Cagney & Lacey & Chapin


Minneapolis, MN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
We are two social workers (Jaxi and Becky) who love our two corgis and our Augie (corgi/aussie cross).

Becky has her own my corgi account and can be found at:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cagney is a tricolored Pembroke mini we rescued so we do not know too much about her history. She joined us in June 2008. Cagney has the narrower foxier face. Cagney has claimed me (Jaxi) as her human. And once claimed by a corgi ... well you know :-) We decided to make life easier we would give Cagney my birthday. So her birth date as far as we're concerned is February 7, 2006.

Chapin is also a tricolored Pembroke mini. We got her from a breeder in California. She joined our family in July 2008. Chapin has the white streak on her forehead. Chapin has claimed Becky as her human. It is hoot since the both are energetic little balls of energy. It is a perfect pairing. Chapin's birthday is August 11, 2007.

Oh and a note about what I mean by "mini" corgi. Both of our girls are around 16 lbs give or take. We try hard to keep them fit and not overfed, although like most corgis I know, they will try to convince you they are starving. They are both full grown as far as height and length. At least I think they are. But might fill in a little in width, fullness of chest. But I never expect either of them will ever get above 20 lbs. We know Chapin had "normal" sized parents. On the smaller end of normal but normal and she was the smallest of the litter. We do not know if Cagney was like Chapin and just happened to be smaller or if the folks who had her were deliberately trying to breed smaller than normal corgis. Regardless we absolutely love them and love their size. They will always have that puppy look to them.

And last but certainly not least ... Lacey has joined our family in July 2009. She is an "Augie" or a corgi/mini aussie cross. Her birthday is February 10, 2009. She is a real cutie. If you know both breeds you can clearly see both in her. The girls (Cagney and Chapin) are warming up to the little ball of energy. She is a bit timid and smart as a whip. She's going to keep us all on our toes!! She is quite small and may not even get as big as Cagney and Chapin when she's full grown.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kristen

    Welcome to you all! Your two little girls are adorable.
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    Thank you. We are rather smitten with them. I have always loved the black and tan type color combo and my other half has always loved corgis. I got won over when I saw we could have all the loving fun of a corgi in a tricolored pup. Suddenly the woman (me) who said she would never have a dog in her house has two, one of which has clearly claimed me as her human! And as you know, when a corgi claims you, you are good and owned :-) but we wouldn't have it any other way, would we?
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    They look like sisters! They are adorable!!!
  • Cindi

    Thanks for the friend request! What a couple of cuties you have.
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi there ~ thanks for the friend request ~ it's great to see other Corgis in our area! Yours are gorgeous!! I think our next corgi will be tri-colored. :)
  • Mike Hammer

    Hi, Thanks for the add. Yes the Fredrick's. They are friends.
  • Katie

    How small are corgi mini's? Molly thought she was a mini until the vet weighed her! My male pem is an XL! :)
  • Mike Hammer

    I have a 4 week old mini male if you are still looking.

    his name is Lex
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Cagney and Chapin!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Thank you for the friend request!
  • Kristen

    I know what you mean when you are claimed by a corgi. It changes you in some way...a good way. I can't imagine being without them. The thats another story, but we take the good withthe bad!
  • Kristen

    We are not having much luck getting the inconinence issues under control. I am going to visit with the vet again Monday. I've heard of a new treatment where they inject collegen into the uretha. Don't know much about it, but I want to learn more. She knows to lay on her blanket or a people incontinence pad most of the time. I still have drips on the floor to wipe up, but she is a sweet little thing so it is worth the extra effort. Fern had a few things to learn as well. She spent almost six months in foster care before coming home so she had already come a long way. She still seems easily scared, but has become more and more social. She is a "mommy's girl" and loves to follow me around. She too FRAPs and plays with the others. She has learned what toys are and loves to play in the water.
  • Ginny

    Thanks for the friend invite & wow! You've got some cute Corgis! I look forward to the friendship!

    Ginny, So. Cal.
  • Chrissy

    Thank you for the invite and for telling me about that other website. I will look into it for sure!!
  • Ginny

    Sounds like the search was worth it! Yes, the Doodlebug Corgis can be hard to find.

    We have 3 pups, one PWC, one CWC mix & one Swedish Lapphund. As soon as I get one of those "round-tuits", I'll post more pictures! In the are links to their Dogster pages:


    Talk soon!

    Ginny, So. Cal.
  • Kristen

    Thanks!. I've printed it off and will read it. I still haven't heard back from the vet. We have tried the PPA and DES treatments, but should give one onf the natural remedies a try before any medical procedures.
  • Kristen

    The article you sent was so informative. I am going in to the vet today with Fergie--she has developed a limp and we need to check that I and I will also talk to him about some more options for Fern. Do you know where you can get corn silk? Perhaps the health food store. Might have to try combining the PPA and DES as well.
  • Kristen

    I think the limp may be as the result of a tussle between Fergie and Lizzie. Both trying to be Alpha. Her leg is swollen near the elbow and down to the knee. Not huge, but noticeable. Hopefully it is nothing major.Is '"corn silk" just that? I live out in the country with cornfields all around. I wonder if I could just boil the dried silks and make the "tea". Interesting. I will probably try capsules or the oil if I can find it and visit with the health food storekeeper to see if they know any more. I'll let you know how our vet visit goes.
  • Kristen

    I stopped by the heath food store today and they did not have any corn silk supplement. I'll have to order it online. I did a bit of online researcch and did find out it is simple to make the tea at home using the green cornsilks. A couple cups of water pured over the silks from two ears of corn steeped for about 10 minutes. I want to find some organic corn to do this, but I am going to give it a shot. I found corn silk teabags online as well as the capsules and I am going to order some. There was also a suggestion that going "grain free" with food would provide some relief. Natures Variety (Instinct) makes a grain free/high quality food that I bought a bag of today and I will begin to transition Fern to that. I'll let you know how it works. The vet knows less than I do about some of the options for alternative treatments. Not his fault--Traditional treatments work in most dogs so he probably hasn't had a need to do much research.
    Fergi has Cystitis in her leg cause by a puncture wound she suffered in her tussle with Lizzie. She is on antibiotics now. Can't really seem to slow her down even with the injury. Hopefully we will avoid an abcess. She also had a puncture would above her eye that I wouldn't have even known about til she scratched the scap off and it started bleeding. The vet shaved around the wounds, so she looks a bit like a bruiser right now, but healthy and happy for the most part. Thanks for your help!
  • Kristen

    Right now I feed the whole gang Canidae ALS. We used to have about five different foods and it was a real pain. The Canidae made life much simpler. They are doing well on even with the change in formula. Actually we poop less on the new formula! I think they all have iron stomaches and can eat just about anything, but I want them to have what is good for them. Natures Variety is made right here in the town I work in. It was developed where I went to college! I think if eliminating grains has the potential to work I am going to give it a try. Fern is well worth the extra effort. Such a sweetie.

    I think it is great that the two girls get along so well, without any Alpha issues. I wish my Lizzie were a little more laid back, but she is determined to be top dog and keep the order.

    My daughter just had her little shiza-poo spayed yesterday. She is a little drama queen and has been acting completely traumatized, but she came through the surgery with no issues. I think the drama is just part of her personality.
  • Judy

    Cagney and Chapin are Beautiful!! They sure would complement my Moose. I've never heard of "mini's" before. How much smaller are they? I bet you are having SO much fun with them in your lives now!
  • Krystal

    Thank you!! I'm so anxious to get my little Corgi. :D
  • Trice

    Wow, you're dogs are beautiful! They look like they could be related. I love their colors. Gorgeous. =)
  • Chrissy

    Hey Cagney and Champin, I am very interested in checking out those websites to see if I could find a feamale for Hunter to Breed with. I already found one person but she is done breeding for the year. i originally bought Hunter to be a pet, but he is such a great dog that I haven't neutered him just in case someone would want to breed him.
  • Sam & Shelby

    Thank you, and hello to you, too! You're right, they do look just alike. I love to see full grown tri- colored Pem's, it gives me a good idea of what Shelby will look like.
  • Ross

    How is the new corgi (chapin)?
    The gf and me are already talking about getting a second, we keep talking about different breeds, but I have a gut feeling that we somehow are going to end up with another corgi.
  • Erica

    this is crazy!! they look soo much alikeee :)
  • Angie

    Oh your corgis are so cute. Isn't it funny how each and every one of them have their own expressions and their own little expressive faces. They are a funny, loveable, little breed.
  • Jeanne & Jen's Lucy

    cagney looks a lot like lucy especially with the kind of lop-sided white on one side of the nose. cagney has more tan, lucy's is more blackish on the sides of her snout. Your two are very adorable. how old are they,. too bad so far away,

    Your Corgis are adorable. My 2 daughters each have a Corgi that they got at a local rescue. When the three of them get togther, it's a hoot.
  • Tania's Mr. Chips

    Hello- Please keep me posted if you have another get together in the Twin Cities area. Mr Chips would definitely be interested- thanks!
  • Anna

    that last bit cracked me UP!!! im glad you saved Cagney. i wanna save all the corgis!
  • Mike and Tabby

    Thanks for the nice comments. Your girls are absolutely adorable. Amazing how the breed and colors can be the same but their faces still scream individuality.

    Tabby and Mike
  • Laura K.

    I know what you mean! I would love a second Corgi! :D
  • Michael Guille

  • David & Robin Fritz

    Check out the video I uploaded with Chloe and your two girls.