Sarah Wiedemann

38, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Mason City, IA
About Me:
Student at ISU majoring in Integrated Studio Arts, crazy about herps, and of course, corgis :)
About My Corgi(s):
I got my corgi two years ago from a breeder located in far southern Iowa, and she's the center of my world! Her name is Sofi, and she's an adorable little angel. Maybe sometime in the future after I graduate and have better housing options, Sofi will have a playmate.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Sarah! Time to upload some pics of Sofi :) By the way, what's integrated Studio Arts? Sounds interesting :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Those are some awesome pics you've got there! How did you hear about
  • Sam Tsang

    ha ha ha! that would be my video and my corgis :) glad the ad worked :) feel free to tell other corgi owners to join us!
  • Katelyn

    OH MY GOSH! Your crazy about herps? AWESOME! Do you ever go herping? Also, your corgi is so cute!
  • Katelyn

    Yes, reptiles are indeed AWESOME! So do you ever go herping though? AWW thats awesome! I have a leo named gloria that my boyfriend gave me. He has 2 snakes and 3 leos! One of his snakes is an albino boa that he got at a reptile convention for 600 dollars! Its so pretty! =) Cresties are cute!
  • WhiteDove

    Sofi is adorable. . .I'm the only Corgi owner I know too. . .but I don't feel like the Lone Ranger cause I've met through LOTS of Corgi owners. . .I feel like it's a BIG family here and I find myself opening this site many times throughout the day. . .Welcome to the FAMILY!!!
  • endia

    i like the photo of sofi with her tongue out. funny
  • Zed

    I like the sketches of your puppy.
  • Kathryn

    Your drawings are absolutely amazing! Flawless! You should try to publish them, you have talent!

    I love to draw aswell!
  • Butter

    I love your Corgi artwork!!!
  • sabina

    your Sofi is lovely and your artwoks too!
  • deelee lew

    Great illustrations! where is your portfolio sarah?
  • Ju Lo

    Wow, really great artwork! I'd love to see more! I especially like the one with the wings and cartoony look. Very whimsical and sweet. :) Sofi is adorable.
  • Carmen

    I love your drawings! I wish I could draw a corgi. Sofi is a doll.
  • Sylvia

    Hello fellow deviantartist:) I'm diamondwhitewolf on da I recognized your art so I thought I'd say hi:D
  • Rose, Aaron and Sarah

    my name is sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Karen Dadisman

    Hi, I just found your comment today. Obviously I don't check very often. I am an ISU alumni from many years ago. Rosie must be about the same age as your girl. Rosie was 2 in Feb. She has recently had shoulder surgery at ISU so isn't playing at this time. Poor girl, still on pen rest. Rocky was 1 yr in Nov.
  • Karen Dadisman

    I have had great luck at ISU. Rosie is doing well. Rocky got very sick while I was in GA and when we got home, we took him to ISU. They finally found out what was wrong with him and their prices were no worse than the several vets I saw in GA. I would go back to them again without any hesitation. We don't have great vets in Mason City anyway.