

Lebanon, Oregon

United States

Profile Information:

Corvallis, OR
About Me:
Computer Geek. Got my first dog (Henry) at winter solstice the year I turned 50. I've shared my life with many cats over the years and had no knowledge of dog stewardship. I figured cats/dogs can't be too different, therefore; Henry had a huge pot belly the first few days he came home. I just put food down and let him eat whenever he wanted, and boy did he want.

The next thing I learned is that dogs aren't self training when it comes to going out. Poor Henry was so confused for at least two years. Until a new friend began training me.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Henry is a Corgi cross and the greatest dog in the world. When I wake up in the morning I'm greeted by this nose under my chin and body across my chest. We have to do loves for at least 5 minutes before he will let me get out of bed.

Henry does have velcro dog problem and the two times I've left him for more than a few hours he has refused to eat/drink or even get out of his chair. He now has an Aunt in his life that he trusts enough to take him to the coast without me along. He will take treats from her and will even eat dinner if she's around when I'm gone.

Until Henry came into my life I didn't know the meaning of unconditional love (to receive or to give) but he has given me that gift also. What a great guy he is, even at those times when we disagree on how things should be.
I have:
Corgi mix

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  • Cindi

    Hi Suzanne and Henry!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Suzanne. . . . .Henry is too cute. . . .
  • Tiny Tim

    Henry looks alot like my Tiny Tim!

  • Tiny Tim

    Timmy is 7 mos now and 13.4 lbs. I am not sure how much more he'll grow. I thought I was getting a 6-8 lb chihuahua, but I love my mixed guy no matter how big!
  • Suzanne

    Henry was sold to me as a pure breed doxie... My friend keep telling me his tail would uncurl, his ears would flop... Shows how much my friend knew! If anyone had told me I would be madly in love with a dog, I would not have believed them! Darn dog has me wrapped. Now my pure breed / papered Rat Terrier; somedays I just want to pinch his head off! Love him anyway, but how neurotic can a dog get! It's like having a great first kid, so you have another and find out they're not all easy to care for...
  • Suzanne

    Henry's problem is much better. We can now go out in public again! He is eating Instinct and Fromm kibble. No more Duck and Potato for this guy! Thanks for the lists of quality foods. Will be vet hunting again, I guess...
  • PreciousMolly

    Yes I know that deer are dangerous animals--by far the deadliest in the US in-fact (car accidents). Buck can be aggressive (not to mention much larger, and better armed), and I never let her go after them. The doe in our area seem to view her as an annoyance, they trot off maybe 100 yds, wait for her to go back inside, and then come right back. She never gets within 20 ft. of them. I've never heard of a doe attacking someone unless she was cornered--though I have heard and seen footage of buck attacks.

    There are also apparently significant regional differences in deer behavior. The deer in western PA won't let you get within 50 ft. of them, and will run if you approach them. But on youtube you see videos of people petting wild deer, and deer behaving in very aggressive ways.
  • Ricky Jones

    Thank you....and ya I hear you, but no I got him from Parma, ID...I do know of a few breeders in the area though.
  • Ricky Jones

    Is Henry a Corgi/Chiwawa??
  • Lisa P from WV

    Henry is adorable...I can't wait to show my 11 year old son. He loves to see mix breeds...this one he will especially love because we have a miniature dachshund as neighbors. Her name is Ginger and she hates Daisy (my corgi). Ginger loves me though...she is 1 and Daisy is 8 Ginger claims me as family and Daisy just want to play because they are both low riders! lol I guess that's the difference in the breeds!
  • Suzanne

    The queen used to breed dorgi(s) according to Sam. I believe I got the best of both breeds in this guy, but he sparked my interest in corgi(s). I think most of his personality is corgi.
  • Nancy & Owen

    Thanks, Suzanne. Henry is adorable - you can definitely see corgi in him :) He looks so happy on the beach! The artwork of him is beautiful.
  • Gizmo

    Henry looks kind of lay-back cool guy,optimistic, enjoy the scene a lot, so he might not aware of fire that day. One of his ear is so funny. I love that.
  • Geri & Sidney

    HI Suzanne!
    Let me tell you, I LOVE that Sidney is undocked. His tail is beautiful and he gets lots of attention when we go out.

    How did we get him? Well, we searched at shelters and rescues for 3-4 years for a corgi (for my daughter, who is 16 now) and realized if we wanted her to compete in agility at a junior level, we'd better "give in" and buy one. So we started looking at breeders in our area (San Diego) but nobody had any available. In desperation we started looking outside of our county. See, we could not afford to go to an out-of-state breeder and have the pup shipped to us. I found an ad in, of all places, a PennySaver in a nearby county! Apparently Sid comes from a "hobby breeder" - no papers. At this point I figured papers were not a deal breaker (plus the price was half what we had seen from "official" breeders) and we drive over to see him and his brother Riley.
    I did not know before we drove that Sid had a tail. At that point, I thought corgi's were just born that way. But there they were, friendly, well trained, used to lving in a home and with cats. And with tails. Mom and Dad were on the property and seemed healthy and happy. It was love at first sight and we knew Sid would be a perfect fit for our family. Well, it was a tough decision as to whether to take Sid or his brother Riley.
    So I guess my advice as to how to find an undocked corgi is first to check with rescue organizations (there are rescue folks on this site who say they see lots of undocked corgis). Second, if you are willing to take the risk we did and buy from a hobby breeder, check your local newspaper or (gasp!) PennySaver! Many folks here will tell you to NEVER buy from such a person but on a personal level we're glad we took the chance. You'de have to check out the situation and see what your gut tells you. Good luck!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hey, I just read your story of Henry. I love it! He's a handsome boy (and that woodcut is beautiful). I'm so happy you two found each other.

    One of my other dogs (Bruce, a corgi mix) also refuses to eat or drink while I'm away. At times I'd given him a yummy cookie on my way out the door. When I come home, Bruce first runs up to greet me with his puffball tail wagging, then rush over to his treat and gobble it down! What a sweet, strange dog he is. He was a last-minute rescue at age 11, and he's 14 now.
  • Gizmo

    Hello Suzanne, I saw that, you may be right, that's so close. I love dog but I know a few breeds. I think I fall in love with Henry, I want my dog to have that kind of ears too. Actually I have,but in 2 dogs ..Rex's are droopy and Gizmo's are pointy.Oh,browsing your pictures..Chewie too has fumnny ear, and the pictures of places, you go,are beautiful.
  • Elys

    Your dog is adorable--those floppy ears! How can you stand it? As for keeping up with my discussions, I am also a first-time doggy mama and I have so many questions! Did you rescue Henry?
  • Elys

    You're not evil for having gotten Henry from a store. Chances are, you probably did him a favor by bringing him home and spoiling him rotten. Camber has some behavior issues that I find endearing (like her stubborness and independence), yet reinforcing those qualities are what's hampering her training. Ooops. Bad mommy ;)
  • Elys

    I know what you mean. Camber is my little shadow. Although, sometimes I think that for her it's more separation anxiety. But, we're working on it. I also feel very lucky to have the pleasure of being her human.
  • Elys

    P.S. Even as I write, she positions herself to have an unobstructed view of me. Even when she naps, she'll occasionally open her eyes to make sure I'm still there.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Suzanne, I just read the reply on James post, and you said thatHenry had a reaction to Natural Balance Duck and Potatoe, that is what Lance eats. What symptoms did Henry have besides the ones James talked about, did he roll on his back and rub his nose in the carpet after he ate his meals? Did Henry have dandruff, let me know.....trying to figure out why Lance seems so itchy.....he has been eating Natural Balance for at least a year now......I hope it is not his food that is causing his symptoms.... Thanks. Natalie
  • Renee

    He was a puppy out of one of my girls that I really got attached to, but he went to a great home.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Did Henry have any issues with his ears bothering him while on the Natural Balance?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Wow what a beautiful drawing of Henry, I love it!
  • Owen's Mom

    he has actually stopped, I think it was our extreme heat (for here that was in the 90s for a few days with no AC). He has stopped.. I started giving him COLD COLD water and he would calm down.. I think it was MOM I'M REALLY HOT THIS SUCKS! We did go to the vet though because he had a rash that was getting worse.. no idea what it was but he is on antibiotics for the infection it caused :) I'm just glad our vet is reasonable
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! We are hanging in there
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Thanks for the info!! I'll have to look into that! And of course who doesn't love a road trip! LOL
  • Tiny Tim

    We have "puppy loving" time as soon as I am awake in the morning. Ear cleaning optional.

    Timmy is also a velcro dog. He is a great companion and a blessing in my life!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I was really allergic to cats too but somehow after a few weeks of having them I got better..That didn't happen for you? I am sorry to make you cry, one day I hope to have a happier song play on his page:) . Thank you.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Thanks Suzanne!!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    No they aren't far at all! Only about an hour and a half away. In fact my sister in law who is also on here got hers from them. They are very cute! They are little too. They are actually breeding them to be little. I've been waiting to hear about them. I didn't know they had a website
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    The tan and white ones on that site are old pics and one of those is actually my sister in laws pup K.C..
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey, yeah my sister in law has been there lots of times. I think maybe she meant because that site hasn't been updated and she doesn't currently have any until the next ones are born in a few weeks. Maybe that's what she meant. My sister in law just got a filly from there too. I think she said that the males are 385 and the females are 425 but I'm not
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    No problem!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Hey!! The puppies were born today!!! Yay!! Can't wait to go get my little girl!!!
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    What's a dorgi?
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    His tail does curl. Not as pronounced as Henry's but its a definite upward curl! It's cute!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Those puppies are cute! I should be getting a pic of mine soon!
  • Liz Thompson

    Hi Suzanne, I was having trouble with the link to both e-bay listings yesterday. Here is the link to my e-bay store. Both listings are shown there (calendars & print). If the link doesn't work just type it in. Thanks.
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Awwwww...your "about my corgi" post touched my heart. You and Henry are indeed very lucky. So sweet. I love his too cute! He is perfect!
    Ty for the advice on Laverne's car sickness. Im not familiar with ginger treats. Where do I get them? Then do I just give her one before we hop in the car?
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    ty so much for those web addresses. I found some at Petco and I will pick them up tomorrow! YAY!
  • Sarah

    thankfully, it wasn't his knee at all. he only broke his toe. I feel like I overreacted but he wouldn't put his leg down so i thought the worst. thank you for all your help.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Her name is Lady Chesney and it will be Chesney for short. She was just started on soft food. She will be 7 weeks on Dec. 22 so the breeder said that we may get to bring her home that week just in time for Christmas!!
  • Suzette & Rueben Dog

    I love the look of your little dogs! And I hear you on the unconditional love thing....
  • Gracii

    Wow! A LOL-dog star!! Henry is lovely - amazing he can flop those ears; Kitsie's are always straight (or straight back!)
  • Gracii

    I saw the lol-dog pic of your pup!! It was the "Awwwww. . ." of the day. There are so many gorgeous mixes on this site!!
  • Lauren + Winston

    Have I ever told you how much I love your puppys face? And ears? <3
  • Corgibyassociation

    Henry looks a lot like my foster dog Milo! He also sounds the same too. Do you have any idea what he's mixed with by any chance? I'm still trying to figure out what Milo is.
  • Corgibyassociation

    how much does he weigh? Milo is about 31 pounds...
  • Corgibyassociation

    Aaw, that sounds soo cute! Hmm, I guess Milo could be a Doxie...a bigger one at that.