

Marina Del Rey, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Redondo Beach, CA
About Me:
I am the happiest corgi in the world :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bailey is the sweetest corgi. She loves to eat, play, and simply enjoy life. The best part of my day is coming home to her big smile and frantic laps around the house :) We just moved from San Diego back to LA and are looking other corgis to play with, and perhaps even a new addition!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carly & Libby

    That photo! So cute and funny!
  • Kathy and Jillie

    Welcome Nicole, Bailey, and Espn! I loved your pics and and my fav, of course ,the butt poise..... LOVE IT!!!!
  • Lil' Guinness

    Cool! My corgi was born on 8/5/08. He was born at 12:30 a.m., so it was close to the 4th!
  • Nicola Porter

    Don't they have cute buns.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Nicole and Bailey!
  • Cheryl

    I love your pictures! They are awesome! The bloomer pics are the best!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bailey and family!
  • Nichole

    I absolutely adore Bailey's profile picture!
  • Laura Jones

    Yours is the only other corgi I have seen so far who's white fairy saddle (I believe that is what I heard them called?) is only on one side. KC only has the white on top and down one side. I joke that her fairy must ride side saddle.
  • Daniel & Ein!

    Hey Nicole!
    Love your pics of Bailey! She's SOoo Cute!! Ein's def an "active dog" w/A LOT of energy... any tips for toning down hyperactivity? What do you do for/with little Bailey?
  • Daniel & Ein!

    Thanks so much for input Nicole! I've heard the same thing from a bunch of people in the past. lol Oh and I love your profile pic! Bailey lil' butt is hilarious and adorable.
  • Carmen

    Bailey is a doll! I'm glad you learned the wonders of FRAP-ing.
  • SqueakyPink

    what a cute little corgi butt!
  • LaVerne & Shirley her fuzzy bunz picture.....all her pictures are great. Lookit that smile!! ;-)
  • Susan and Jack

    Hi Nicole. Bailey is too cute!!! We rescued our Mia when she was 1-1/2 years old. Very strong willed little creature! I'd love to have had her as a puppy like your Bailey. We would have started training immediately.
  • Emma

    Your Bailey has the same spot on their neck that my Bailey has. She is adorable.
  • Ju Lo

    Hi Nicole, Bailey is adorable! I'm in your neighborhood, but I don't think I've been Bailey at any of the meetups yet. I missed the one last month. Are you planning to go this month?
  • Maxine Stone

    Hi Nicole, your pup is adorable, I am also a member of the S.D. Corgi meetup group. I believe we might have met at one of our meetups recentlly. I hope to see you again soon.
  • ESPN

    hey bailey! can't wait for you to accept me heheeheh miss you!
  • ESPN

    Hey Hey!!!! Can't wait to see you too!!! You want to go to the Rancho Bernardo meet up on April 19th? Hope you can make it! It would be soooo much fun! Let me know!!
  • Queenie and Chico

    I think Baileys fluffy pants are cute... ;-)
  • Daniel & Ein!

    So how has the adorable lil' Bailey been doing?? "Ein wants to know!" ;)