Sam Tsang

46, Male

Rockledge, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Viera, Florida. Toronto, Canada.
About Me:


Hong Kong born British citizen, primary education in the UK, secondary in Australia, bachelor and graduate degree in the US, married a Canadian.

Spent the last decade in the Healthcare industry (Preventive Medicine / Urology / orthopaedic surgery). Published 2 books, produced 3 video titles.

My wife - Silvia and I run a Multimedia Design Firm - SiliStudio Inc in Toronto Canada since 09. Our specialty includes corporate social media strategies, TV network websites and mobile app development.

Our clients include: The Globe and Mail, HGTV, The Food Network and other Shaw Media Group subsidiaries.

I am a car nut, corgi fanatic, modern designed addict and gadget freak.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Mocha came into our lives shortly after our wedding back in 2002, we soon added Vienna to keep Mocha company.

Mocha graduated with a CGC and held the position of Ambassador in conduct with foreign canine relations. Mocha was diagnosed with Stage 5 Lymphoma in April, he crossed the rainbow bridge on July 30th 2012.

Vienna received her GED from petsmart university and served as Secretary of Defence in our Corgidom. Vienna was diagnosed with stage 5 Lymphoma in August 2012, she joined Mocha at the bridge just before the last day of the Mayan calendar - Dec 20th, 2012.

We continue to foster, rehab and place rescue corgis in need.
I have:
No corgi

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  • Jennifer Jo Merritt

    Thank you soo much. That is so thoughtful. I will be putting new pictures of the pups on today. They are 6 weeks old on Friday. What a joy!!! They go to new homes at 8 weeks.
    Thanks again,
  • Manda and Chloe

    hey sam. frank and i found henry a home with another member. he will be going to his new home on monday. thanks for the offer to help.
  • Erica

    My friend sent me this.
  • Mary Rose Baker

    Thank you viewing my page. The photos of the camping trip are in the album and also there are pics on the slideshow.
  • Brittany and Todd

    Thank you. How long have you lived in Viera? And What do you mean referral?
  • Brittany and Todd

    I lived in Rockledge since 02' and recently moved to Melbourne this year. It's a small world. That's a good idea. I have been on the internet for hours looking for a breeder who has the corgi I am looking for. Thank you.
  • Boo Buchheit

    I love this site. So may great folks and their Corgis to interact with. Love all your pictures, your Corgis have great costumes.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Sam, the rescue store is only showing one item at a time and this morning I was able to look through 4 pages of items, is it being updated?
  • Janett

    Thank you
  • Janett

    Thank you

    very nice Dogs ;-)
  • Corgibyassociation

    Finally got a call back--he's at the Vet's boarding facility cause they didn't have enough room at the shelter. I'm not giving up on rescues, just giving up on them. I know there are others around so I'll be making calls once Milo is taken care of.
  • jessimechell

    where at in brevard??
  • John Wolff

    Hey Sam,
    There are 2 active threads about grooming/shaving right now, each containing good info that might have been profitably cross-posted. Another FAQ topic?
    It occurs to me that there's a lot of info on this site that is buried in the sheer mass of verbiage and could be usefully collected into a FAQ or digest.

    One thing the net really makes you appreciate: editors.
  • Dawn Murray

    We would absolutely love to join Space Coast Corgis!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Sam, I was wondering how to make another photo album on my page? I made a puppy days photo album where all my pictures popped up and then I got to choose the photos I wanted in the album, but the pictures dont pop up so that I can make another album! Thanks for your help. Natalie
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks Sam! It worked, yay!
  • Jo Ann Farmer

    Thank you for that information.
  • Corgibyassociation

    Remarkably well, she's very energetic despite what happened. I have to keep her crated otherwise she will do everything she isn't supposed to do. Collar isn't really needed as of yet, though I expect it may be needed once the stitches start to pull a bit.
  • Alice

    I went to check the Photos catagory today just as I do every day and realized the tab is gone. Was that intentional?
  • Alice

    Ok! I see that if I hover over the View tab it will give me the option to view photos, videos etc. Now that I know it's there it's very easy to use. Thanks for your help. :)
  • Alice

    One thing I really don't get is the Reviews option. I think it just takes up space on my page and would prefer if it weren't there. I went to view reviews and tried to request a review but it was going really slow and when it couldn't find what I was looking for it gave me the option to add it but when I clicked add nothing would happen. Tried it several times and I just don't get it. Maybe it's just me. :)
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Alice, the review section should be optional on your page, I did not see it on your page. When you request a review, it will be put into the database, it will not show anything until someone write a review for it. It is normal. It is currently still in the beta so it might appear to be a little slow for now.
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Sam, I did check faq but I already have Explorer 8 so is there something special I have to do with it?
    Love the site by the way!! Bev
  • Jacob & Brooklyn

    Thanks Sam :-)
  • julie

    Thank you for the information. It's good to have a tenitive time frame of when Zoey's fur should all grow back. I love your slide show pictures. They look like they are having so much fun!
  • jessimechell

    thank you, we will check them out. they seem like good people!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Sam, I noticed on Saturday afternoon, my pictures on the blog Vest Harness are not showing up, and I have not deleted them. I also noticed that a picture on my comment page isnt showing up either. I was just wondering if you knew if there were technical problems making the pictures disappear?
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Natalie, everything seems to be fine here. I can see the vest harness pics without any problem :)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    okay, everything is working fine now. I noticed earlier today (Saturday early afternoon) the ning sites were taking a short break, so maybe it had something to do with that? Well anyways, it is working now, yay. : )
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Sorry it took a while to get back to you but things have been crazy lately. We wanted to thank you for taking a look at Monty!'s new video. Hard to believe he's 10.5! Well, as always, our shout out is to you for having such a cool "Corgi Community" to be a part of!

    Team Monty!
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you for the happy birthday!
  • Henrys Person

    Wow! I made it onto your "corgi pic of the day!" Thank you, I'm so honored! :D
  • Joyce and Mollie

    Thanks for the welcome Sam. It's nice to see your beautiful photography here.
  • Laura K.

    Thanks for the well wishes for Chloe. I'm glad that I have a place like this to get that kind of support and encouragement from wonderful people. :)
  • Gary & Jo + Peb

    nice to meet you fellow Hk corgi owner~
  • Tina Davis

    Thank you for the welcome.
  • Dez Hunter

    Omgosh the Robin Hood costume is adorable! Hahaha these are the most well dressed corgi's I have ever seen. ^o^
  • Andrea

    Thank you for the welcome! I have been in contact with a local breeder so, I am keeping my fingers crossed.
  • JH

    I love the costumes. Are any of your dogs on the products or cards?
  • Furby,Baylee&Nellie

    Hi Sam,
    We are in florida and were so lucky to be able to attened the corgi picnic in Palm Bay ,FL 2008. We have not heard any news do you know is there going to be a picnic this year . Sure hope so Jenny - West Palm Beach, FL
  • Lil' Guinness

    Sam, how do you sign up for the birthday thing on the front page? Guinness' b'day is August 5, and I want him to be posted up. Reply on my page please.
  • Lil' Guinness

    Sorry, I have another question. On my profile, it says your city and state. I don't really want to have my city posted, just my state. I'm not having any problems, but I just want to know how to change it because it won't let me. Please help!
  • Karen and Hardy

    You have some very cute pictures. My corgi haes the camera, so it's tough to get good shots. Usually I can only get them when he's focused on scheming something! He's a sneaky little guy!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Guinness' birthday is tomorrow and I wanted him to be on the front page in "Birthdays Today" In settings, should I change my birthday to Guinness' birthday so he'll be up there? Please comment on my page!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Hi Sam!
    Why wasn't Guinness' picture up for Birthdays today? I was kind of disappointed.
  • Bev Levy

    Hi Sam, Is it cost prohibitive to do a small size calendar as well as the regular size? I use both and would love Mycorgi ones. I don't know if I am the only one though. Good luck picking photos! I love viewing the ones everyone posts and would have trouble picking a hundred favorites much less twelve.
  • Zach and Lisa

    Hey Sam, another Corgi sighting...this time at Moochie and Co.

    Sorry for the blurry picture, we're still figuring out that new phone. :)

  • Lil' Guinness

    Hey Sam,
    On both of my groups that I made, there are pictures that are really stretched out and long, like the picture on your page from Zach and Lisa. Why does this happen? Please try to reply on my page. Thanks!
  • Deanna

  • Mary Bledsoe

    Hi Sam, sorry for the wrong posting area, couldn't figure it out. Will try to do better. Your pixs are wonderful. Wish I had the nerve to get another Corgi! Best of luck to yours! Mary