
Melbourne, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Miami, FL
About Me:
I love my Bonni and Faye.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bonni is a 6 year old Corgi Pembroke. Bonni is the spunkiest of all the puppies at the pet shop when I picked her out. Truly a wonderful companion and my best friend. She loves belly rub, and gives you kisses right on your lips! Extremely intelligent too!! Truly a joy in my life!

Faye is the most cuddly Corgi ever. She is a 4 year old and is growing to be a very expressive and spunky character. I wanted to give Bonni a playmate while I study, so finally she has a sister! They got off on a rough start, but now the two of them will play together and miss each other when the other is not around. Faye can be quite feisty and stubborn. But she is truly a sweetheart. Will follow me everywhere I go and always sit right by my side.

Bonni and Faye have been a true joy in my life and I am happy to have shared them with my family and friends. My sister has fallen in love with Faye, and I will be giving Faye to her when she goes off to college so she, too, can have a companion for all those long studying days! After graduation, I plan to have a 3-Corgis family!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Candy

    Hi! I am new here. I heard about this place from Todd and his precious corgi, Maggie. Really looking forward to meeting everyone.
  • Maggie and Me

    WOW! hello! you are very quick! lol..good to see you..
  • Maggie and Me

    hello! same to you!
    Sam and his wife Silvia are the owners of this site. They really have done a great job! SOO creative!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Candy! Our FL group is getting strong :)
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Candy! Glad to have you joining us!! Have fun~!
  • WhiteDove

    Candy, thank you for your comment about my pupsters. . .they are sooooo much fun. . .I'm so glad I got another one because as you know, you just can't get enough of them. . .lol
  • Melissa

    CANDY!!! i made an account!

    get me a corgi!! :) jk.
  • Holly Daniels

    Your corgi is waaay cute!
  • Maggie and Me

    here it is!!
  • Holly Daniels

    Thanks for the compliment! I actually have never heard of Miami ad school since I have been limiting my searches inside of California, but I am majoring in advertising!

    The whole puppy mill thing has my heart torn, I know the puppies are in a bad place and often in a bad environment, but at the same time, I want to take them home and show them some love.

    I read that you got your corgi from a pet shop, and I think that's awesome really. :) I always wanna take the corgis away! And, being very honest, that is a beautiful dog; I would not even think came from a shop by looking at her! Her features are sooo soft and beautiful, I hope to see lots and lots of pics up! :3
  • Sam Tsang

    The Furminator really works, it is not the flat metal wire ones that you mentioned, I have those too, but once you've used the furminator, you really don't need other brush. I wish the peanut pic was mine, I've been trying to hunt down the owner, too cute :)
  • Sam Tsang

    changing profile pictures takes a little time, it should be updated by the end of the night :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Faye is very cute :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Okay, profile pic is up :)
  • Maggie and Me

    you're a beautiful girl!
    (you too Bonni!)
  • Sam

    Currently I am instructing at a dog club in Clearwater, FL. May I suggest that you find a good dog training club in your area. Dont be worried just be proactive. Think socialization, exposure and good training.
  • Melissa

    FAYE HAS WORMS!!!???? :(
  • Cindi

    SO CUTE!!!!
  • Cindi

    Hi Candy! Round belly is because of parasites. It is totally common! I see it all the time in puppies, especially if they've not been cared for (properly wormed after birth). Don't sweat it. It just needs treatment. Patti (corgiholic - my partner) says the Droncit should help. She'll check with her employer (she's a vet asst.) on Monday. In the meantime, check with friends and family who have pets and ask them for recommendations for vets. The vet doesn't have to be the biggest around. Many small vet clinics give more personalized, excellent care. As for Petland's vet, I don't know. But our vets at the PetSmart where I work are wonderful. I actually bring our puppy to them (I get a free animal health care program since I'm the trainer there.). Not all pet store vets suck. Some are quite good.

    Hang in there. Worms and parasites are very treatable. But it's important that you stay on top of it. Use the Droncit. Find a different vet - quickly. And continue care.

    And don't forget to give that baby some great lovin'!
  • Silvia Li

    Hi Candy! I just realized you left me a message here. Anyways, I think when your dogs started fighting a little bit. It's ok to let them be. But do keep an eye on them. If the fight goes overboard, you then step in to interup. Because if you interup whenever Bonni starts to dicipline Faye, in some way, Faye will think that you agree with her and she should continue doing what she does. Little fights once in a while is natural. I mean, even human will disagree with eachother once in a while. So, just like being a mommy, watch over them until you think things are getting too hot. ^_^ Don't worry too much. I think you're doing just fine.
  • jacquie

    you have two adorable corgis!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Candy! Hope you had a great weekend! We don't have pet insurance on Mocha or Vienna, we know some of our friends do.
  • Avyon

    Not a problem :) hopefully one of them will become the top dog around the house. Once they figure out the pecking order its allot easier but dogs sometimes take their time on it haha.

    Because of the aggressive behavior from the husky. Chris isn't going to bring down Roxi when he visits next week just because I'm scared something bad is going to happen :/
  • Sam Tsang

    That's a great idea! What type of calendar do you have in mind? 12 photos for 12 months or up to 365 photos? I wonder how many copies would people be interested.... hmmm.... any suggestions just let me know :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey Candy, Bonnie and Faye, thanks for checking out Bryson's pix! Your corgis are adorrrrrable! :D I like the idea of a calendar too, I've seen someone made a really nice monthly calendar with their iMac. I'll suggest it to Sam.

    And you know what's funny? I'm a Pharm.D. too! I graudated from Univ. of WA in 99 (too long ago)... Feel free to contact me if you need any career tips (I've worked as a clinical pharmacist and am now in the industry).
  • Jonalyn

    Hey Candy,
    Well, our 3 corgis were born and raised for 2 years in sunny California. We took them to Colorado and they LOVED the snow, they think it's an incredible wonderland, tunnelling and trying to eat the snow. We don't let them wander around for more than an hour at a time. But even after and hour, you feel their paws and they're warm. They're just running around so much that they don't get cold like I would. God made them to adapt much better than me. :)
  • Ivy & Bryson

    Hey Candy, good to hear you're interested in going to WA for a residency! I actually went to UW for my Pharm.D. in Seattle but came to UCSF for my residency, and end up staying here in CA after that. But if you need any info / contacts about the UW residency program, let me know, I still know some people there. Good luck with rotations! They're fun (but of course not as fun as hanging out with our corgis :>)
  • Nicole

    Please don't feel bad about getting Faye from Petland. Ein is also a Petland puppy. I do not wish to directly reply to your thread about worms, because I get so so tired of feeling like I have to be defensive because people comment about where he came from. I would like to speak with you more, regarding my experiences with Ein coming from Petland. Would you be willing to email me at I can't find a way to email you or send you a private message through this page.
  • Constance

    thank you. My guys are disgustingly photogenic. I have several pics I need to dust off for the calendar contest. :)
  • Sam Tsang

    hey Candy! How are the girls doing? will you be attending the corgi picnic this saturday?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Candy, yes I was refering to the one in Melbourne, Betty Bost is the host and it's an invite only event. I have an invite and I will need to reply Betty today if i decided to go, Silvia is out of town and won't be back until Sunday, but I can put you on the list if you want to go. I hope Faye feels better soon, things going okay with the two pups?
  • Mandy

    Hello Candy!!
    This picture is tak tak four month photo
    Now it has a one yeas old
    HongKong and Taiwan Corgi is good popular
    I think China should no one will understand
  • Corgi Mom

    Hello! What cuties!
  • deelee lew

    Thanks for the comment candy :) She's the prettiest girl in my life!
  • deelee lew

    Hey Candy-

    As far as my camera- I shoot with a Canon xti, and in most of the shots of kiki on here and my flickr, I used a f4 70-200L IS USM canon lens.. but I also use a 17-40L IS USM canon as well when we're out and about.
  • Sam Tsang

  • Court

    Your Bonni and Fay are so sweet I can feel the sweetness
    jump off the page! I love your site, too. You describe them
    well, helps me to pay attention to my 3 1/2 months with me (about 16 months old at least rescue) corgi, Court.
    I found you by searching conjunctivitis. Court has something similar, and he didn't have it except very rarely before he started going to a doggie day care place about 1 month ago (he loves it so, he loves water and they have baby pools and play games with the hose water stream (hard to stop!...anyway, his eyes get red and sometimes watery, occasionally a colored discharge but that stopped. I'll treat him (i have a cream for conjunctivitis, can I ask what they gave you?), after a couple days they get lighter,
    and then sometimes really light, or sometimes back to red...
    his spirits seem okay, i mean it's been hot and we've had a lot of thunderstorms and after trying many herbal remedies for his
    barking out his fear even all night storm behavior, he gets
    ACE occasionally, and then his mood gets more mellow.
    that's just background as his eyes may be watery or even colored
    a little green...but it's wierd that they will clear up and go back to red...would you mind sharing what you ended up doing and if it is still recurring?
  • John Wolff

    How do you ski with a dog:
    1. Stay away from groomed nordic ski tracks (dog tracks do wreck ski tracks)
    2. Choose conditions with firm crust so the dog doesn't break through (even so, a corgi may need to walk in the ski tracks).
    3. I now carry the Pawz(TM) booties in case of sore feet (snow chafing between pads).
    4. Bring lots of treats.
    5. Don't get ski wax in their fur.
  • John Wolff

    >Do they get cold?!?!?!

    That fur is warm.
    We rarely get snow in Seattle, but once we had an unusually heavy snowfall, so much fun I walked the dogs in it for over an hour. Their backs got covered repeatedly; they just shook it off. In summer weather in the mountain snow, they'll curl up and rest on the snow. I'll sleep in a sleeping bag; they just sleep on a pad beside me, sometimes with my jacket over them.
    Cascade mountain weather is often rainy, wet, cold, soaking. Doesn't seem to bother them.