pat and mike

Pasadena, MD

United States

Profile Information:

Pat: McLean, Virginia -- Mike: Benton, Illinois
About Me:
We are so much in love with our little Corgi.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Trudy is a funny little thing. She has a genuine sense of humor and can be very stubborn. She is so sweet and smart and very pretty. You can see her on:
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Mandy and Lori

    Oh Trudy is so cute!! I love her movies at You Tube!! Thank-you for sharing and welcome to the group!! Enjoy!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Pat, Mike and Trudy!
  • Kristen

    Weldome Pat, Mike and Trudy--Trudy is a doll!
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Trudy is such a cutie-pie!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Trudy. . .Corgis Ruleā™„
  • Mandy and Lori

    Thank-you for adding Mandy as your friend!! :):)
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks Pat and Mike, it's very sweet of you to drop me a note :) It's been a pleasure launching I hope our membership will grow to 1000 before our 1yr anniversary! If you have any suggestions for the site, let us know! Silvia and I are all ears :)
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Hi Pat and Mike. You have added some great pics.... At first glance I thought I was looking at Emmy! They have very similar markings, and with the exception of Emmy's white mark on her forehead they could be twins! Needless to say I think Trudy is beautiful. (P.S. - my parents have a chihuahua named Trudy as well, so I also like the name). Tracie
  • pat and mike

    Hello Tracie & Emmy. Thank you. Emmy and Trudy really do look a lot alike. Emmy looks very, very pretty.
  • Matt Vincent

    Actually I take Jammer out there every weekend. I'm usually there on Saturday and Sunday between 10 and 11. He likes to be on the big dog side more times than not though. How about you? Do you go out there often?
  • Avyon

    Trudy is adorable! I love you pictures. :)
  • Avyon

    I knew there were meets hiding around here ;)
    Thats great! I bookmarked it so we'll def. be going sometime. Right now though they are still up in VT so we have to wait a little longer hehe.

    Thank you so much for sharing that though.
  • Avyon

    Yup but if they do other things over the year then count us in! :)
  • Lauren

    thanx, yes i did see it, i ment to comment you back it just slipped my mind, i am hoping i can go, i have it ritten down on my calender, hope nothing pops up
  • Mandi

    Yes, her little ear popped up the next day, so now she has the complete set of foxy ears, foxy snoot and bunny butt.

    Sometimes I sing the "Foxy Lady" song to her, but she doesn't like it. She is HIGHLY opinionated.
  • Niki

    your pictures of Trudy barking at the Robo Dog are too funny!
  • Lil' Guinness

    I noticed something wrapped around her ear in the pictures. What happend?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    I think Trudy is one of the prettiest corgis i have ever seen.. I love all the white on her. she is a beautiful dog. Did you get her from a breeder near you?
  • J. Spike Rogan

    I loved that clip so much, I used it on my political blog.

    Needed something lighter post election.
  • disraeli ears

    Hi from Andy and Tana - from the Corgi meetup today. Andy had a great time playing with Trudy! It's good to see her socializing with other dogs - she hasn't really had many chances since her brother passed.
  • Jessie

    Hey! I saw your name on the MD Corgi group's page. Since that group's leader has let the group fend for itself, we've created a new group so that Corgis in the DC/ MD area can meet up and stay in touch! Come join us!
  • Beth

    Yeah, I have a cute puppy picture of Jack at about 3 or 4 months where he is sitting and looking up with apparent love and devotion. I explain that the adoration in his eyes is for the treat, not me. LOL
    We like the therapy visits, though we only go about once a month. Perhaps when the weather turns colder we'll go more. The follks at the home love to see the dogs come, so it gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling, and the extra training you give your dog is very valuable. The only trouble is that a Corgi is an awkward size for therapy; too big for laps, to short to reach easily from a wheelchair. To make it worse, Jack is a dog who lays down when he's relaxed, no matter where he is, so he is always trying to lay down next to people. When I can't get him to sit back up anymore, I know to call it a day. Let me know what you decide! Personally I feel it's well worth the time investment.
  • Christy Lyn

    That's crazy, where you live now?