
Profile Information:

Long Beach, California
About Me:
Mother of "Dexter", a handsome black-headed tri Pembroke.
About My Corgi(s):
Dexter wants everyone to know that he is a good boy...
Dexter is often asked if he is named after the Showtime series about a serial killer... He is not, he is actually named after the monkey on Night of the Museum (his mommy was watching the movie the first day he came home and said he was a "Dexter")

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Dexter is a very handsome little man!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Welcome May! Dexter is VERY cute and I love the story about his name! I think there is a little of the original Dexter monkey in my corgi as well! :-)
  • Kristen

    Welcome May and Dexter. Love his big white blaze! I thnk he looks like a Dexter! How old is your little guy?
  • Cindi

    Welcome May and Dexter. What a cutie-pie!
  • A & P

    Dexter is very handsome!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello May, Dexter is precious and very handsome. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    Hello May, YES their smiles are absolutely adorable. . .when I get home to my babies, they do a little dance that reminds me of this:

    They bring a smile to my face and yes, even a good LAUGH!!!!!
  • morgan

    Dexter looks so much like my Morgan. I love tri colors... and all other colors. I'm a corgi fan-atic. I live pretty close to Long Beach.
  • morgan

    How old is Dexter? What if we have a play date and get them mixed up. just kidding, that would be really cute to have them hang out. Morgan has never met another tri color before.
  • Molly

    I think we found Molly's twin. Or maybe you found Dexters twin! They have the exact same markings. He's a beautiful boy.
  • Steve

    Dexter is a cutie. Do you take him to the LB Dog Beach or the Huntington Dog Beach?
  • Steve

    oh yes, I had those visions too! Steve LOVES water so the first several times I took Steve to the beach I thought he'd swim away. Scott "Turtle" is not too crazy about water but he's starting to like his kiddie pool with only ankle deep water.
    I hope Dexter enjoys his first time at the beach when he goes!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Dexter is precious.. what a sweet baby. i love his markings.
  • Jenn + Karma = Love

    Wow he is DEAD on my Karma when she was a pup! I miss the puppiness sometimes.......
  • Courtney

    Hey! Dexter looks alot like my Rhet! :)
  • Stephanie & Bonnie Fox

    What a sweet boy!
  • Cooper-n-Crosby

    Dexter is sooo cute he reminds me of my crosby.
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    What a cutie pie Dexter is! Nice of you to stop by and view Monty!'s Perfect Weekend video. It was also nice that you observed the awesome bond that we have. Sometimes he surprises me and actually reads my mind!

    Hope you and Dexter have a blast!

    Team Monty!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Oh my goodness I am soooo jealous!! He is the absolute cutest!! I want a tri soooo bad I have dreams!! LOL