
36, Female

Derby, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Kat and I live in CT. I'm very friendly, love music.. and love my corgi Ein(yea I know I must be the 4987295th person to name thier corgi Ein haha..). Don't be afraid to say hey!!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My corgi's name is Ein, he's about 3 years old now and I loooove him to death. He's such a good boy and trains very well! He just likes to chew and run. :P
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • cr4zym4n

    Haha one floppy ear. Gotta love it! How old is he? Cowboy Bebop rules.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Kat!
  • cr4zym4n

    Haha, I know right? (re: naming their corgi's 'Ein') I actually tried to name George that at first too, believe it or not! LOL.
  • Wynne Phillips

    Welcome! Ein is adorable!
  • Cam

    His ear did stop flopping a few days ago and interestingly enough I didn't care and actually found it to be rather exciting. :) It was a secret conflict that I had going on inside and now I'm glad to know how it's going to be for the rest of his life.

    Your Ein is so cute. He looks almost exactly like the bebop dog so I think it fits, and fits well.
  • Kristen

    Kat and Ein, welcome to My Corgi. I must be the only person online that has not seen the Cowboy Be-bop...I'll have to enlighten myself. Good luck with your Vet Tech schooling and the job at the hospital. Achilles looks quite charming in his tie!
  • Banjo and Starbuck

    My corgi had a floppy ear until she was 6 months. I miss it sometimes, but it still flops a bit when she runs.
  • Jenny Chhan

    omg my boyfriend would love your puppy with the one ear up one down. Sorry I was just browsing and I saw your puppy and couldn't help but leave a comment. Also, I almost named my puppy Ein. >./body>
  • Maggie May

    I love how your dog and cat have the same coloring. Very cute! Sue and Maggie