Christine Glossman




Profile Information:

Key West, Fl & Cannes, France
About Me:
I am semi-retired, living my winters in Key West and my summers in Cannes. I'm crazy about Corgis & would have a dozen if I could. Married to a very tolerant man since we all know how Corgis are!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Pumpkin is a blue merle Cardigan Welsh Corgi, 7 years old- female. She has many wonderful experiences to share since she travels abroad 6 months of the year. Her favorite things are eating, playing and running the beaches.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Christine! Your pumpkin is so lucky, get to travel overseas.
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Pumpkin is a cutie!
  • Petra Marteus

    Ppumpkin is so cute:) Where do you travel abroud with her?
  • Petra Marteus

    Hi! It would be great if you would like to join us in this group:
    Welsh Corgi in Scandinavia and northern Europe ForumEdit
    Here you can find us:
  • Petra Marteus

    Amazing, yes. I would have thought that you would have seen more Cardigans, 4 sounds like few on you travelling:)
  • Cheri

    Oh my gosh what a beautiful lady you have there!
  • Valerie

    Wow, what a face, how pretty! I simply cant resist a Merle!
  • Kim Vigsoe Nielsen

    You are welcome in the north
  • JoAnne

    I think your Pumpkin is just the most Adorable little girl!
    I did hear from someone that "she is not right in the head!" I'm sure this is a Cardigan thing,,(can you say broom?) I love her eye! so special and she's got the biggest ears! I love ears! Big ones! And Big kisses too!
  • WhiteDove

    Pumpkin is very beautiful. . . .
  • JoAnne

    We miss you guys! We'll be going to Dog Beach today and as always.wish you were here.Maybe we'll see SugarRae there.Why don't you show everyone Pumpkin in the "bathtub",that's the cutest! xo
  • JoAnne

    I miss those big ears.......when I look at your pix my heart hurts! I miss you Pumpkin! I miss hugging that beautiful coat you have! Have mommy hugyou for me, Bella Pumpkin! xoj,f,s,r
  • colleen

  • Nicole & Baxter

    What a gorgeous girl! She is a beauty. She came from Greensboro? Ah, a fellow North Carolinian. :) I am looking forward to the fun of owning a corgi...or is it being owned by one? My pup is actually going to be a red and white boy, he's a pembroke. His coat was dark when he was born, but it keeps getting lighter by the week. Can't wait to get the little guy home. Three weeks to go!
  • Patti

    Hello Christine - a fellow cardi lover, and finally another blue merle! My little Luna is a blue, and quite the little vixen - I'm sure your Pumpkin gets all the comments and all the love. Nice to see another south Floridian, as well. We also have a 5yr old male b/w, Kai. He puts up with Luna's antics, but is a great dog. How does Pumpkin handle the flight to France - that's my dog's next big adventure...
  • Patti

    Thanks Christine - He's feeling a bit perkier - hope all is well down there in the Keys. Some day we'll get these crazy blue merle girls together...
  • Casey

    Tape!!! What a great idea!!! Although - I have to wonder if he'd put up with it for long... at six months he's already fairly bossy :) I love your Pumpkin! What a pretty girl! Our corgis could be family - it's so great to see another corgi with the blue merle coloring... they're so beautiful and unusual. We're lucky moms!!! Thanks for totally making my day, Christine!

  • Christine Glossman

    If you can't get the instructions I can get them from my breeder. It's like a bridge across the tips of the ears & down each one as well. Maybe someone on My Corgi knows more. I love the blue merles, we stop traffic when we're out walking,especially on the Croisette in Cannes. Good luck with the ears.
  • twelvetigers

    Pumpkin is quite cute. :)

    Must be fun living in Key West - I got married on a beach in Islamorada. Sure would be nice to go back for a visit...
  • Carlee

    You have a beautiful Cardigan! Just beautiful!
  • Carlee

    Regis sure is loving the country! He grew up in a 1 bedroom apartment, so now that he lives in a house up here, he is so happy! And he loves that he has a big yard to play in- he's in doggy heaven right now. And he has a nice long hall way to play fetch in on rainy days :D He's super happy! I heard that you can take dogs a lot more places there! That must be so fun! We take Regis anywhere we can, but most places aren't dog-friendly. What a lucky princess she is!
  • Florence

    Bonjour Christine !
    You live part of the year in France ?! what a surprise !
    And your Cardi is beautiful !!!
    Do you take Pumpkin with you to Cannes ?!
  • Christine Glossman

    Bonjour Florence,
    Bien sûr .. Pumpkin promenades sur le Croisette. Elle est une grande étoile. How nice to hear from a Parisian. I was beginning to think Pumpkin was the only Cardi in France. She's been in Cannes for 14 months, but doesn't speak much French (like her mom). She likes it here compared to Key West's heat & humidity. She especially likes the food!!
    Your girls are adorable & they look like they're having fun. Are there a lot of Corgis in Japan?
  • Florence

    Pumkin is lucky, me, I've even never been to Cannes, and all south France, because now, my parents are retired, and they live in Normandy !
    My Uyanga was born in Bourgogne, but it's a long trip, and in Japan, dogs need to stay in quaranteens in Tokyo airport, so, she will may be never go back to our country, poor Uyanga...
    In Japan, Pems are very common, there are a lot everywhere, but Cardis are very few, most of the people even dont know about this breed.
    Pumpkin was born in Florida ? He's really beautiful !
    In Uyanga's kennel in Bourgogne, there is one blue-merle Cardi like him, but Uyanga's father is a tricolor.
    I'm going to look if I can find your friend, 3 Corgis......hhihi, marvelous !!!
  • Florence

    Sorry but....where is "Key West" ?
  • Florence

    Hi Christine !

    When Uyanga came to Japan, she had to stay 2 weeks in quarantine, but I heard it changed....and don't know what changed.

    I can't tell you anything about the climate in Cannes because I really don't know this part of France ! But people use to say it's warm all the year. But pearhaps colder than Florida ?! well, I gess...
    If your husband is swiss, don't you stay in Switzerland when you spend some time in Europe ?

    I've been to your country you know ! But very long ago, in 1978, I was 18 ! (lol)
    and far from Florida: I spent a month in Iowa, and stay in "homestay" in a very nice family, living in a lovely white little house, in the middle of corn fields.
  • Florence

    Bonjour Christine !
    (I thought that Christine was a French name, and at 1st, thought you were may be French !)

    For most French people, Switzerland = chocolate, mmmmmmm........

    And yes I work here, but not everyday, and not all the day, I teach French language. It's just good, I also have time for the family (including of course the 2 Corgis), the garden...

    Christine, if you are only "semi-retired", it's that you're working a little ?

    Oh, and thank you for your mail adress ! (here too I gess we can send private messages ?)

    Have a good monday ! Mine is already finished.
    From Florence.
  • Stefanie and Niko

    Yes I got him from Faeriesteed. His daddy was blue bear
  • Florence

    No problem with the typhoon in Florida, Christine ?
  • Anatol

    Yeah, I love him so much, your Pumpkin is sooo beautifull too, good idea let's start a West European Group
  • scotthoutx

    Hello from Carson & Logan.
  • Florence

    Hello Christine, I'm so sorry I diseapared for so long from MyCorgi, I was just busy with too many things, but I'm back because I missed you !
    Osaka is very very far from my place: I'm in the North-Est and Osaka is in the South-West, Japan isn't a large country, but very long ! I've never been to Osaka, it's the 2nd biggest city in Japan after Tokyo the capital.

    Oh, I saw your e-mail and will reply you by the same way, but the answer is YES !!! same breeder !!!
    I'll write to her for you, if you want to, I think it would be better ! ;0))

    Have a good day or night !!!
    From your friends Florence, Nana, and Uyanga.
  • Florence

    Hi Christine, thank you for the e-mail and sorry to be late to write you,
    a bit busy these days....I'll write you soon !
    From Flo, Nana, and Uyanga.
  • Jerrypoperry

    Hi, yes, my Corgi Jerry is a Pembroke. Our breeder is in Italy. His name is Fasan.So Jerry is a little Italian.... We tried to find a Corgi in Germany, but here was no chance. But it is nice to meet some Corgi Friends here!!
  • Stefanie and Niko

    I have a granddog Niko that is related to Pumpkin. They really do resemble one another. What a nice addition to our family.
  • Alice

    I hope so. Not that we wouldn't love him with floppy ears but their big foxy ears are my favorite feature. We're going to retape him again tonight and see if we can keep it on for more than a day. The ears are showing lift but they are folding on the outer edge so they stick out sideways and I'm worried that if we don't tape them they may form with that fold in them permanently. I felt bad when I took took the tape off too b/c there was quite a bit of fur stuck to it. He didn't seem to notice though so it must not have hurt. How long did you have to tape for before Pumpkin's ears stood on their own?
  • Alice

    Have you seen the new Blue Crew group? You should join. Hope to see you there. :)
  • Alice

    They are up for the most part. The inner edge toward the tip of each if isn't quite secure and wants to fold inward which makes his ears look like the are pointy. We only taped them a couple times then stopped, thinking they would get the rest of the way up on their own but after a few weeks there is still no change. I actually retaped them again last night. Hopefully this will be the last time.

    Do you have pictures of Pumpkin as a puppy? I bet she was a cutie. :)
  • Florence

    Hi Christine, how are you ?!
    I've been away for a long time from MyCorgi, but always back, of course !
    I hope all is fine for you, are you now in the US, or in France ?
    Hugs from your friend Florence.
  • Florence

    Hi Christine !
    Sorry, I didn' forget My Corgi, but I had too many things to do !
    ( like my blog....did you have a look at it ? )
    Cannes Film Festival !'re lucky !!!

    Here in Japan, school starts at the begining of Avril, and ends middle March !
    We're at the begining of the year.
    Nothing really new for me, except that I just had my hair cut this afternoon ! lol

    I'm going to have a look at your page to see if there are new photos....

    Hugs to you and to Pumpkin !
  • Missy D

    Thanks for the welcome Christine!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Aj

    Thank you for your votes Christine. :)
  • Stefanie and Niko

    You have alot of nice pics of Pumpkin!!! Niko likes to stick his face in the water too!!! As he is getting older, I can see alot of simularities to your little girl. Sooo Cute!!
  • Stefanie and Niko

    I am going to show him this year coming up. There are a few shows in my area that I would like to start with. I hope he does good!! Of course I think he's adorable and I hope the judges do too!!!
  • Michele Bani

    The same seaside :))
  • Bonnie Mills

    Your Cardigan; Pumpkin is such a sweet looking girl. I love Cardigans in particular. What a lucky girl she is to get to go around France half the year!
