Peanut and sarah

41, Female

Hayward, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Hayward, CA
About Me:
I do marketing for a health care company. When I'm not working, I enjoying spending time with my corgi. I first learned about corgis through a friend who owned one. Since then, I've been in love with the breed. Peanut is my constant companion and shaddow.
About My Corgi(s):
Peanut is my first corgi and dog. He was born 6/21/2007 on a small ranch here in CA. My boyfriend and I drove to the farm and hand picked him. Peanut was one of the largest out of the liter, and definitely the MOST active. Peanut enjoys playing fetch with pretty much anything. If it can be tossed, he'll be sure to catch it and bring it back for more action. He also enjoys bellyrubs and liver treats. His pet peeves are doorbells and stray cats.

Comment Wall:

  • Florence Fong

    Peanut is such a cute name for a Corgi. Once I went to a Dog Show in Singapore (that's where I live), I came across this couple with a couple of Corgis. They named them Corgi and Cheese. My Pembroke Welsh Corgi is called Ritz and he's almost 17 months old. By the way, the picture on the left is not Ritz. I've yet to upload them.
  • Florence Fong

    Are you going to buy a Great Dane next?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Sarah! Peanut is mighty cute :)
  • Nancy Andrist

    You ride too! I do as well and was thinking that it was a bit easier without Henry in my life...but only as far as riding goes. I could not live without him now!
  • Florence Fong

    I couldn't agree more - My Ritz is a handful too! :-D
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Peanut is a cutie!
  • Cindi

    What a cutie! Any dog that digs liver treats is alright by me!
  • Mary Ann Jones

    Oooooo, get a side car! Then get LOTS of pix, including with doggles and helmet. He sounds like a real character, so he should relish that!
  • Cindi

    LOL! I get the funniest questions on bully sticks at work! I had one elderly lady come in and kept whispering under her breath asking if I had "bully ....?" It took three tries before she said the "p" word! I talk about bullies in class and usually preface it asking if folks know what they are. Most don't and it gets embarrassing when they ask. Too funny! They're great but they tend to stink. Onward bully sticks!
  • Valerie

    The photo for the Cali Corgi Club looks as if it were saying a line from the wizard of oz, the Lion "With a r-r-ruff and a r-r-ruff, and a royal growl - R-R-Ruff! "
  • Brian Davis

    Thanks for the friendship Sarah and Peanut ! Brynn says woof ! (hello) :)

    Yes! Benzo would really like to play with Peanut very soon! See you guys soon!
  • Cubbie

    Hello - We're a local Corgi family with a one-year old male - Cubbie! He's a very cool fellow with awesome markings and a personality to match. He loves good, long hikes and playing with other dogs. Maybe we could all meet up sometime and start a Corgi Revolution! Who's with me?!!
  • Cubbie

    Hi Peanut & Sarah, We just chatted with Benzo and he said you guys were getting together next week. Maybe Cubbie could come say hello and meet his fellow country men (women). Just let us know! Thanks.
  • ♥ AdEle

    Hello Peanut and Sarah,
    I heard about the get together ..
    Skye and Kissy are so jealous..
    Have fun and hopefully one day we can meet...

    Hope to see you Peanut and Family soon!

    I hope it will be a nice day! Hope to see you guys soon. By the way, for Peanut's puppy preschool class, was he in the small dogs class?

    I am debating whether I should enroll in him in the small dogs or all sizes puppy class. I am afraid he might be too big for the small puppy class. he is huge for 5 months old. hehehehe. hope to see you guys!

    hey peanut! mommy is so excited to meet you, cubbie and the rest of the corgi gang. hope to see you soon, she always mentions your name since she found you and your mom.

  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Hey Peanut, I noticed on the Golden Gate PWC Fanciers that there is a Spring Match on april 5th in Hillcrest Park, in Concord, CA. It sounds like a fun match for puppies and a get together with pot luck and such.

    Also, a specialty show on May 16th & 17th in Los Gatos at the Los Gatos Lodge. More information on both events are available on the GGPWCF site.

  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Peanut and Sarah,
    timmy and I won't be attending either. It's about a 6 hour drive to Concord and probably 7 hours to Los Gatos. We try to get to things in the Santa Rosa area, that's only 4 hours south, but otherwise, gas is just too expensive, in addition to the time!!
  • Charlie

    Hi Sarah,
    Good to hear from your and Charlie's California "brother". : - ) They are growing up fast aren't they? Still having lots of fun, and hope you are too!
  • Laura & Lola

    What a little cutie Peanut is!!!! Aren't they just the best pups? :)
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Did you see the note I posted regarding the Wine Country Corgi gathering at the end of the month. This summer it's near the coast at a private beach. I'm not going to be able to get down there with the cost of gas and the fact that I have a truck. Way too expensive! Hope that some of the rest of you can make it though. Really good folks and lots of fun.

    Hi Sarah! I hope you guys can make it to Benzo's first birthday party on the 18th of October. We are hoping to have a meet up that day. Kindly let me know if you are available that day. Take care.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi! How is Peanut doing, did the vet find out why Peanut is throwing up his food and water, just saw your post about it now. Hope Peanut is doing well. Peanut is a cutie!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad is wasnt anything major like an obstruction. Lance also has a sensitive stomach and cannot have bones or anything else of sorts.
    What food is Peanut eating now? Lance is on Natural Balance Duck
    and Potatoe. It is no fun when our furbabies arent feeling well. Definately not fun on the pocketbook!!
  • Erica

    peanut looks exactly like jaybe's new pupps! beautiful dog!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Sarah: thanks for your comment.. Peanut DOES look alot like Gizmo. He is actually Yogi's uncle. My daughter got Yogi about 3 weeks ago from the same breeder that we got Gizmo. This lady had kept Gizmo's litter brother (Nitro) and he is the puppy's father. Gizmo has grown to love him. We kept him for about a week because she had a trip that was already planned before Yogi came. Gizmo wasn't sure of him at first but just loves him now. They play and if the puppy gets to rough - Giz will let him know it.. with a AUROOOOOOO sound. They are really funny to watch. Yogi will be a frequent visitor at our house so I'm glad that they get along. I love your pictures.. peanut is precious. When was he born?

    Hi peanut and auntie sarah! thanks for making benzo's day so memorable and fun! Benzo never had so much funlike yesterday for a while! We hope to spend more time with you guys soon! thanks for his gifts. anyways, benzo was so tired too and he started sleeping everywhere while his daddy dale is playing poker hahahaha
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Sorry.. I just read he was born in June 2007.. so he is a year + old. Gizmo LOVES to play fetch.. That is his favorite thing to do. He too will fetch anything.. If we are outside.. he will run and run and then when he has had enough.. he will take his ball or whatever and instead of bringing it back to me.. he will take it to the door to go back inside with it.. They are such fun little dogs. how much does Peanut weigh? Does he like his food.. Gizmo is a food monger.. He is about 27-28 lbs. now.. but did at one time weigh 31. We managed to trim him down some.. but i have to watch every bit that he eats. LOL>
  • Chester

    hey peanut and sarah.
    how was halloween for you too?
  • Erica

    Thank you!!! your corgiS are sooo cute!
  • Chester

    mommy took me to get my last shot you know what that means?
    i can PLAY now.

    woot woot.
  • Chester

    Hey Peanut & Sarah! I hope u and your family had a great x.mas. I look forward to playing with the crew soon :) Let's meet up on the weekend in January sometime. I'm getting fixed at the end of the month, so let's do it before the surgery. yaaaay!
  • Momo

    hi, can you recommend the farm where you got your corgi? thanks so much!
  • Chester

    hey peanut.
    nice seein you on saturday, even though you growled at me. =)

    have a nice day.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!
  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!
  • Chris

    Happy Birthday!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Hayley, Roxy, & Bolt