
Profile Information:

Fairbanks, AK
About Me:
I am a devoted corgi fan in Alaska!
About My Corgi(s):
My name is Kona (my mom also calls me BooBoo). I was born in Idaho but I came to Alaska when I was 10 weeks old. I love to play and if I'm really good, my mom takes me out for a vanilla ice cream cone.

Comment Wall:

  • Francine

    Some of my friends have seen corgis in the Farmers Loop and University West area, but I haven't seen many in Fairbanks. I ran into a vet this summer who said he knew of a corgi that was expecting a litter, but I don't know who it was. I would love to have more corgis but I think my husband would move out!
  • Florence Fong

    Don't they just love ice-cream? Mine loves yoghurt too.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Francine from Alaska!
  • Cindi

    Welcome Francine and Kona (aka BooBoo)! My corgis are all about the vanilla ice cream, too. It's Tank's reward for going to nursing homes. But, I can't say I'd be standing in line for ice cream in Alaska. A good, hot beverage would come to mind, I think! lol
  • Sam & Maximus

    Thank you, I'm starting to feel better just after joining this site. I think we are doing all the right things, it just didn't feel like it with his bossy little attitude. We still love him, he's our little baby.
  • Sam & Maximus

    Looks like the Alaska corgi fans are all in Fairbanks but me. That must be tough. I know my little max loves to go outside but has problems with the little pads freezing on his feet. He still won't come in though I have to go get him when he is dancing on two feet at a time. I see your Kona came from out of state also. Max came from South Dakota 6 weeks ago at 8 weeks old. That was a long trip for the little guy, didn't think I was ever going to get him back in to a kennel.
  • Florence Fong

    Hey Francine,
    My sentiments exactly. ;o)
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Kona is a beautiful tri-color. :-D Looking forward to seeing more pictures.
  • Corgi Mom

    Well, believe me Moonmystic and I did not plan on having as large a family as we do. However, because of Hurricane Katrina we didn't have much choice but to relocate to where we are now. Mobile, AL. She works for Petsmart as a Pet Trainer and I work as a veterinarian assistant. That's pretty much how we ended up with our kids. They are all rescues of one form or other. Either from the shelter, a rescue group or people who couldn't keep them for whatever reason. What can we say - were softies.
  • Megan

    Thanks for the good luck!! Unfortunately, my horses are on my parents' farm in Indiana while Dallas and I are in Kentucky, so she doesn't get to see them that much, either. How's Alaska??
  • Francine

    Hey, at least it has gone through potty training by now!!! Are there pics of the corgi on the web?
  • Francine

    Good luck! I hope it works out for you. How long before you find out?
  • Francine

    How did things go at the groomers? I have never taken Kona to a professional groomer, but I bet they could do a good job of getting a lot of the undercoat out. Corgis sure do shed a lot! I have little tumbleweeds of corgi hair all over the house.
  • Francine disappointing!
  • Francine

    Where was it at? I haven't been out with Kona much the last few has been hectic. Maybe it is another fellow corgi owner!
  • Francine

    Yes, I agree. Corgi's are super loyal to their people! Part of what makes me love them so much. Just be careful when walking on roads off-leash...I lost my first corgi when he ran off and was hit by a car. He was only 6-months old and had a really strong herding instinct and wanted to chase cards. It was heartbreaking and I don't take any chances with Kona. She is good about coming when called, but if she saw another dog or something equally as enticing, I'm not 100% sure she would come.
    Oh, I saw another corgi the other day! It was in a truck over by Chena Pump road. It was a red and white older corgi, with a few extra pounds. And I also saw a dog that looked exactly like a black lab with really short corgi legs. Pretty cute.
  • Francine

    I agree! What is happening on the 16th?
  • Francine

    How fun! I should do that for Kona too. My yard has a lot more dirt than grass though...I'll have to find a grassy spot where she won't get all muddy everytime she gets in and out of the pool.
  • Francine

    I took my son to Pets and People Day which was fun. They had an Irish Wolfhound too! Neat dog. They did a herding demonstration with some australian shepherds which was cool to watch. No corgis there though.
  • Kona

    I like your Corgi's name. =)
  • Francine

    I have owned two corgis and both were hard to potty train. They weren't reliable until about 6 months old. Do you have a fenced yard that you can let him run around in? Or do you have to take him out on a leash to go potty? You may have to keep a really close eye on him so he doesn't sneak off and pee in the house. He may have just got into the habit and decided it was easier than going outside. I would take him out often and praise him when he goes outside. Good luck! Potty training can be SOOOOO frustrating.
  • Francine

    Can you take them outside seperately? Maybe if he doesn't have someone to play with he'll pay more attention to going to the bathroom. Then maybe play with him after he goes potty so he'll associate it with getting attention from you. Corgi's do like to be the center of attention...Kona can't stand it when I love on my cat. She gets so jealous.
  • Francine

    Nothing weird about that, dogs are the best friends you can have. That is what I like about this website...everyone understands our devotion to our dogs! If I wasn't around, my husband wouldn't have a dog but he understands how much Kona means to me. He loves her, but not in the same way. Do you ever watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel? He deals with all kinds of training issues.
  • Francine

    I think I saw someone walking a cardigan corgi over by Justa Store last night. Couldn't tell for sure since I saw them from behind, but it sure looked like a corgi!
    Sorry to hear that things are not going well...I can tell you from experience that jr. high and high school are some of the toughest times. It really does get better!
    Have you thought about boarding your dogs somewhere? Or maybe having a family friend take care of the dogs while you are in Anchorage? I know it is really hard to leave them...I missed Kona so much and worried about her while I was on a trip last summer.
  • Francine

    I caught Kona chewing a hole in our carpet a few weeks ago. Fortunately I can put a throw rug over it! We use the kennel too...keeps her out of trouble when we're not home and she seems to like it. I always give her a treat when she goes in her kennel, so she races for it when I tell her to "kennel up".
  • Francine

    There is usually a good reason...things have to get pretty bad before a child is taken out of their home. I'm sorry to hear that this happened to a friend of yours. Hopefully things will work out.
  • Francine

    What happened?
  • Francine

    I was there too!!! We probably just missed each other. I met a lady from Southcentral that had 2 litters of corgi puppies. I think I spent about half an hour playing with them. She has them next to her motorhome, back by the big livestock barn in the back of the fairgrounds. They were so incredibly was hard to leave them. If you go to the show again you should go check them out. Is your dog feeling any better now?
  • Francine

    Very cool! When will you find out if he wins?
  • Kristen

    Francine, thank you for your kind words. Good luck with your dream. A Corgi rescue is a great thing.
  • Francine

    Not sure, when is it?
  • Francine

    The obedience class over at PetCo is pretty good. They use clicker training (or at least that is what they used a couple of years ago). If you enroll, take it during the summer so that you can go outside. On cold days we had to do all of the training in the store and it was kind of crowded.
  • Francine

    Sorry to hear that you are sick. Are the dogs going stir crazy? If Kona goes a couple of days without some major exercise she gets a little spastic on me. Go figure, get sick during a super nice weekend! It finally feels like summer is here...I was starting to wonder. I work up at the's a great job and they let us have flexible schedules in the summer which is really nice.
  • Francine

    I know, I suck. I used to be really good about taking photos but now I never think about it. I need to get back into it again. Taking photos of Kona is hard anyway...she doesn't like to sit still!
  • Francine

    I'm so sorry...was it due to the Nutro food? Were the other dogs affected too? That is so horrible to lose such a young dog like that. It must be hard not to be with him right now. It seems like there have been so many problems with both pet and people food lately.
  • Francine

    Cool! We saw a corgi too...he was at Petco and is up for adoption. There was a really nice couple talking to the people about adopting him so I hope it goes well. He was really sweet. My husband had to drag me away...
  • Francine

    I wasn't originally planning on it, but I might go now to help out Homeward Bound Pet Rescue. My mission is to get that little corgi adopted by a great family. Wish I could foster him in the meantime...but my husband won't go for it. Maybe I will see you there!
  • Francine

    Yes, I'll definately bring Kona along. She will love seeing the other dogs but hopefully she won't be too freaked out about all of the people. Are you taking your dogs on the 2.5 mile walk? I would like to but I don't think Kona or the puppy would make it that far. Especially if it is in the 70's. I wonder if they have a shortcut for the small dogs. A 1 mile walk would be fine for them. I just can't carry them if they get tired!
  • Francine

    Well, you know how corgis can be. They are very protective of their loved ones! At least you are out there trying to get him more socialized. He was so cute and so was Ellie. I'm glad we finally got to meet too. After we left we walked the dogs down to the river and Kona did her bulldozer impression in the water. Neither of the dogs cared about all of the ducks milling around though. I thought they would be more interested in them. Oh well...
  • Francine

    That's awesome!!! He is such a cutie and has great coloring. I think it will be a good addition to your family since it will give Oliver someone with a lot of energy to play with. Then he will leave Ellie alone and she can relax!
  • AkMotleyGal

    Hello- We got both of ours in Alaska. I think the short legged wonder pups are taking over...
  • Francine

    How is your first corgi handling the addition of a new puppy to your house? My corgi loves other dogs, but she is very jealous if I give another dog attention. I want to get another corgi someday but I'm a little worried how she will deal with it.
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Did you happen to get your beauty from Angelina Hall~Whimsy Corgis?