
38, Female

Silver Spring, MD

United States

Profile Information:

State College, PA or Silver Spring, MD
About Me: the Mets, take photos, have green eyes, watch movies with the captions on, dislike geraniums, would take a Truth instead of a Dare, am annoyed by the movie Serendipity, talk very very fast, wanted to be a Dolphin trainer when I was little, still do, used to wish I had a twin brother, still wish on stars
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a one-year-old corgi named Dexter. He's very small for his breed (only 12 lbs) but the perfect size for us.

"Corgis aren't small dogs... they're big dogs with no legs!"
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Jess!
  • Alex

    Welcome! :)
  • Julie

    Welcome! Dexter is quite the cutie!
  • Ryan and Darwin

    When Darwin gets his shots, maybe Darwin and Dex could get together sometime.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Dexter is so cute! Welcome to MyCorgi!
  • Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

    Hey, Sorry for the delay. I got a recommendation from the Potomac Corgi club, and one of the responses was Dr. Muellar at Hampden Lane Vet office. They had been taking their corgis there for over 15 years, so we took Caden there for all his shots and to get neutered. With all the puppy shots, Caden quickly remembered that something 'bad' happens there, and Dr. Muellar made sure he took the time to spend a few minutes with Caden alone, to wait for him to calm down. I think that's a great sign of a vet. They seem reasonably priced and didn't try to sell us any 'extras' when he was neutered. Let me know if you have any other questions. ~Cindy
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    The new pics of Dexter are GREAT! He is sooo handsome.
    You should post them in the Corgi Photographers group :-)
    Have a great day!
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Thanx so much Jessie! I have alot of fun sharing the cool things I find on the internet with everyone else, and of course I love to brag about how cool corgis are to the rest of the world haha!
    I did draw the corgi in the top corner, but not the girl. I do aim to be that good one Im practicing :-)
    P.S your photos are amazing
  • Kelly

    Aww only 12lbs?? How adorable :) I was going to say he reminded me a little of Gibson since he has smaller ears, but Gibson is about twice his size! lol
  • Tina and Cooper

    Beautiful pictures,,Hes wonderul,,I have some extra flip flops he might like LOL :o) ~tina~ and Cooper
  • karen

    From Patricia Wilson and my dog is beautiful and so is Dexter. I don't know who to put pictures on yet. Karen
  • karen

    WHere did you get dexter? Do you have two corgis now? How do they get along?
  • Alla

    Thanks, Jessie, I joined!
    On several occasions, I met other MD corgis at the Rockville Dog Park. On Sundays, between 12 pm and 2 pm
  • Alla

    Nobody checks anything. People just come and go.
  • pat and mike

    ok, thanks - will do
  • Nevaeh's Mommy

    Thanks for the info. Where do you guys meet?
  • Jessica

    12 pounds! How cute :-) Taylor just kept growing and growing and while the vet says he's not overweight, he's certainly bigger than we expected (48 lbs!). But we did get him from a farm in upstate NY, so maybe they just breed 'em bigger there!

    Hopefully we can meet up as a group as the weather gets nicer.
  • Elaine

    I'll pass this information to a friend of mine, who currently has an adorable Pembroke corgi, who also lives in Maryland.
  • Kona

    Dood Dexter is hadsome.. love his colors.. btw sorry about the late response but i got kona from the guy name Brad Biggers in MO. wow Dexter is only 12 lbs? I thought Kona was small.. She weighs 14.5 lbs at about 17 months.. I love small corgis!!
  • Bizzle75

    sounds great. where's the meet up?
  • Ryan and Darwin

    I believe Darwin is up on all his shots. He is due for his "snip snip" in a couple of weeks. Let me know when Dex may be able to come out and play!
  • Christine

    Hi!! I am so sorry i never wrote back!! I was checking my page and just noticed your message. I am so sorry! Anyway, I got Bandit from a breeder in my area. The breeder's daughter is actually on this website too. Her name is Hannah Bigelbach. But you can check out their official website at too. Thanks!
  • Dez Hunter

    I love your Dexter! ^^
  • Dez Hunter

    Aw! I thought about getting an older dog, but we just couldn't find one. I'll be sure to post lots of little Dexter pics for you. <3
  • Henrys Person

    Hi there! Dexter is super cute! I love his colors and markings! :D