones and squeaky toys. He likes to lick carpet, put his toys in his water dish, and play with the sliding glass door blinds. Finally, he loves wood chips and leaves...which makes me wonder if he'll try to eat the trees in my backyard at some later point in life.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    What a cutie! Welcome to mycorgi :-)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Laura Jones

    Adorable puppy! Welcome to the site.
  • Laura Jones

    It really is. Everyone is very helpful and supportive. I keep this page up all day. Lol. You should find The Temple of Boom blogs and read them, make sure you start with #1. They are fabulous. Don't eat or drink while you read them though because you will be laughing too hard.
  • Cindi

    Welcome, I just found this site myself a few days ago. So thought I would pass on a nice Welcome like I got. Have fun with your Corgi. Cindi and Tucker
  • Allison Musick

    Aww, Bugg is cute too!
  • Sarah

    Your Bugg is so cute! He was born on my birthday too. Bugg looks a lot like my dog Pancho.

    Anyway, welcome to the site. It's all a corgi owner needs.
  • Duchess Anne Windsor of Pembrokeshire Wales

    Your dog is precious!! Best of luck to you! Have a great holiday!
  • Lulu

    Awww Bugg is such a sweetie!
  • Sylvia

    Yes Sir MacKellen is VERY much Sir Ian MacKellen in dog form :D I'm a total LOTR nerd fan XD Thank you so mcuh.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome to!
  • Cindi

    The "Santa Paws" pic is adorable
  • Ashley

    lol. thanks :) How old is Bugg? He's so cute
  • Ashley

    Yeah. She lives at my dad's currently. But I live in the same town so I see her everyday! :)
    It's still hard though I miss her a lot.
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hey! Bugg is a handsome fella! where did you get him?
  • Boots and Superstar!

    I got her at Melbourne, Celestial Star Kennel and she was born on 9/14/08....
  • megan

    haha thanks I picked his name because I think it's ironic to have a little dog with such a BIG name like the greek god zeus.

    yes I did get him from a breeder here in pensacola, they are kind of rare around here so I freaked out when I saw them in the paper & had to have one. I wanted to get a girl but I'm a firm believer in letting the puppy pick you out instead og the other way around & he would not leave my lap the whole time I was on the floor with his brothers and sisters so I knew he was the one =) Hands down the most loyal dog I have ever owned.
  • megan

    oh my gosh bugg is adorable!!! i want a bi-colored corgi so bad i think they are too cute!!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    did you paid a lot of Bugg though?
  • Boots and Superstar!

    I paid a lot of my Superstar...575 dollars! well, i think she is worth it:)...but I will start attending corgi meetings when she is all done with her shots!
  • Boots and Superstar!

    the lady who plans the corgi picnics is the one who sold me Superstar. and Superstar makes everyone happy at the vet when she gets her shots! and also she is a little devil with the cats, but they are smarter than she thinks! he he he

    What a cutie, i too had a corgi growing up and i too thought it would be fun to have another one after all those years. wow was i in for a shock!!!! Id forgotten just how strong willed and fiesty they are. Wilf is never still, he will chew anything he thinks he has a right too and thinks you want to play chase when you need to take it off him. Am i glad i got a corgi again?...... You betcha!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Bugg is soo cute!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Lol, I'm sure I will have that to look forward to soon. My little girl is young right now. Actually, a little younger than I'm comfortable with but sadly not so young. My mom has had pups that she still had to milk feed due to stupid breeders.
  • megan

    yes i do go to uwf & i'm hoping to get more pics up soon i just recently lost all my files on my computer so i lost most of my pictures of him.
  • Lauren + Winston

    haha thank you! :D he's am interesting photo subject.. probably why i have 209384092834 pictures of him
  • disraeli ears

    What a little cutie! My Andy likes to eat wood chips and leaves, too - but I've never seen her go for a tree. :)
  • disraeli ears

    Thanks for the friend request...and did I mention Andy likes bugs? Live ones, that is - she ROLLS on them! She is the only Corgi I've ever met who likes to roll on live (as opposed to dead) bugs. :D
  • Corgibyassociation

    The new pictures are so cute! That bed is gorgeous...hmm...I should get my little one a bed.
  • Kaisdy

    Bugg is very cute too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^o^
  • Boots and Superstar!

    Hey Chris, did Bugg's breeder have black-headed tri corgis????please let me know!