
57, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Kirkland Wa
About Me:
Mother of two, doggie mom of one and hopefully soon another, we live in what seems now the corgi capital, I have never seen so many corgi in one place ,Kirkland is the Korgi place to be!
About My Corgi(s):
Tova is a Blue Merle Cardigan, i have wanted a blue merle cardi for some time, although seemingly they were quite rare, in my quest i gave up and just started looking anywhere to get a new member for our family. Someone i talked to said that there was a blue merle breeder quite close to me and if it was not planned it must have been really fantastic luck, he just had a litter. Tova was meant to be...As will our second one.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Valerie! Welcome to :) Tova is beautiful, i love the blue color :)
  • Valerie

    Thank you thank you!! I love it, next will be a brindle i think!
  • CaptainCorgi

    What a lovely Corgi you have, very beautiful 8-)
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Valerie, click on "my page", then "edit page appearance", then you can change the colors, background...etc.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Valerie, glad you found the meetup group, Teresa is the organizer there, if you can make it to tomorrow's meetup, tell her i said "Hi"!
  • Susan - Fromax kennel

    Lovely blue Cardigan. Some day we might have one of that color too. When/if our Holly gets puppies in 2009.
  • Carmen

    Look at the gorgeous blue merle! Love the sweet little face. Pan loved playing with our breeder's blue merle. That's the color I wanted, but I love my little black brindle!
  • Sam Tsang

    Excellent! so is it dec 2 or there's also one tomorrow? let me know and i'll reflect the change on the front page. Could you tell me what you're referring to as "cell photos" I'll try my best to help you :)
  • Petra Marteus

    I just Love your Blue Merle Cardigan:)))
  • Petra Marteus

    Sounds great that you want a brindle boy:) I just Love redbrindle Cardigans:))
  • Petra Marteus

    The redbrindle can be light like my Frodo and Susan's Tina, but it can also be deeper red with more darker markings. Frodo is lighter than Tina I think. Here is a great sight that talkes about coloring:

  • Cheri

    Thanks for your comments about Dudley. I see you have a blue also. Aren't they the best? Do you have trouble taking walks? You get stopped every few feet by people wanting to know what kind of a mix! It's an adventure. You have a great crew. Love your pictures.
  • Valerie

    OH we have fun sometimes at the parks, they say, "oh a mutant" how rude LOL so once i told them it was an aussie shepherd, its fun but daunting to keep people up to speed, LOL, but everyone seems to think they are the COOLEST dogs.
    as do i
  • Florence Fong

    That's a good-looking Corgi. We don't have blue merles in Singapore.
  • WhiteDove

    What a happy family. . .Tova is beautiful. . . .
  • Valerie

    THANKS SO MUCH< how can you resist them, IM loving those muddy paws!!!
  • Valerie

    Thats crazy but fantastic!
  • Daisy

    Wow what a B-E-A-utiful cardigan corgi lol! She looks so soft and sweet! I love the pictures of her there cute! I wish I new people with corgis around were I live there are none!!! People always ask "What kind of dog is that?" And I tell them its a corgi but there like huh? I usally say the queen of england's kind of dogs and there like oh cute! One time when someone asked me I said shes a hampster and they laughed...Do you get the "what kind of dog is that?" question alot? I sure do.
  • Valerie

    boy do i get that, i have often thought that a pem looks like a large hampster, funny we have a hampster too. i really get what kind of dog is that because no one ever sees the tailed ones OR the blue merle. i have been told on a few occasions that i was taken advantage of because that was NOT a corgi i got. LOL funny.
  • Kim Vigsoe Nielsen

    No it was done by an english artist, not cheap, but worth it, but I know a danish lady who does it cheaper, but can get you to both of them
  • Valerie

    Doing well, Planning camping trips already! 2008 is starting out great! How are you all! THe little ANGELS!
  • DudeWheresMyCorgi

    thank you! louis is a wolf in sheeps clothing lol he's a bit of a bad boy but i love him =]
  • Valerie

    did you change your name, from corgi capers to dude wheres my corgi, you confuse this old girl LOL
  • Niki

    your corgi is beautiful!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Valerie,

    Love your corgi. Who is the picture of the two blue merles of?

    orlandmom aka Natalie
  • Valerie

    Hi, thanks for the kudo, The two blues are my TOVA and her sister LILLY, yours is Adorable as well. Nice to know you1
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome and Thank You! That is cute you have sisters, how sweet. Nice to know you too! Thanks for the friend add. Natalie
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Valerie. . .very sweet family you have. . . .
  • Katelyn

    CUTE CORI'S!!!!
  • Cathy Santarsiero

    Oh dear Valerie, now you know how long it has been since I've checked my messages! Thanks so much for your note! Corgishly, Cathy ^..^
  • James

    Beautiful dogs! Do the cardigans get along with the pembrokes like they're all the same??
  • Will-Dawg's Page

    greetings from a fellow Washington cardi:)
  • Will-Dawg's Page

    we live on the eastside, but mom seems to be working every time meet-up is @ Marymoor:( am hoping daddy will take me though. hope to see you around!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Great pictures! Love the picture of the purple flowers with the blue merle, very nice!
  • scotthoutx

    Hello from Carson & Logan
  • Alice

    Your blue merle is lovely. I just got a little blue boy myself. I too searched for a long time before finding the right breeder that would have a litter at the right time. Everything just fell in place and now we have our little boy! Where did you get yours?
  • Deanna

  • Chris

  • Edward and Gemima

    GreetScraps - -Ning Comments!