Lawren and Teddy


Redmond, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Redmond, WA
About Me:
New dog owner. Teddy's my first pup. I've had cats most of my life but have been around all sorts of animals growing up and spending every summer with my aunt. I'm excited to have Teddy and am enjoying it, accidents and all.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Teddy is a little ball of energy who loves to play with balls and squeaky toys. The stuffed squeaky toys are the best. He thinks he's a bird dog and tries his hardest to catch them, forgetting that he's on the leash. He has made friends with one of my cats, Miss Mooch and my other cat, B has learned to tolerate him. He keeps me smiling and laughing and I am glad he is in my life.
I have:

Comment Wall:


    Welcome Teddy is just so sweet !!
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Love that floppy ear! Teddy is too corgi cute!!
  • Jayne Wagner

    Toddy thinks Teddy is awfully cute! Welcome...
  • Geri & Sidney

    Welcome Lawren and Teddy! What an adorable little guy!
  • Ed and Michelle

    Welcome Lauren and Teddy.Our first corgi Lexi, had the same floppy ear! :)
  • Emily, Lizzie, and Oliver

    Hi! Teddy -- is sooo cute!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

  • Mendy Miller

    Aww... That little flop ear brings back memories!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • The John Family

    hahaha wiggle worm... thats what we call our Kyuubi! He can almost NEVER sit still... My grandma started it. He was up with her on her rocking chair and he kept wiggling around and I could hear her from the other room saying "you need to be still, youre just a little wiggle worm arent you? you just cant be still can you; you little wiggle worm" after that it stuck haha. I am glad you are having fun with your puppy. I am expecting my second to come home in about a month. I am so excited! Isnt it just sooo fun!?
  • Jennie

    Teddy's adorable and I can relate to the wiggly butt. Maya does that too when she plays fetch, she just can't wait for me to throw the ball and keeps backing up! It's really cute. It looks like we live in the same area too!
  • Adam & Kim

    Thanks, Lawren!
  • Gail and Ashton

    Hi Lawren! You definitely have to make it to the CPWCC Corgi Fun Day next year! Ashton made so many corgi friends and we had a blast visiting with all the owners. Plus, corgi shopping!! You can't go wrong with a day filled with dozens of happy smiling corgis! <3
  • Alison w/ Odin and Dashel

    thank you for the gift!
  • Mary and Rosie

    Thank you for the welcome! I'll have to get Rosie a raincoat, my arm gets tired holding the umbrella. : )
  • Shepdog

    Hahahha, yes!

    I had no idea, but I am laughing like crazy! I can't believe how many people recognized them and emailed me; I was like, "Wha? Where? Really?" I didn't put it up there, but I love it, that's awesome.

    Yup, that's Simon and Caleb -- it's awesome. The Cardi Boyz is on your internets! ;)