Amanda & Tuck

Phoenixville, PA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm Amanda - I live in the Philadelphia area with my boyfriend, our corgi Tucker and our 2 cats Smooshie and Kitters. This is my first dog since I was a little kid and I am loving every minute of it so far.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tucker is so much fun! He is a lover and enjoys snuggling and soaking up affection. He is also very playful - and wants to be friends with everyone he meets canine, feline or human. He even gave kisses to my nieces bunny. He has settled in and is feeling at home wtih us. We love having him as part of the family.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Shannon

    welcome and best of luck in finding your new puppy soon. They are a ton of fun
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Amanda!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Welcome! Hope you get your corgi baby soon! They are so much fun!
  • Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

    Hey Amanda. Cindy here... I instantly recognized Isabella's picture because we have her brother Caden! I didn't realize Carolann wasn't going to keep her but I know Logan has been doing very well. I haven't updated pics of Caden in awhile but we've had him since September and have enjoyed every minute of it. He sleeps on my feet as I type. Carolann is great and all her dogs are amazing, so I know it's going to be an exciting weekend for you. Tell her Cindy and Jeremy say hi. Have fun and congrats!
  • Paula Hess

    Thank you for your comments. I hope all goes well for you and your new puppy (when you get one). Yes, we have enough fun and fur to go around. Keep me posted on the new pup.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

    Yay! Congrats! I hate to tell you but, it's going to be the longest few weeks EVER! We had first visited Carolann in May. Pups were born in July, met them at 6 weeks old in August, found out we were getting "Suede" early Sept and brought Caden home 3 weeks later, but boy was it worth the wait. I wished we lived closer. I can't wait to see the pics once you bring her home. ~Cindy
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you and your welcome. I can understand wanting to meet the dog first..wasn't sure how far you wanted to travel. Glad to hear your going to go look at another one. I sure hope it works out for you. Sian is a great dog. I adore her to death. I just heard from her breeder..we stay intouch...she is very happy w/how she is growing up. I'm tinkled pink w/her! Good luck w/the 8 mo. old male and let me know how it turns out.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Yes..I have pictures of him..go to my website and e-mail me through there and I'll send you more information on him if you like or give me a call. I'm sorry the other dog isn't going to work. I'm wondering why you feel that way which we could discuss that alittle too and you might come to realize that maybe he would work out. Good luck either way and look forward to talking to you more about either one.
  • Brent & Mona's Bunny Butts!

    Hello! Our Tucker say's hello to your Tucker. Welcome!
  • Carlie

    How awesome!!! We'd love to meet you guys! We're right down the road from you. We always go to the Reynolds Dog Park, in Oaks. We'd love to do a play date any day!
  • Courtney & Tucker

    I have a 10 month old tucker too :):)
  • Nicola Porter

    Tucker is a beaut, you must be so happy to have him after not getting Isabella. He looks like he is very content and I know you guys love him a bunch already.
  • Carlie

    Just wondering what you thought of the breeder? I'd be interested to hear your opinion of your experience with her. We're thinking about getting Kiwi a little brother from her. We'd love to get together and have a puppy play date :). Hope Tucker is adjusting well! He's so cute!
  • Carlie

    Hey! Thanks for responding. Yes she does have a great reputation, and her dogs are well respected. It was just difficult to get two words out of her :). I was just wondering if it was us, or other people felt the same. We'd love to meet up April 19th, possibly sometime in the morning? We are pretty frequent park goers, so any day really works for us. With the weather getting nicer, we try to spend as much time as possible there. Just let us know and we'll be there. Glad to hear that Tucker is being such a good pup!
  • Carlie

    Yep, weather depending we'll definitely be around Saturday. We normally try to take her every weekend, sometime in the morning (anytime between (10-12). Let me know what time you were thinking, and we'll meet ya there. Can't wait to meet another HoneyFox Corgi!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's


  • Lauren + Winston

    happy birthday!
  • Kimber-Leigh May

    thanks for the positivity yeah if you are on spark often please find me i need to expand my friends i find myself more likely to get on to do the input of my food and my workouts if i also have comments or blogs or something to look at in between.
  • Aj

    Happy Birthday!
  • Carlie

    Hi Amanda and Tucker!!! YES, orzo is home...Kiwi is NOT a fan, but it's ok, maybe one day she will like him. We've already been to the dog park a couple of times this week and he's doing really well. Hopefully you'll be able to meet him soon :).
  • Scott Mcclintock

    My wife and I have an 8 month Corgi and live in the Chester Springs area. If there are any more Corgi picnics in the future please keep us posted!

    --Scott, Traci, and Doogal
  • Bev Levy

    Izzy's dad is Honeyfox Gordon Bandit Echo and her grandpa is Honeyfox Johnny Angel. I got her from a breeder here in Michigan but she started her kennel with Honeyfox dogs. They seem to have a distinctively "soft" expression. I don't know about Tucker but Izzy is a very mild mannered, sweet little girl. My cat is Chong(Irescued him and his brother Cheech) and he shares the girl dogs love of the sun!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ohh Tucker is a handsome young hes cute i love your pics also,,:o) Happy corgi day
  • CJ Rostad

    Thanks for the comment on my boy, Ponch. His size and coloring is an immediate topic of conversation with people we met. Just like your Tucker, my boys are so sweet with adults, children, other dogs, and our established house cats. I haven't had puppies in a very long time and while having littermates is a challenge, I am so enjoying the journey.
  • Carlie

    Hey! Just stopping by to see how Tuckerman is doing??? Hope you guys are all doing well. Kiwi and Orzo send nub wags and kisses!
  • Bev Levy

    That is cute. Izzy is a very sweet little girl but not above getting into trouble if no one is watching. I think if Sparty was not around she would love to carry a stuffed toy around but she does find it fascinating watching him dissect one. And if she gets a chance to get one that he wants she carries it all around in front of him like she is saying "nah nah". It is very funny to watch. Our breeder said one of the reasons she started with Honeyfox dogs was for temperment and we certainly are experiencing it. I am glad you are enjoying Tucker so much. They are such fun dogs.
  • Debby

    He is so cute!
  • Cindy & Jeremy & Caden too!

    Thanks so much for taking the survey and please be sure to pass it along. I GREATLY appreciate it! Thanks again!
  • Karen and Hardy

    Thank you for your kind words on my blog post. I appreciate your response. :)
  • Sarah Rincker

    Thanks! We love him. Tucker is ADORABLE! Someday I want a red and white too, but for now, Rhys is my little handful. :D
  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    Wow, Tucker is so handsome! :)
  • Chris and Andrew

    Thank you Amanda, I am a new runner too. I started to run last year and yes, I did follow couch to 5 K program :-) I am slow but proud of myself being a runner. I finished 2 half marathons and going to run my 2nd Chicago marathon on Oct 11. I always want to run with my dog but Jeter is too fast for me haha.
    Say hello to Tucker. He is such a cutie!!
  • Chris and Andrew

    Thank you for your kind comment, Amanda.
    It was 2007 Chicago marathon that made me think about running. It was a really hot day. I was covering the marathon (I am a Chicago correspondent for a Korean news agency) and saw an old Korean couple running together. After the race I talked to them and found out husband is in his 70s and wife is in her mid 60s. They started running about 9 year ago. They were my inspiration. At least I started younger age than them :-) My husband Andrew has some ankle problem but he started walking and finished 5 K walk. We hope someday we can finish half or full marathon together.

    My half marathons and my 1st marathon, I ran and walked. Like I said I am slow(yes, I am penguin runner) and especially last year I was sick and got surgery so I couldn't train myself enough but just wanted to feel that big event atmosphere. This year I will be back of the pack again but I don't care. I will just enjoy the fact that I can run(and walk) and hopefully being the finisher :-)

    If you run the races, you will love that. I will never forget my first race. I was the 2nd from the last but that was one of the best feeling I ever had in my life.
  • Chris and Andrew

    Hi Amanda,
    I just want to say hello and let you know I finished the Chicago marathon. I was doing pretty good until I had some ankle problem at 16 miles. So I crossed the finish line later than my goal time but I was glad I didn't quit.

    How is Tuck doing? Jeter says hi to him :-)
  • Chris and Andrew

    Are you ready for your 5K? Good luck !! You will enjoy so much. Jeter says "Go Amanda, Go!!!"