Macie Linne & Holli Berri

30, Female

Windsor, CO

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Macie Linne and i live in Colorado. I love my little corgi to death! She is my world (: I am i major volleyball player and photographer. Love being outside and in the mountains.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I Love my Corgi! She is soo adorable!
She is Unqiue in every way!
She loves walks and and to lay on her back and pretend to snore. She loves to wear bandanas too.
Her name is Holli Berri.
She is a smaller corgi Her dads name was: Texastwotoes and mothers name: Unknown?!?!?!
She was born in San Antonio Texas and sent to Florida that where i got her
She loves animal planet she watches the dog shows all nite till the corgis come on:)
Corgi loves the song Gummy Bear. She pops around and barks and spins in circles.
I Just Moved from Fort Myers FL on a bigg 3 day drive i got to sit with my MOMMY!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Nicola Porter

    They do look a lot alike. My Max was a typical big chested, big boned, lots of undercoat old type corgi. LO is totally different, I don't think he will get more than 20 pounds. He is much slender and has a shorter coat. I am from Harrow, but live in Jacksonville Florida now. I am coming over for my niece's wedding in July in Uxbridge so I may have to get a corgi fix....LOL
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Geri & Sidney

    welcome to mycorgi, Brooke and Holli Berri!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you! Actually, Sidney is not a cardigan; he's a Pembroke who is undocked. That's what they would naturally look like!

    If you want to see a gorgeous cardigan, look up Natalie and Lance. Lance has the most beautiful blue eyes!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Go to my page and click on my music player which will direct you to the site..sign up..find your music then get your code and enter it on your page. Thats it. And if you want to add music or delete music you can do it on that site and don't have to do anything here..the site w/link it here and do all the changes so you can have that player on many different sites and manage it from one.
  • Sam Tsang

  • GoGoRainbow

    yes, at least to me, she seems small. She's my first so I can't be for sure ^_^ but she was sort've the runt, and her mom seemed small.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi Brooke! thanks for the great comments about Kitty and I like Holli Berris' pics.Hope you both enjoy your travels and the summer!!
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Shippo and I are doing fine. =3 Where'd you move to?
  • Arrow and Pengu

    She's about 14 weeks old...super fun!
  • Arrow and Pengu

    We have a doggy door so potty training has been a breeze! Our first dog Galoot is a Beagle and was little stubborn and hard to train, but Pengu has been a lot easier to train but probably because she follows Galoot everywhere. I am 35 a waitress/ student. I'm in my junior year at University of Houston-Downtown. I'm majoring in education 6th to 8th grade. Gonna be a middle school teacher!!!!
    I got Pengu at the beginning of summer break so she would be acclimated to her new home and independent enough to be alone all day...well alone with her big sis.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Where is Windsor CO? My fiance and I want to move to Colorado after I graduate, we were thinking outside of Denver or Boulder. I am pretty sure we will have to wait a good while for the housing market to go back up though. Here in Houston housing is already cheaper than Colorado but now the value of our home is not so great.
    What do you do that allows you to travel so much?
  • Arrow and Pengu

    When I was a teen I wanted to be a marine biologist! Then I met a marine biologist that said that jobs were scarce... he was doing construction.
    I also wanted to go into science but in order to get a decent paying job you have to get a Masters or a PHD.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    I imagine Colorado to be liberal and artsy. That's why a lot of my friends went to Denver. I was thinking it would be like Austin but with four seasons. lol Here in Houston, it's all about heat and humidity. I want to be in the snow!!!! All those other people's pictures of corgis playing the snow make me jealous!!! :) My beagle Galoot wouldn't like it though. She gets cold easily and is always wanting to wear her sweaters in the winter.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    I hope you get to go! There are the occasional informal corgi meet ups here but I can't go. They are always on weekends and I work night shifts and I am sleeping Saturday mornings! Whaaaa!! :( That is why I can't wait to graduate and work normal hours and have vacations.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    What grade are you in?
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Photography is a cool skill/ art. That picture you took of your puppy on the tile was really neat.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    I imagine Florida is all humid like Houston.
  • Arrow and Pengu

    Gotto go! Check out my new pics. Pengu says to tell Holli Berry Hi!
  • Rose, Aaron and Sarah

  • Ferris aka Ferrball

  • Ferris aka Ferrball

    Yes, we are. Have you ever been here?
  • Ferris aka Ferrball

    It probably is. We've only taken him to the one off of corkscrew and to dog beach. Did you have your corgi before you left Fort Myers? If you don't mind my asking, where did you get her?
  • Ferris aka Ferrball

    Nevermind, would help if I read your bio. lol. What made you move from Fort Myers?
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    I am going to try to make it to the meetup. My job gets in the way sometimes though. For now I have RSVP'd as "Yes" until I know for sure.
  • Kathleen

    We hope to make it....but you never know! I think your little gal is very cute! Is she very sassy?
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Argh... well it looks like i might be on the verge of being laid off from this job, so there's a 90% chance now that i will be there.
  • Ginny and Diggory

    Hello Colorado Corgi!
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Dangit, now my job is flip flopping and wants me to work Saturday, so I might not make it to Saturday's meetup either. I don't know where Horsetooth is either... I'll have to look it up.
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    Sorry, I had to work today. :(
  • Shippo & Koga Corgis

    You should post it on the Colorado Corgis group so everyone in CO can see.